CGTN: Wang Yi: China demonstrates international responsibility via major-country diplomacy

BEIJING, Dec. 25, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi hailed the role of major-country diplomacy in promoting global peace and prosperity as he summarized the country’s diplomatic performance during the year on Sunday.

“We have conducted major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in an all-round way, making new contribution to upholding world peace and promoting common development,” said Wang in a speech at the Symposium on the International Situation and China’s Foreign Relations.

Lauding head-of-state diplomacy as having set the pace for China’s overall diplomatic work, Wang singled out the Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, bilateral meetings held between Chinese President Xi Jinping and foreign leaders of more than 40 countries, and three overseas trips made by Xi before and after the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) in October.

Wang praised the opening ceremony of Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, witnessed by 31 heads of state, government and international organizations, as having let the international community experience “a more confident, striving, open and inclusive” China.

“The Beijing rendezvous on ice and snow marked a new milestone in the endeavor of the peoples across the world to embrace new hopes and pursue a shared future together,” Wang said.

As for the dozens of bilateral meetings between Xi and leaders from foreign countries, including Vietnam, Pakistan and Germany, after the 20th CPC National Congress, Wang said they not only created peaks for head-of-state diplomacy this year, but also made “a good start to the work of the CPC’s new collective central leadership in China’s foreign affairs.”

The foreign minister also mentioned the international support for the Global Security Initiative (GSI) and the Global Development Initiative (GDI) in the speech.

The GSI and GDI were respectively proposed by Xi at the Boao Forum for Asia in April 2022 and at the general debate of the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly in September 2021.

To date, more than 70 countries have expressed support for the GSI, and more than 100 countries and a number of international organizations, including the UN, have committed support to the GDI and nearly 70 countries have joined the Group of Friends of the GDI, Wang said.

Relations with major countries and regions were also highlighted in Wang’s speech.

From two phone calls to a face-to-face meeting in Bali between Xi and his U.S. counterpart Joe Biden, Wang said the candid and in-depth communication between the two presidents was constructive and strategic.

“Playing up competition does all harm and no good, and seeking cooperation is a necessity not a choice,” said Wang, adding that China calls on the U.S. to work together to put in place the pillars and a solid foundation for the healthy and stable growth of China-U.S. relations.

Noting Xi and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin’s two personal meetings respectively in Beijing in February and in Samarkand in September, Wang said both provided strategic guidance for China-Russia relations to move ahead under new circumstances.

Mentioning the ongoing Ukraine crisis, Wang said China has kept to the right direction of promoting peace talks, searched for a solution that addresses root causes of the issue, and stood firm as an anchor of peace instead of fanning the flame of the conflict.

While staying committed to enhancing the friendship and cooperation with both developed and developing countries, Wang noted Xi’s attendance at the first China-Arab States Summit and the China-Gulf Cooperation Council had made the China-Arab relations take historic strides forward.

“As two significant forces and major civilizations, China and the Arab world have joined hands and supported each other in advancing our respective national rejuvenation endeavors and promoting regional peace and development,” Wang said.

Looking ahead to 2023, Wang said that China will keep on promoting major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics as the world’s largest developing country embarks on the new journey to build it into a modern socialist country in all respects.

“We will maintain a global vision, forge ahead with greater resolve, and write a new chapter and secure new successes in major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics from a broader perspective and through stronger actions,” Wang said.


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‫شبكة تلفزيون الصين الدولية (CGTN): مؤتمر العمل الاقتصادي المركزي السنوي يوجه الاقتصاد خلال الأوقات الصعبة 

بكين، 26 كانون الأول/ديسمبر، 2022 / PRNewswire / — تأثر الاقتصاد الصيني بالتحديات المحلية والرياح الخارجية المعاكسة، وتعامل مع عام 2022 الصعب محققا معدل نمو إجمالي للناتج المحلي بلغ ثلاثة في المئة في الأرباع الثلاثة الأولى من العام.

عُقد مؤتمر العمل الاقتصادي المركزي السنوي في بكين في الفترة من 15 إلى 16 د كانون الأول/ديسمبر، حيث قرر القادة الصينيون أولويات العمل الاقتصادي في العام 2023.

استعرض الرئيس الصيني شي جين بينغ، الذي ألقى كلمة مهمة في المؤتمر، العمل الاقتصادي للبلاد في العام 2022، وحلل الوضع الاقتصادي الحالي، ورتب العمل الاقتصادي في العام المقبل.

