‫العناية والوصول : دعم OPPO من أجلك

شنتشن، الصين, 11 يونيو 2021 / PRNewswire / 2021 / –منذ 19 مايو،أطلقت OPPO فعاليات حدث  Trustworthyفيأكثرمن 20 بلد،منه اإندونيسيا وماليزيا وباكستان و بنغلاديش و مصر والجزائر وغيرها. ولنيقتصرالحدث  علىإصداربعض  البيانات  عنخدمات أوبو فحسب ،بلسينظم أيضا بعض الأنشطة مع تقديمهداياخاصة للمستخدمينفيبعض المناطق. تهدف الفع الية إلى إظهارالجهود التي تبذلها OPPO لتقديم للمستخدمين خدمة تتميز بالضمان والموثوقية كالخدمات الجديرةبالثقة المذكورةأدناه.

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الخدمة الذاتية في متناول يديك

الخط الساخن:  عندما تنسى كيفية وضع تخطيط سطح المكتب، تعديل إيماءات الشاشة، أو لديك استفسار عن منتجات  OPPO ، يمكنك معرفة الإجابة  عن استفساراتك عبرخدمة الخط الساخن .

الأسئلة الشائعة في موقع الويب:  للاستفسارات العامة، يمكنك الاطلاع على الأسئلة الشائعة عبر الموقع الرسمي.

 البريد الإلكتروني للخدمة:  إذا كان لديك أي اقتراحات أو أسئلة، فلا تتردد في إرسال  بريد إلكتروني إلى صندوق بريد  OPPO .

الأشياء الأكثر أهمية خلال الصيانة

قطع الغيار الأصلية:  يتم استخدام قطع الغيار الأصلية للإصلاح في مراكز الخدمات التابعة لـ  OPPO .

شفافية الأسعار:  أسعار قطع الغيار م علنة بوضوح على الموقع الرسمي وفي مراكز الخدمة.

الإصلاح وجهًا لوجه:  للتخفيف من حدة مخاوفك، يمكنك الأستمتاع بمشاهدة عملية الصيانة بأكملها في مراكز الخدمات المطورة.

أمن المعلومات:  كن مطمئنًا، تلتزم  OPPO  بشدة باللائحة العامة لحماية البيانات  في حماية خصوصية المستخدمين.

لرعاية خدماتك اليومية  (لمراكز خدمة  OPPO المعتمدة /المصممة ذاتيًا  فقط)

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مشروع الطاقة:  استمتع بالخدمة المجانية لشحن الهاتف.

لاصقة حماية الشاشة مجانا:  استمتع بلاصقة حماية الشاشة للهاتف عدة مرات كل عام.

ضمان الخدمة بدون قلق

خدمة الضمان الدولية:  أخذت  OPPO  زمام المبادرة في إطلاق خدمة الضمان الدولي، ولأجهزة محددة،يمكنك الاستمتاع بخدمات الضمان والإصلاح وتحديث البرامج في مراكز الخدمة المعتمدة في أكثر من 59 دولة / منطقة.

نحيط بسيادتكم ، تختلف جميع الخدمات المتاحة من منطقة إلى أخرى، يرجى استشارة مركز الخدمة المحلي للحصول على الخدمات المحددة.

دعم  OPPO  ليس مجرد لاستكشاف الأخطاء وإصلاحها والاستفسارات وتهدف  إلي تلبية الاحتياجات المتنوعة بشكل متزايد للمستخدمين. في المستقبل، ستتمسك خدمة دعم   OPPO  بمبدئها الأساسي “العناية والوصول” وتحديث الخدمات باستمرار لتوفير تجربة أفضل للجميع.

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Parental education brings large benefits for child survival, researchers find

Study one of few to look at maternal and paternal education, finding protective effects of both

SEATTLE, June 11, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — A new study conducted by researchers at the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington School of Medicine and the Centre for Global Health Inequalities Research (CHAIN) found significant reductions in children’s risk of death associated with more years of parental education.

According to the study, a single year of maternal education reduced the risk of death for children under 5 years of age by 3%, and children born to mothers with 12 years of education are more than 30% less likely to die before age 5, compared to those born to mothers with zero years of education. Twelve years of paternal education reduced the risk of under-5 mortality by 17% compared to no years of education.

