‫ شبكة تلفزيون الصين الدولية (‏CGTN): الصين تقود التعاون العالمي في مجال اللقاحات مع دخول مجموعة البريكس عامها الـ 15

بكين,  13 سبتمبر 2021 /PRNewswire/ —  مع دخول عامها الخامس عشر، أثبت تكتل مجموعة البريكس (BRICS) للأسواق الناشئة والتي تضم البرازيل وروسيا والهند والصين وجنوب إفريقيا مرة أخرى أن الدول الأعضاء يمكنها دائمًا أن تجتمع معًا لبناء مجموعات جديدة إجماع على تعاون أكثر ديناميكية

تحت عنوان “التعاون بين دول مجموعة البريكس من أجل الاستمرارية والتوطيد والتوافق”، تأتي القمة الـ 13 عبر رابط الفيديو يوم الخميس في وقت يواجه فيه العالم وباءً، وانتعاشًا اقتصاديًا عالميًا متفاوتًا بشكل متزايد، فضلاً عن سيل من التحديات الأمنية العالمية غير التقليدية المتزايدة.

لقد قدمت الصين، التي واصلت زيادة الزخم في تعاون مجموعة البريكس وستتولى رئاسة مجموعة بريكس في عام 2022، مثالًا جيدًا للتعاون الدولي في مجال اللقاحات في قمة الخميس من خلال الإعلان عن التبرع للبلدان النامية بـ 100 مليون لقاح إضافي من أجل مواجهة كوفيد-19.

بريكس من أجل مكافحة الوباء

حافظت دول البريكس بنشاط على تبادل المعلومات والتعاون، في مواجهة الوباء، وشدد الرئيس الصيني شي جين بينغ، الذي حضر وألقى كلمة في قمة البريكس للعام التاسع على التوالي، على أهمية التعاون في مجال اللقاحات.

وفي إشارة إلى أن الصين وعدت بتقديم 2 مليار جرعة من لقاح كوفيد-19 للعالم على مدار هذا العام وتقديم 100 مليون دولار مبادرة الوصول العالمي للقاحات كوفيد-19 (كوفاكس- COVAX) ، دعا الرئيس شي أعضاء البريكس إلى المساهمة في تعزيز التوزيع العادل والمنصف للقاحات في جميع أنحاء العالم.

منذ إعلان الرئيس شي عن جعل لقاحات كوفيد-19 الصينية منفعة عامة في الدورة 73 لجمعية الصحة العالمية في مايو الماضي، قدمت الصين حوالي 800 مليون جرعة لقاح لأكثر من 100 دولة بداية من شهر أغسطس. هذه الدول التي قُدم إليها اللقاء في الغالب دول نامية، وفقًا لبيانات وزارة الخارجية الصينية.

كما سلط الضوء على التعاون العملي في البحث والتطوير المشترك للقاحات، والإنتاج المشترك والاعتراف المتبادل بلقاحات كوفيد-19، بالإضافة إلى إطلاق مركز أبحاث وتطوير لقاحات تابع لمجموعة بريكس (مركز أبحاث وتطوير لقاحات بريكس – BRICS Vaccine Research and Development Center ) عبر الإنترنت في أقرب وقت ممكن.

أعلنت الصين في شهر مايو عن إنشاء مركز وطني كجزء من المركز (مركز بريكس). من خلال تعزيز البحث والتطوير في مجال اللقاحات بين دول مجموعة البريكس، يعزز المركز التعاون في مجالي البحث والتطوير وتجربة اللقاحات وبناء المصنع والتعاون في إنتاج اللقاح والترخيص والاعتراف بها بين الدول الخمس.

بريكس من أجل تعزيز التنمية المشتركة في الاقتصاد

يُعد التعاون الاقتصادي والتجاري أحد الموضوعات الرئيسية لدول البريكس. وفقًا لوزارة التجارة الصينية، تمثل الكتلة السكانية دول البريكس 42 في المائة من سكان العالم، وكذلك اقتصاد هذه الدول يمثل 24 في المائة من الاقتصاد العالمي، وكذلك حجم التجارة 18 في المائة من التجارة العالمية في السلع، والخدمات 13 في المائة من التجارة العالمية في الخدمات، والاستثمار الأجنبي العالمي 25 في المائة من الاستثمار الأجنبي العالمي.

في هذا الصدد، اقترحت الصين استضافة اجتماع رفيع المستوى لدول مجموعة البريكس من أجل بحث تغير المناخ ومنتدى بريكس بشأن البيانات الضخمة من أجل التنمية المستدامة.