وأشار الاجتماع في بيان إلى أن أساس التعافي الاقتصادي لم يستقر بعد في الوقت الحالي، ولا تزال الصين تواجه ضغوطًا بثلاثة أضعاف بشأن تقلص الطلب وصدمات العرض والتوقعات الضعيفة.

وأشار الاجتماع إلى أنه “مع ذلك، يجب أن نضمن أن اقتصادنا يتمتع بمرونة قوية وإمكانيات كبيرة وحيوية قوية”، ودعا إلى الثقة الراسخة في العمل الاقتصادي وتعهد ببذل جهود كبيرة لضمان نمو معقول وعالي الجودة.

ضمان الاستقرار أولوية

وطالب الاجتماع بجعل الاستقرار الاقتصادي أولوية قصوى والسعي لتحقيق تقدم مطرد مع ضمان الاستقرار الاقتصادي للعام المقبل.

بالنسبة لاقتصاد بحجم الصين، من الضروري الحفاظ على أداء اقتصادي مستقر. وأكد الاجتماع أنه سيتم بذل الجهود لتثبيت النمو والتوظيف والأسعار بحيث تظل المؤشرات الاقتصادية الرئيسية ضمن النطاق المناسب.

كما أشار الاجتماع إلى تنسيق أفضل للوقاية من الأوبئة ومكافحتها مع مواصلة التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية، وحث على بذل جهود لتحسين الاستجابة الوبائية على أساس الوقت والوضع، والتركيز على كبار السن والمصابين بأمراض أخرى كامنة.

وإذ أشار إلى أن البلاد قد أطلقت مزيجًا من السياسات للحفاظ على النمو الاقتصادي في وقت سابق من هذا العام، يعتقد تشانغ جونوي، الزميل الباحث في مركز أبحاث التنمية التابع لمجلس الدولة، أن البلاد ستكرس جهودًا أكبر لتحقيق الاستقرار في النمو والتوظيف والأسعار.

كما سلط الاجتماع الضوء على تصميم القادة الصينيين على اعتبار مسألة استعادة توازن المجمعات الاقتصادية المهمة الأساسية للعملية الاقتصادية الحالية.

توسيع الطلب المحلي

وذكر الاجتماع أن الدولة ستركز على تعزيز الطلب المحلي العام المقبل من خلال إعطاء الأولوية لاستعادة وتوسيع الاستهلاك وزيادة الدخل الشخصي في المناطق الحضرية والريفية من خلال قنوات متعددة وتشجيع المزيد من رأس المال الخاص على المشاركة في بناء المشاريع الوطنية الرئيسية.

وقال الاجتماع إن إمكانات السوق المحلية سيتم استغلالها بالكامل حتى يتمكن الطلب المحلي من لعب دور أقوى في دفع النمو الاقتصادي، وتعهد بتقديم الدعم للطلب الطبيعي ورفع مستوى الاحتياجات السكنية بالإضافة إلى دعم منصات القطاع الخاص والاقتصاد الرقمي.

وأصدرت الصين مبادئ توجيهية بشأن توسيع الطلب المحلي وتعزيز نظام طلب محلي سليم لتعزيز تنميتها على المدى الطويل.

ستُبذل الجهود لتسهيل الاستهلاك على جميع الجبهات وتسريع رفع مستوى جودة الاستهلاك وتحسين هيكل الاستثمار وتوسيع نطاق الاستثمار، مع تعزيز التنمية المنسقة للمناطق الحضرية والريفية لإطلاق إمكانات الطلب المحلي، وفقًا لـ المبدأ التوجيهي.

وفقا للمكتب الوطني للإحصاء، انخفضت مبيعات التجزئة في الصين لشهر تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر بنسبة 5.9 في المئة على أساس سنوي، مما يدل على اتجاه هبوط في الطلب المحلي.

أكدت تساي تونغ جوان، الباحثة في معهد تشونغ يانغ للدراسات المالية بجامعة رينمين الصينية، أن بناء سوق محلي مرن أمر بالغ الأهمية. “فمن دون طلب، يكون السوق المحلي هو الماء بدون مصدر”.

وفي ما يتعلق بزيادة الدخل الشخصي، شددت تساي على أهمية تجنب الحديث عن الاستهلاك بمعزل عن الدخل. وأضافت أن دخل السكان انخفض مع انخفاض الطلب الاستهلاكي بعد ثلاث سنوات من مكافحة الوباء، وفقط من خلال زيادة الدخل المتاح للسكان بشكل فعال يمكن تعزيز الاستهلاك بشكل فعال.