“This research is exciting because of the consistency of positive effects of education across geographies and time,” said Hunter York, the study’s lead author. “While this evidence isn’t causal, it points to a relationship that goes beyond the influence of behaviors correlated with lower education, such as smoking, or policy interventions which aim to improve child survival regardless of parental education level, like free family planning. These are important mechanisms affecting the relationship between education and child health, but our results suggest a beneficial function of education in and of itself.”

The study authors highlighted the importance of further research on paternal education, which has been studied far less than maternal education.

“Even after controlling for a mother’s education, the father’s education still matters,” said Professor Emmanuela Gakidou, one of the senior authors on the study. “The majority of studies look only at maternal years of education, but it is crucial to understand and analyze the connection between the two, and not to discount the contribution of paternal education to child survival.”

Over 300 studies from 92 countries were included in the analysis, capturing over three million live births. The researchers found that the protective effect of parental schooling strengthened as a child’s age increased, but was significant for all age groups under 5 years.

  • For neonates (0-27 days), each additional year of maternal education reduced mortality risk by 1.5%. Each year of paternal education reduced risk by 1.1%.
  • For infants (1-11 months), each year of maternal education reduced mortality risk by 3.7%. Each year of paternal education reduced risk by 1.8%.
  • For young children (1-4 years), each year of maternal education reduced mortality risk by 4.4%. Each year of paternal education reduced risk by 2.2%.

The relationship was present across regions and after controlling for wealth or income, partner’s education level, and the sex of the child.

“Further reductions in child mortality are needed, and investments in education may be key to achieving this,” said CHAIN leader Professor Terje Andreas Eikemo. “It is time that education is brought onto the international policy agenda as a global determinant of child survival.”

Importantly, the study also found that the impact of each additional year of education on child survival remained the same for primary, secondary, and tertiary education – indicating that a focus on only primary education misses opportunities to reduce the number of under-5 deaths and give children the best chance of survival.

“Even across generations, education and health are linked,” said Kam Sripada, one of the study’s lead authors. “Universal access to quality schooling must be a priority from the earliest years into higher education, both to support the current generation in reaching its potential and to help the next generation survive and thrive.”

The study was funded by the Norwegian Research Council, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Rockefeller Foundation-Boston University Commission on Social Determinants, Data, and Decision Making (3-D Commission).

Contact: media@healthdata.org

About the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation

The Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) is an independent global health research organization at the University of Washington School of Medicine that provides rigorous and comparable measurement of the world’s most important health problems and evaluates the strategies used to address them. IHME is committed to transparency and makes this information widely available so that policymakers have the evidence they need to make informed decisions on allocating resources to improve population health.

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‫عروض الأطفال المشهورة للغاية من شركة Moonbug Entertainment تُعرَض على BBC

تشمل البرامج Global Hits CoComelon، Go Buster، Little Baby Bum ويتوفر المزيد من البرامج حاليًا

لندن، 10 يونيو 2021 /PRNewswire/ —

Moonbug Entertainment Ltd. ، أعلنت إحدى الشركات التقنية الكبرى في العالم اليوم عن توافر برامج الأطفال ثرية المحتوى والممتعة والتي يمكن التعاطف معها على BBC. إن جميع الحلقات المتوفرة الخاصة بالعناوين المشهورة للغاية التي تشمل CoComelon، Digley and Dazey، Little Baby Bum، Go Buster وPlaytime with Twinkle يمكن للعائلات الاستمتاع بها الآن في المملكة المتحدة على BBC iPlayer.

Moonbug x BBC

أشار نيكولاس إغلاو، مدير الإدارة في منطقة أوروبا والشرق الأوسط وأفريقيا وآسيا والمحيط الهادئ في Moonbug، قائلاً “يعد تعاوننا مع BBC أول شراكة لنا مع هيئة إذاعة عامة. ويعد ذلك وسم جودة حقيقي لفرقنا المبدعة”! “تشتهر BBC عالميًا ببرامجها الممتعة للأطفال في مرحلة ما قبل المدرسة، وتفتخر Moonbug بشراكتها مع هذه المؤسسة المعروفة.”

تقدم برامج Moonbug مواضيع عالمية للأطفال يمكن ارتباطها بالذهن من خلال الرسوم المتحركة الملونة وسرد القصص المقنعة. تدعم رسوم Moonbug المرحة وأغانيها التي تعلق بالأذهان تطوير الأطفال وتعلمهم، سواء كانوا يأكلون الخضروات أو يستعدون للنوم.