كذلك شدد الرئيس شي على أهمية بنك التنمية الجديدة ( New Development Bank ) والشراكة بين دول البريكس ( BRICS Partnership ) بشأن مركز ابتكار الثورة الصناعية الجديدة.

وقد أُطلق المركز في مقاطعة شيامن في ديسمبر من العام الماضي. وقعت شركات تابعة لدول مجموعة البريكس 28 مشروعًا، في حفل افتتاح المركز يوم الثلاثاء، بأجمالي استثمارات يزيد على 13.4 مليار يوان (حوالي 2.07 مليار دولار أمريكي).

بريكس من أجل دعم التعددية الحقيقية والعدالة والإنصاف

كانت الكلمات الرئيسية في تعاون بريكس خلال السنوات الأخيرة، هي: السلام والاستقرار الإقليمي والأمن البيولوجي ومكافحة الإرهاب والأمن السيبراني.

كما صرح الرئيس شي خلال القمة، قائلًا: “إننا بحاجة إلى الاستفادة من آليات بريكس مثل اجتماع وزراء الخارجية واجتماع الممثلين رفيعي المستوى للأمن، وتنسيق موقفنا بشكل أفضل بشأن القضايا الدولية والإقليمية الرئيسية، وإرسال صوت جماعي أكبر لدول البريكس”.

في اجتماع مستشاري الأمن القومي في بريكس الذي عقد الشهر الماضي، توصلت الدول الأعضاء إلى خطة عمل لمكافحة الإرهاب، وفي يوليو من نفس العام، اتفقت على المساهمة بشكل أكبر في الحرب الدولية ضد الإرهاب في الاجتماع الافتراضي السادس لمجموعة عمل بريكس لمكافحة الإرهاب.

كما تبنت مجموعة البريكس إعلانًا في الاجتماع، يؤكد التزام المجموعة بتعزيز التعاون في إطار التبادلات السياسية والأمنية والاقتصادية والمالية والثقافية والشعبية.


الفيديو – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TH_iN536iiA


CGTN: Xi Jinping: A role model in respecting teachers

BEIJING, Sept. 12, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — China has a long tradition of honoring teachers. Starting from 1985, the country has designated September 10 each year as Teachers’ Day to pay tribute to educators and mentors nationwide. It’s something that Chinese President Xi Jinping has been doing for years. Through speeches and actions, Xi has been calling on people to respect teachers and give priority to education.

In a letter to representatives of model teaching units named after late geophysicist at Jilin University Huang Danian on Thursday, Xi praised the representatives for their achievements in teaching and scientific research and innovation.

Noting the great contributions made by Huang in deep earth exploration technology, Xi encouraged college teachers across China to provide good guidance to students and make new contributions to the cause of fully building a modern socialist country. The letter shows Xi’s high regard for teachers – an attitude he’s long held.

“It would be good fortune for one to have a good teacher; it would be an honor for a school to host great teachers. Constantly giving rise to such outstanding teachers would bestow hopes on a nation,” Xi said during a visit to Beijing Normal University in 2014.

At the time, Xi recalled his years at school, saying he is grateful for what he learned from his teachers.

“I have received instruction from many teachers. They taught me knowledge as well as how to be an upright person, which has benefited me enormously,” the Chinese president said, hoping the teachers could use their knowledge and experiences to guide students to grow up healthily.

In September 2016, Xi went back to his alma mater Beijing Bayi School to meet his teachers Chen Zhonghan and Chen Qiuying, among others.

“You were strict with us during those years. But in retrospect, I benefited from your teachings for life,” Xi said to his former teachers.

In fact, honoring teachers is not merely a personal behavior but is also related to the country’s cause of national rejuvenation.

In a speech at the 2018 national education meeting, Xi highlighted education as a “fundamental” factor in China’s cause of national rejuvenation. He viewed students as the major force for national rejuvenation in the future, while teachers the dream builders.

To encourage teachers to make greater contributions to the cause of the Party and the people, Xi called for enhancing the political, social and professional status of teachers and giving priority to education.

“Teachers are the engineers of the human soul and disseminators of human civilization. They are tasked with the mission of the times — to spread knowledge, ideas and truth,” as Xi noted.

(Cover: Chinese President Xi Jinping talks to veteran teachers at Beijing Bayi School during a visit, September 9, 2016. /Xinhua)


Video – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dnFWhCwx5dw

MoHAP adopts advanced tech solutions to collect and encode healthcare data within ‘Riayati’ platform

ABU DHABI, The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) has announced the adoption of advanced tech solutions, to unify the process of collecting data content and organise patients’ healthcare records in the UAE by using single common terminologies within the “Riayati” platform.