تنمية عالية الجودة

كما أكد المؤتمر الذي استمر لمدة يومين على السعي لتحقيق تنمية عالية الجودة.

وإضافة إلى التنسيق الأفضل للوقاية من المرض والسيطرة عليه مع التنمية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية، قال الاجتماع إنه ينبغي أيضا تحقيق تنسيق أقوى. وقال الاجتماع إن هذا يجب أن يحدث بين النمو النوعي والكمي، وبين الإصلاح الهيكلي لجانب العرض وتوسع الطلب المحلي، وبين السياسات الاقتصادية والسياسات الأخرى.

ولتعزيز نموذج إنمائي جديد، ينبغي تعزيز الديناميكيات الذاتية وموثوقية التداول المحلي، مع رفع جودة التداول الدولي.

كما أكد الاجتماع على ضرورة التعامل مع العمل الحالي بشكل جيد وفي نفس الوقت أخذ التطوير المستقبلي في الاعتبار.

وأشار تشن ون لينغ، كبير الاقتصاديين في مركز الصين للتبادلات الاقتصادية الدولية، إلى أن مفتاح قياس التنمية الاقتصادية هو ما إذا كان النمو الاقتصادي يمكن أن يحقق تنمية مطلقة وأعلى جودة.

وقال وانغ جون، مدير منتدى كبار الاقتصاديين الصينيين، إن نشر مؤتمر العمل الاقتصادي المركزي يواصل وضع “الجودة” أمام “الكمية”، مما يعني أن فهم جودة الاقتصاد هو الاتجاه الرئيسي للمستقبل.


2022 Asia Roundtable Summit on Green Low-carbon Development Is Successfully Held 

YANTAI, China, Dec. 26, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — On December 20, the 2022 Asia Roundtable Summit on Green Low-carbon Development hosted by the China Smart Energy Industry Alliance was successfully held online. Nine guests, including Mr. Moin ul Haque, the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to China, Mr. Tuvshin Badral, the Mongolian Business Representative and Counselor to China, Almas Chukin, the General Manager of Visor Kazakhstan and Kazakh Economist, Yahaya Berakhtali, the Consultant and Former CEO of EUAS International ICC, Kin Phea, the Director of the International Relations Institute at the Royal Academy of Cambodia, Hartanto Wibowo, the Director of Corporate Planning and Business Development of PT PLN, Li Baoqing, the Manager of State Power Investment Group Co., Ltd and the director of the Working Committee, Gou Wei, the Deputy General Manager of China Huadian Corporation and Yao Qiang, the Director of the Science and Technology Committee of PowerChina, jointly carried out in-depth discussions around the topic of “innovative achievements and experiences in green and low-carbon development in Asia”. An Fengquan, the Special Adviser to the Director of the IEA, presided over the summit.

The summit, with the aim of giving full play to the efforts of the governments, enterprises, research institutions and relevant parties in Asian countries, is to build a platform for friendly consultation, exchange and dialogue for joint discussions on important issues such as establishment of green growth model, carbon emission reduction goals, smart energy development and green technology cooperation in order reach consensus in deepening diversified cooperation in green industries and continue to consolidate the achievements of systematic green energy governance, contributing more to joint construction of an Asia-Pacific community of common destiny.

As an important outcome of the Roundtable Summit, nearly 30 representatives from Kazakhstan, Türkiye, Cambodia, China and other countries and regions signed and issued the Building a Green and Low-carbon Planet: Asia Green and Low-carbon Development Initiative, which calls on Asian countries to build consensus and deepen cooperation in such areas as transforming the global energy system, sharing and exchanging clean energy technologies, and creating zero-carbon technological solutions, in a bid to further advance human civilization and transform their economic and social development modes into green and low-carbon ones, and jointly build a “green and low-carbon planet”.

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China actively optimizes COVID-19 response measures to better prepare for challenges

BEIJING, Dec. 25, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — As multiple regions in China have seen surging COVID-19 infections, local governments are taking swift and precise measures to prevent severe cases, protect people’s health, and build a barrier against the epidemic.

These measures include providing timely medical treatment, meeting medicine needs, improving health services for the elderly and other key groups, promoting COVID-19 vaccination, and strengthening epidemic prevention and control in rural areas.