لمحة عن Moonbug Entertainment

Moonbug Entertainment شركة ترفيه عالمية حائزة على جوائز تقدم البرامج التعليمية المستندة إلى القيم للأطفال. تتضمن تشكيلة برامج الأطفال المشهورة برامج عالمية ترتكز على الإحساس مثل CoComelon، Blippi، Little Baby Bum، My Magic Pet Morphle، Supa Strikas، Go Buster، Playtime with Twinkle، Gecko’s Garage، ARPO والعديد من البرامج المتوفرة في 27 لغة.

خلال سنتَين فقط، أصبحت محطة تضم برامج أطفال بمكتبة بها أكثر من 550 ساعة من المحتويات، ويتم توزيعها على أكثر من 100 منصة عالميًا، وتتضمن YouTube، Netflix، Hulu، Amazon Prime Video، Sky، Tencent، Youku وRoku. في مايو 2020، أطلقت Tubular Labs لفظ Moonbug على إحدى الشركات الترفيهية التقنية الرائدة العالمية للأطفال استنادًا إلى إجمالي عدد الدقائق التي تم مشاهدتها حول العالم.

صورة – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1529884/BBC_Moonbug.jpg

UAE stocks gain AED23 bn in market cap in five sessions

ABU DHABI, UAE financial markets continued to extend gains on Thursday following high sales declared by some blue chips. Over AED8.2 bn transactions were struck today, pushing the Abu Dhabi main share index around 1.7 percent up to 6,716 pts, with the Dubai main index following suit, edging up 0.06 pct to 2,842 pts.

ADX-listed International Holding Company continued its upward streak to AED97.4 amid AED3.53 bn in transactions. FAB also was among the best performers, closing favourably at AED16.94 following transactions worth AED1.13 bn. Aldar Properties likewise edged up to AED3.81 after AED1 bn in deals.

Today’s transactions increased the market cap of listed firms by AED23 bn over the past five sessions.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Sharjah Police briefs Dubai Police Force on ‘Safe Neighborhood’ initiative

SHARJAH, The Sharjah Police General Command has exchanged experiences and enhanced joint cooperation with the Dubai Police Force (DPF) via a remote meeting, aiming to promoting the application of the best practices in the security field.

The Sharjah Police General Command briefed its counterpart in Dubai on the “Safe Neighborhood” initiative, reviewing the ambitious outcomes it achieved in accordance with the best practices applied in the security field.

The meeting was held remotely between the General Department of Police Operations in Sharjah Police and the Future Foresight Center, the Police Stations Council, and the General Department of Criminal Investigations and Investigations at Dubai Police.

The meeting was attended by Brigadier General Ahmed Haji Al Serkal, Director General of Police Operations at the Sharjah Police General Headquarters, Brigadier Ibrahim Musabah Al-Ajeel, Deputy Director-General of Police Operations at Sharjah Police, Brigadier Dr. Abdullah bin Sultan, Director of the Center for Future Foresight and Decision Support, as well as a number of officers in both commands.

At the beginning of the meeting, Brigadier General Al Serkal praised the remarkable efforts made by the Dubai Police in enhancing security and safety, lauding the joint cooperation, the level of general coordination, and the complementary roles in achieving high-quality results that serve the strategic, coherent and strategic objectives of the Ministry of Interior.

In turn, Brigadier General Dr. Abdullah bin Sultan commended the efforts of the Sharjah Police in enhancing the security field and the constructive strategic cooperation.

Commenting on this, Brigadier Ibrahim Musabah Al-Ajeel has highlighted the importance of such meetings, which contribute to promote the development of work methods and procedures.

Concluding the meeting, Brigadier General Al Serkal wished more progress and prosperity for all in different areas, praising the outcomes of the meeting, contributing in achieving the common goals.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Green hydrogen a promising energy source to accelerate shift towards green economy: DEWA CEO

DUBAI, The UAE is the first country in the Middle East and North Africa that has taken major steps to produce hydrogen using clean energy as part of it supports its strategy to build an economy based on renewable energy sources, which helps increase foreign investments and scale up high-end partnerships, stated Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, MD and CEO of Dubai Electricity & Water Authority (DEWA).