This contributes to sustainably consolidating digital systems and integrating encoded clinical information into electronic health records.

Such solutions would help enhance the ministry’s efforts to link healthcare facilities and strengthen their communication with one another, as well as facilitate the exchange of healthcare information, within the framework of a common model using internationally approved medical terms.

SNOMED CT is the world’s most comprehensive and precise, multilingual collection of medical terms. It provides a common language for consistent data acquisition, aggregation and sharing among healthcare organisations, as it records, indexes and stores patient information and clinical data in a categorised format that can be retrieved or shared when needed for clinical purposes. SNOMED CT is accepted as a common global language for health terms in over 60 countries.

Commenting on the adoption of the new solutions, Dr. Abdulaziz Al Zarouni, Acting Assistant Under-Secretary for the Support Services Sector, said that it is a paradigm shift for the ministry in its quest to unify medical data documentation forms and healthcare data.

It also contributes to improving the efficiency of the “Riayati” platform, the unified national health file and population health management, especially for healthcare providers, Al Zarouni said, highlighting that the “Riayati” platform is considered one of the priority projects that contribute to strengthening and empowering the healthcare sector in the UAE.

“Riayati” is a digital platform featuring updated data of patient records and providing innovative solutions in the automation and management of health information.

For his part, Ali Al Ajmi, Director of Digital Health, MoHAP, said, “The use of SNOMED CT would improve functionality and coordination between health facilities. It will also contribute to enhancing the exchange of organisational data, such as the eClaims Office of the Riayati platform, and the Dubai Health Authority’s ‘Nabidh’ platform, and ‘Malaffi’ platform which links healthcare providers in the public and private sectors in Abu Dhabi.

“The electronically stored detailed data in this system would help increase access of hospitals, clinics and pharmacies across the UAE to electronic health records (EHRs) and electronic medical records (EMRs).”

With comprehensive and statistical data on medical analyses and population health in place, this system will also help hospitals expedite clinical decision-making in terms of patient care and insurance claims processing, in addition to supporting the measurement and monitoring of the quality of care and the use of the resources, he added.

Also, the stored data will contribute to detecting any inappropriate processes, tracking public health and risks, as well as supporting the management of healthcare services, and facilitating the sharing of data regarding costs and outcomes of treatment options for patients.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Expo 2020 Dubai a unique global platform for creative minds: UAE Ambassador to Saudi Arabia

ABU DHABI, Sheikh Nahyan bin Saif bin Mohammed Al Nahyan, UAE Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, has affirmed that Expo 2020 Dubai is a unique global platform for creative minds, which will help in drafting a roadmap, enabling humanity to confront common global challenges and turn them into opportunities towards creating a better world.

In an interview with the Emirates News Agency (WAM) on the occasion of Expo 2020 Dubai, which starts on 1st October, 2021, Sheikh Nahyan said Expo 2020 Dubai is an ambitious international event that will bring together over 190 countries to create a new world, through creative contributions in the areas of sustainability, transport and generating opportunities, to make a positive and lasting impact towards achieving sustainable development.

On the event’s role in drafting an action agenda to promote international cooperation, he noted the active participation of many countries highlights Expo 2020 Dubai’s importance amidst the exceptional conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide.

“This requires further cooperation between countries and peoples, and direct and positive communication between governments, companies and individuals, to exchange expertise, explore promising opportunities and reinforce joint efforts to formulate effective solutions to common challenges,” he added.

Expo 2020 Dubai underscores the world’s eagerness to regain normalcy across economic, cultural, tourism, entertainment sectors, and will play a key role in drafting an agenda for the world’s recovery from the pandemic, Sheikh Nahyan further added, highlighting the expo’s role as a platform that unites the world, promoting compassion, peace and coexistence.

“Youth will play a pivotal role in shaping a better future for humanity during Expo 2020 Dubai. They have participated in the preparations to host the first expo in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia,” he further said.

On the issue of climate change, he affirmed that protecting the environment and ensuring the sustainability of natural resources and diversity have been among the core foundations of the country’s development journey since its establishment by the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, noting that the UAE fulfills all the requirements to successfully host the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) in 2023.

He then pointed out that Expo 2020 Dubai’s sustainability pavilion will be an ideal platform for showcasing environmental innovations, protecting biodiversity and leveraging advanced technologies to achieve sustainability.

The launch of Expo 2020 Dubai coincides with the UAE’s Golden Jubilee, showcasing the UAE’s achievements and its leadership’s support of the people’s dedicated developmental efforts, Sheikh Nahyan explained.