Fever clinics in full swing

In recent days, multiple Chinese cities have opened fever clinics in gymnasiums or turned nucleic acid testing booths into temporary fever clinics to relieve the pressure of medical treatment and some of them operate 24 hours a day.

Besides, medical institutions at all levels are optimizing procedures, expanding resources, and increasing medical staff on duty to make every effort to address the urgent and anxious needs of the patients.

Such as Shanghai, fever clinics in 145 secondary and higher-level hospitals have been asked to be fully open to meet the needs of people for medical services.

Internet hospitals are also opened in many cities to ensure that residents can seek medical treatment without leaving their homes.

The Beijing municipal health commission said on Wednesday that 65,000 fever patients were treated in the city’s fever clinics, a decrease of 11 percent from the recent peak of 73,000. The demand for fever clinics has generally eased, it said.

Medical services prioritized in key groups

The National Health Commission has asked grassroots medical institutions to set up ledgers for special groups such as the elderly living alone, pregnant women and patients with underlying health conditions, to ensure necessary medical services.

It ordered local civil affairs departments to carry out thorough investigations in high-risk locations, including the assessment of drug reserves, medical treatment, health services, vaccination services and emergency response capabilities.

At a community health service center in Shanghai, family doctors were seen carefully assessing the health status of residents, paying special attention to the elderly over 80 years old, patients with chronic diseases, hemodialysis patients, cancer patients and pregnant women.

Epidemic prevention and control strengthened in rural areas

In response to the relative shortage of health service resources in rural areas and increased population flows during the New Year and Spring Festival holidays, when people working in cities often return to their hometowns, local governments are strengthening epidemic prevention and control and health services in rural areas.

The construction of fever clinics in township hospitals is an important part of epidemic prevention in rural areas.

Take the city of Jiaozhou in east China’s Shandong Province as an example. The Jiaozhou municipal health commission has set up 536 community medical points and organized 446 medical personnel and volunteers to provide medical services to villages.

There are at least two medical personnel in each village clinic and medical point, offering 24-hour medical services such as consultation, medicine dispense, and patient transfer for key groups.

Ramping up vaccination

In China, over 90 percent of the population has been fully vaccinated. Almost 87 percent of people over the age of 60 have been fully vaccinated, but only 66.4 percent of the people over 80 have completed a full course of vaccination.

With a population of 267 million aged above 60, China is accelerating vaccination among this group. In late November, the country released a work plan to improve the vaccination rate among the elderly.

Measures such as the “green channels” for the elderly are also adopted in different places to boost the vaccination rate.

With the optimization of epidemic control measures, the focus of China’s epidemic response strategy was shifted from infection control to case treatment with the objective of preventing severe cases.

China’s average life expectancy, a basic measure of national well-being, increased from 77.3 years in 2019 to 78.2 years in 2021, despite the gap in per capita medical resources and medical technology between the world’s most populous country and developed ones.

Upholding the people-centered philosophy, China managed to contain rounds of outbreaks. Facts and figures show some laudable “grade marks” of China’s epidemic response over the past three years and offer a glimpse into certain outlooks on endeavors toward the upcoming normal life.–1g1VSDwwxdS/index.html

Dubai Foundation for Women & Children inks cooperation agreement with J5 RIMAL Hotels

DUBAI, The Dubai Foundation for Women and Children (DFWAC) has signed a partnership agreement with J5 RIMAL Hotels to boost their cooperation and coordinate their efforts to protect women’s and children’s rights.

The agreement was signed by Ibrahim Owghan, Director of Corporate Support, and Kinan Al Ghraoui, CEO, J5 RIMAL Hotels, in the presence of senior officials from both sides.

Under the agreement, J5 RIMAL Hotels will offer free safe accommodation for some cases in addition to a variety of hospitality training programmes in order to empower them. Furthermore, the hotel will provide some women and children with daily basic needs and will also donate part of its earnings to the foundation.

As per the agreement, the J5 RIMAL Hotels, according to their employment policies, will provide women, nominated by the foundation, with adequate employment opportunities. It will also sponsor a package of activities organised by the foundation throughout the year.

Shaikha Saeed Al Mansouri stressed that this agreement reaffirms the foundation’s strong presence and its effective role in supporting humanitarian cases and extending helping hand to those in need in accordance with the best international practices and in line with the directives of the UAE wise leadership.