This comes in the wake of the growing demand for clean energy in local markets, which strengthens the UAE’s global leading role in spearheading decarbonisation across various vital industries, Al Tayer said in an op-ed, published today.

He said, “In a new milestone confirming Dubai’s leadership in clean and renewable energy, H.H. Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum, Chairman of the Dubai Supreme Council of Energy, inaugurated the Green Hydrogen project at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park in Dubai on 19th May 2021. This pilot project is the first of its kind in the Middle East and North Africa to produce eco-friendly hydrogen using renewable energy.”

“Green hydrogen is a promising and environmentally-friendly source of energy. It is usually produced by water electrolysis. Green hydrogen represents one of the pillars of a sustainable future that depends on accelerating the transition to carbon neutrality to support a green economy. Its objectives are to develop the green mobility sector and reduce carbon emissions from large-scale industries that produce large amounts of carbon, such as trucks, trains, ships and airplanes, as well as generating electricity. This means it can help reduce CO2 emissions around the world.

“If green hydrogen successfully reduces the costs of producing clean energy compared to its current price range of US$3 6.5 per kilogram, it will likely be able to compete with hydrogen produced using fossil fuels and associated with carbon emissions, whose cost is less than a dollar.

“Therefore, hopes are high for Green Hydrogen. Thanks to the efforts of our R&D Centre, we believe that green hydrogen production will take the same trend as solar power, wind power, and batteries. We had the same experience when we launched the first phase of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park in Dubai, which used solar photovoltaic panels with a capacity of 13 MW. The pilot project generates electricity from the thin-film solar cells with an efficiency of only 11.8 percent, while the cost of producing a kilowatt hour of electrical energy reached $0.11 cents. Currently, we have managed to reach a 22 percent efficiency rate.

“Following our adoption of the bifacial solar cell technology, self-cleaning solutions, and an advanced automatic sun tracking system, we will be able to increase the efficiency of energy production to 24 percent, and also decrease the cost of producing a kilowatt hour of electrical energy to just $1.69, and these costs are still declining.

“Today, the world is witnessing an increasing interest in investing in clean and renewable energy sources that will change the global energy landscape in the next ten years, especially for countries looking to quickly recover from the impact of COVID-19 pandemic, by shifting from fossil fuels to environmentally-friendly and relatively low-cost energy sources. In tandem with this global trend, the prospects for using green hydrogen in power generation and driving development for many vital sectors have recently increased, which explains the recent launch of 320 pilot projects to produce green hydrogen in several countries. The latest Frost & Sullivan report has indicated that annual green hydrogen production will increase by 57 percent annually between 2019 and 2030, from 40,000 tons to 5.7 million tons.

“The UAE is the first country in the Middle East and North Africa which has taken major steps to produce hydrogen using clean energy. This supports its strategy to build an economy based on renewable energy sources, which helps increase foreign investments and scale up high-end partnerships. This comes in the wake of the growing demand for clean energy in local markets, which strengthens the UAE’s global leading role in spearheading decarbonisation across various vital industries.

“The production of green hydrogen is part of Dubai Electricity & Water Authority (DEWA)’s efforts to support the Dubai Clean Energy Strategy 2050, to provide 75 percent of Dubai’s total power capacity from clean energy sources by 2050. This project bolsters our efforts to diversify energy sources and promote investments, by supporting innovation, research and development in energy storage. This will pave the way for building an economy based on clean energy. This includes green hydrogen, which plays an important role in the global energy mix and in fighting global warming.

“These efforts are intended to achieve the relevant strategies, as well as the Dubai Green Mobility Strategy 2030 to stimulate the use of sustainable transportation. It also supports the UAE’s Hydrogen Vehicles System, which was approved by the cabinet headed by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai. This strategy aims to develop the hydrogen economy, open up local markets to hydrogen vehicles, and encourage an increase in the number of environmentally friendly vehicles. This represents the cornerstone for encouraging the use and licencing of hydrogen fuel-based vehicles, facilities and equipment, which contributes to sustainable growth that achieves a balance with the environment, economy, and society.

“The strategic and qualitative partnerships between DEWA and the private sector organisations will enable the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park to become a leading global pioneer in the production and innovation of renewable and clean energy technologies. The Green Hydrogen Project is only one stop in the journey of success that shapes a brighter and more sustainable future for us and our future generations, and enhances the global transformation towards a green economy that the UAE can spearhead.”

Source: Emirates News Agency