Namira Mosque: A Historic Landmark in Arafat

Mina: Nestled within the sacred grounds of Arafat, Namira Mosque holds profound importance for pilgrims embarking on their Hajj journey. As the sun rises on the ninth day of Dhu Al-Hijjah, pilgrims flock to this historic location, following in the footsteps of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during his Farewell Pilgrimage, as they perform both the noon and afternoon prayers.

Nimra Mosque’s origins trace back to the early Abbasid Caliphate period. It stands on the very spot where Prophet Muhammad delivered a momentous speech during his Farewell Pilgrimage.

Under the reign of King Abdulaziz bin Abdulrahman Al Saud, Namira Mosque underwent a massive SAR237 million expansion. Today, it stands as the second-largest mosque in the Makkah Region, after the Grand Mosque, covering an area of 110,000 square meters and accommodating 400,000 worshippers. The expansion included remarkable features such as six minarets, three domes, ten main entrances with 64 doors, and a spacious shaded courtyard. An external radio
room facilitates the live satellite broadcast of sermons and prayers.

Dedicated to ensuring the comfort and security of pilgrims, the Ministry of Islamic Affairs has undertaken various initiatives at Namira Mosque. These efforts encompass maintenance, efficient operation, thorough cleaning, luxurious carpeting, upgrades to the air conditioning and air purification systems, and the upkeep of electrical generators and security cameras.

Namira Mosque serves as a testament to the rich history and traditions of Islam. Through continuous preservation and modernization endeavors, Saudi Arabia upholds the significance of this landmark, ensuring it continues to cater to the needs of pilgrims as they engage in their sacred rituals.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Seminar: ‘Challenges to the national project in light of the war on Gaza’

Ramallah – Together – The Jerusalem House for Palestinian Studies and Research held a symposium on the challenges of the national project in light of the war on Gaza, in the Al-Bireh Municipality Hall. Historian and writer Hossam Abu Al-Nasr opened the session by refuting the latest statistics as a result of the ongoing aggression, which exceeded 40,000 martyrs, including civilians and unarmed people. Targeting medical teams and that the number of journalist martyrs has reached more than 140 martyrs, with the continued aggression of settlers against villages and cities in the West Bank, while the occupation has killed 450 martyrs in the West Bank since the outbreak of the war. This confirms that the occupation’s plan is not only Gaza, and I consider that the humanitarian need is urgent now in The Gaza Strip is in light of the shortage of food and medicine, the collapse of the entire health system, and the reconstruction of Gaza will not be completed without our unity and the restoration of our compass. There
is no defeat in unity and no victory in division, and there is no single peace or single war, that is, all of this can only be achieved with unity of decision.

Meanwhile, Dr. Jihad Harb, a researcher and writer in politics and governance affairs, spoke about the necessity of bringing back change within the factions’ ideology, giving an opportunity to youth, renewing the work of parties and getting closer to the street, and urging the public interest to prevail regarding the Palestinian issue, thinking about the day after the war, and working to establish a founding council. New to monitor the regime and take into account the priorities of the people. As for Ahmed Ghoneim, a member of the National Council, he refuted the challenges facing the Palestinian national project and reviewed the path of the Palestinian struggle, and the clear change in the international position towards the Palestinian issue, and we must benefit from that. Ghoneim stressed the call for Palestinian national unity away from all The int
ernal differences in which the Palestinian people lose, and he stressed that the PLO is the tent of all of us and our legitimacy and cannot be bypassed, so reforming it from within is an urgent necessity because it is our unification.

Meanwhile, Ratiba al-Natsheh, a member of the Political Bureau of the Feda Party, considered it important to read the enemy’s policy, in light of the loss of the Palestinian cause to the Arab incubator, and in light of regional and foreign conspiracies, and she stressed the role of the PLO as a national liberation movement, so its identity must be restored by calling on the leadership of the PLO to work to change Ideas, programmes, non-compromise and negotiations on the historic land of Palestine, and determining who are the allies of the State of Palestine and who are its opponents.

As for Issam Bakr, the representative of the People’s Party in the Forces and Factions Committee, he discussed the definition of the Palestinian national project first as an entry point to the sol
ution and the necessity of clarifying the Declaration of Independence in 1988 as an existing declaration or not. This is important in determining our priority and program more than 35 years after its declaration and that we must determine whether we as a people Is an authority in a stage of national liberation, or is the Oslo Accord still a title for the stage, and the truth is that it is no longer a title, while Bakr stressed the necessity of complete equality for our people inside and our right to return to our occupied lands, and the necessity of continuing and continuing to demand the rights of the Palestinian people, and he considered that the steadfastness of the people of Gaza during a period of 9 continuous months of war is against This aggression requires us to be responsible.

As for Dr. Muhammad Abu Hamid, head of the Ahd Institute for Studies, he stressed that Israel continues the process of obliterating the Palestinian identity, and considered that the Palestinian national project was previously
weak and must be addressed to solve our issues. He looked at the historical aspect and the role of the Egyptian army during the 1948 war, and how the sector arose. Gaza and the refugee camps arriving in the Gaza Strip, and the importance of the people’s steadfastness during previous wars, and the failure of the plan to displace the people of Gaza to Sinai several times, the most important of which was in the mid-fifties, while the attendees came up with recommendations, the most important of which are the necessity of unity and the success of the meeting with China, to rebuild what the occupation destroyed and stop the barbaric aggression against our people. .

Source: Maan News Agency

A young man, his wife, and their daughter from Kafr Qasem were killed in a traffic accident in Sinai

Jerusalem – Together – The young man Asid Amer, his wife Jumana, and their child Julia were killed after they were involved in a road accident in Sinai on the way to Sharm El-Sheikh, this afternoon, Saturday.

In the accident, two other children were moderately and seriously injured.

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated, ‘This morning, a serious car accident occurred in which three members of an Israeli family were killed and other members of the family were injured, who were traveling in the Nuweiba area in Egypt.’

The Foreign Ministry said that the Israeli Embassy in Cairo and the Department of Affairs of Israelis Abroad at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are dealing with the incident, and are working with the Egyptian authorities to help families transport the coffins of the deceased to Israel, in addition to helping the injured in hospitals.

Source: Maan News Agency

TGA Conducts Over 3,000 Inspections in Makkah and Madinah on Eighth Day of Dhu al-Hijjah

Makkah: To ensure the safety and security of pilgrims during their Hajj rituals, the General Transport Authority’s (TGA) inspection teams conducted over 3,000 inspections of various transportation means in Makkah and Madinah on the eighth day of Dhu al-Hijjah.

The authority detected over 590 violations, including operating vehicles without permits, using unqualified drivers, and drivers failing to adhere to the official dress code or carry cargo documents.

The authority continues its monitoring efforts throughout the Hajj season to ensure safe and smooth transportation services and to enhance the quality of services provided to the pilgrims. Beneficiaries can contact the authority through the unified number 19929 for inquiries or complaints.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Saudi Foreign Minister Meets with Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister

Lucerne: Minister of Foreign Affairs Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah met today with the Republic of Iraq’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Dr. Fuad Hussein on the sidelines of the Ukraine Peace Summit, held in Lucerne, Switzerland.

During the meeting, they reviewed the fraternal relations between the two countries and ways to strengthen and develop them. They also discussed regional and international developments and the efforts exerted in this regard.

The meeting was attended by Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Political Affairs Dr. Saud bin Mohammed Al-Sati, Saudi Ambassador to Switzerland Dr. Adel Mirdad, and Director General of the Foreign Minister’s Office Abdulrahman Al-Dawood.

Source: Saudi Press Agency