For his part, Kinan Al Ghraoui noted that this agreement will not only promote effective collaboration between the two entities but will also help them realize their shared objectives as well as the government’s goal of extending humanitarian aid to all disadvantaged groups.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Dubai Land Department launches its new strategic plan 2026

DUBAI, In line with the adoption of Resolution No. 81 approved by H.H. Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of Dubai Executive Council, approving the organisational structure of Dubai Land Department (DLD), and in line with the strategies drawn by the UAE’s wise leadership for the upcoming development era in various fields, Dubai Land Department (DLD) launched its new strategic plan and vision, shaping the features and landmarks of its directions until 2026.

Rolling out across three phases, and involving DLD’s employees, partners and customers in designing the department’s strategic plan for the next phase; DLD’s ambitious vision and its new corporate mission and values are as follows:

Vision: The World leader in Real Estate Investments,

Mission: Enabling the real estate community by providing seamless real estate services, effective legislation and integrated data through partnerships, leading digital infrastructure and an empowered human capital.

Values: Proficient Team, People-centric, Justice, Passion, Boldness

Supporting sectors’ goals and strategic directions

DLD’s announcement of the updated strategy took place during a time when the UAE is cementing its mark on global comprehensive and sustainable development through distinguished achievements at all levels, foremost of which are the economic and development fields, which turned the nation into a global destination and a bright model for a more creative, advanced, innovative and sustainable future.

This was all in due thanks to the directives of the wise leadership, headed by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, who seeks to make the UAE the best and most active economy in the world.

The strategy, in its final form, is the result of continuous efforts by various team members at DLD to ensure the best results that are compatible with current and future global developments and practices.

The new strategy also constitutes a qualitative addition that would enhance the contributions of the real estate sector to Dubai’s GDP, in addition to supporting the objectives of the other sectors and strategic directions.

Opportunities and challenges within five main pillars

The efforts made while preparing the new strategic plan revealed a number of pioneering and proactive ideas, most prominent of which were five main pillars.

The first is a pioneering real estate model, by enhancing the sector’s readiness and sustainability, and ensuring effective governance of the real estate sector.

The second pillar is being a real estate innovation incubator by fostering a globally attractive real estate sector and harnessing technology to enable real estate solutions development.

The third pillar is a data-driven sector, by maximising the added value of sector data and raising awareness, trust and transparency in the real estate sector.

The fourth pillar is Agile DLD, to cultivate a flourishing digital ecosystem, enhance DLD’s operations and improve corporate governance efficiency, and foster partnership with public and private sectors.

The fifth and final pillar is Exceptional Journeys 2.0, through which the focus is on shifting to employee-first culture, refreshing DLD identity and enhance its position, and move to a proactive and ‘human’-focused approach.

Initiatives and Performance Indicators

The strategic initiatives have also been identified, classified according to the ease of application and priority matrix, so that the team members will work to ensure their implementation in the best possible way, in cooperation with various partners and customers, which constitutes an incentive and support for the transformation and transition of DLD from the current situation to the future situation, as these initiatives are distributed over the five pillars mentioned, to contribute to providing everything that would play a pivotal role in developing the ambitious strategic plan, providing sustainable and forward-looking solutions, and addressing the opportunities and challenges that these pillars include, in addition to setting strategic performance indicators, that DLD seeks to support the sectors’ goals and strategic directions.

Implementation and development stages

As for the implementation plan for the approved initiatives, it includes three main stages.

The first is the launch of quick-gain initiatives to ensure that DLD adapts to the proposed changes.

The second stage is empowerment by working to empower the real estate sector and DLD alike and providing the necessary support to implement the transformation smoothly.

The third stage is achieving sustainable impact by expanding the scope of influence to reach a global real estate system.

The development of DLD’s updated strategy was presented to ensure the best results and outputs, according to four fundamental principles, the first principle being sustainable impact by directing DLD’s efforts towards achieving evolution and sustainable development in the real estate sector.

The second principle is local adaptation by adopting global practices and adapting them to the unique features and needs of the real estate market in Dubai.

The third principle is global leadership by developing a plan to position Dubai as a role model in the real estate sector.

The fourth principle is cooperation and harmonisation by adopting a participatory approach that includes all stakeholders and those concerned with DLD’s plan.

DLD extends its gratitude to its various partners, from government and private entities that influence the real estate sector, given the important and vital role they played in designing the strategy, and looks forward to continuing this cooperation over the coming period.

Source: Emirates News Agency