Themed “The sky is the limit”, the Saudi Arabia Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai resembles a huge window opening up from the ground and soaring into the sky.

Covering an area of over 13,000 square metres, the Saudi pavilion will offer visitors an immersive journey that glimpses into the Kingdom’s future and also demonstrates the country’s welcoming character and deep-rooted culture.

Source: Emirates News Agency

AIM 2022 to provide maximum support to startups and SMEs

DUBAI, The Annual Investment Meeting (AIM) next edition will be held under the theme “Investments in Sustainable Innovation for a Thriving Future” on 29 – 31 March 2022.

Among its six multi-faceted pillars, AIM, a renowned and leading investment platform in Dubai, will provide a powerful platform for small and mid-size enterprises (SMEs) and startups to maximise their potential, expand their network, and grow globally, as the event strives to support all economic sectors by opening numerous doors of opportunities including for Startups.

Globally, Startups play a vital role in strengthening new industries and coming up with innovative ideas; AIM’s Startup Pillar helps investors to nurture early-stage venture capital or seed funding to start a business. AIM 2022 will be a hybrid event that will feature Live Pitching sessions from the Startups exhibiting physically at the Dubai Exhibitions Centre at EXPO 2020 Dubai, or by exhibiting digitally via state-of-the-art virtual events platform.

Walid Farghal, Director-General of AIM, said, “In these challenging times, it’s imperative to provide Startups and SMEs with the maximum support they need since they contribute so much to economic strength and development globally. The Annual Investment Meeting 2022 will serve as a vital tool for Startups to receive support from the global investment community as they network with key investors, learn about growth strategies, and promote their products, services, and ideas.”

Startups contribute significantly to economic development and job creation globally. By 2030, the number of startups around the world is expected to increase and will create more than 600 million jobs.

AIM is supported by several Ministries and Government Departments, Special Economic Zones (SEZ), Smart City Solution Providers, Venture Capitalists, Angel Investors and several financial institutions to provide Startups with an abundance of opportunities.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Ministry of Climate Change and Environment issues Resolution on Local Produce Safety

DUBAI, The Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MoCCAE) has issued resolution No. 213 of 2021 on enhancing the safety of local agricultural products.

Targeting local farms, fruit and vegetable markets, outlets, retailers, and food-processing establishments, the resolution complies with the standard UAE.S MRL 1/2019 on maximum residue limits (MRL) for pesticides in agricultural and food products.

Dr. Abdullah Belhaif Al Nuaimi, Minister of Climate Change and Environment, said, “In line with MoCCAE’s commitment to enhancing food safety in the UAE and ensuring only top-rated food products are traded in local markets, we have implemented an integrated set of processes to monitor and ensure the safety of imported foods. These include issuing effective regulations, such as Federal Law No. 10 of 2015 on food safety, raising the efficiency of food-testing laboratories and quarantine facilities at border crossings through providing them with state-of-the-art testing equipment, deploying higher numbers of veterinarians and technicians, and increasing their capacities.”

He noted that the new resolution seeks to build consumers’ trust in homegrown produce to increase demand, as well as boost its competitiveness, paving the way for it to enter international markets.

MoCCAE will work closely with the concerned local authorities to ensure the implementation of and compliance with the resolution among target groups.

The resolution mandates farmers to register their agricultural holdings with MoCCAE or the concerned local government entities. In addition, they must safely use and store pesticides as per the instructions on the container, keep invoices of pesticide purchases, stick to the preharvest interval (PHI) – the wait time between applying a pesticide and harvesting the crops, and properly dispose of empty pesticide containers and leftovers.

Moreover, farmers must use clean, pest- and mold-free packaging for their fruits and vegetables, and provide records of products that they supply to the markets.

As per the resolution, establishments must source their local produce from the list of farms approved by MoCCAE and concerned authorities, keep a log of goods bought and provide the Ministry and the relevant local authority with a copy, and keep a supplier record for five years. They must also inform the Ministry and the local authority of any products found in violation of the resolution, and receive agricultural products in clean packaging containing product information – name, producing farm and its address, weight, and any other data requested by the local authority.

Furthermore, the resolution stipulates that local government authorities are responsible for overseeing the implementation of and compliance with its provisions. They are also tasked with testing local produce to ensure its safety and compliance with UAE.S MRL 1/2019.

The resolution states that penalties for violations of its provisions are set in accordance with Federal Law No. 10 of 2015 on food safety and its executive regulations, and Federal Law No. 10 of 2020 on pesticides.

In addition, unlicensed hawkers are prohibited from trading in agricultural products.

Source: Emirates News Agency