‫مؤسسة قطر تُعلن عن تأسيس مركز “إرثنا” خلال منتدى الدوحة

تنصب جهود المركز على تحقيق التكامل بين بحوث وسياسات الاستدامة في مجالات المناخات القاحلة والمدن والمجتمعات المستدامة

الدوحة، قطر,  26 مارس 2022 /PRNewswire/ — أعلنت مؤسسة قطر للتربية والعلوم وتنمية المجتمع  خلال القمة الدبلوماسية السنوية لمنتدى الدوحة، عن تأسيس مركز “إرثنا – مركزٌ لمستقبل مستدام” تحت مظلتها، وهو مركز غير ربحيّ متخصص في وضع السياسات وإسداء المشورة.

Executive Director, Earthna Center for a Sustainable Future, Dr. Gonzalo Castro de la Mata

 سيواصل مركز “إرثنا” الجهود التي ما فتئت تبذلها مؤسسة قطر في مجال الاستدامة على مر سنوات عديدة، وسيعمل على توجيه منظومة التعليم والبحوث والابتكار في مؤسسة قطر نحو إيجاد حلول تُعزز دور دولة قطر العالمي في وضع سياسات الاستدامة وتكريس الرؤى والإمكانات الفريدة من نوعها التي تتمتع بها البلاد في هذا الصدد.

ستنصب مساعي مركز “إرثنا” على تكريس القيادة الفكرية في صُنع السياسات، وتحديد أولويات هذه السياسات وتعزيزها، وترسيخ الروابط بين مجالات التعليم والبحوث والصناعة، وتوسيع شبكات التعاون لمؤسسة قطر محليًا ودوليًا، وذلك بالتركيز على مجالات الاستدامة في المدن الحارة والقاحلة، والطاقة المستدامة، والاستفادة مما تتمتع به المدينة التعليمية من إمكانات لاختبار أحدث التقنيات وتطبيقاتها المستدامة.

وقد تطرّق الإعلان عن تأسيس مركز “إرثنا” خلال جلسة نقاشية رفيعة المستوى  في حفل افتتاح القمة الدبلوماسية السنوية لمنتدى الدوحة، إلى مناقشة السبل الكفيلة بجعل المدن محور الحلول العالمية لاستدامة الطبيعية والمناخ.

Executive Director, Earthna Center for a Sustainable Future, Dr. Gonzalo Castro de la Mata; Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Qatar H.E. Sheikh Dr. Faleh bin Nasser bin Ahmed bin Ali Al Thani; Lord Mayor of London, The Rt Hon Vincent Keaveny; President and CEO, Wetlands International, Ms. Jane Madgwick; Global Leader of Climate & Energy at WWF; Former Minister of Environment of Peru and President of COP20, H.E. Manuel Pulgar-Vidal

وتضمنت الجلسة مشاركة نخبة من الخبراء أثروا المناقشة بتصوراتهم، ومن ضمنهم سعادة الشيخ الدكتور فالح بن ناصر بن أحمد بن علي آل ثاني، وزير البيئة والتغير المناخي؛ وسعادة اللورد فنسنت توماس كيفيني، عمدة لندن؛ ؛ وجين مادجويك، الرئيسة التنفيذية لشركة ويتلاندز الدولية؛ ومانويل بولجار فيدال، مدير الممارسات العالمية للمناخ والطاقة بالصندوق العالمي للطبيعة؛ والسيد غونزالو كاسترو دي لا ماتا، المدير التنفيذي لمركز “إرثنا”.

وبهذه المناسبة، صرحت سعادة الشيخة هند بنت حمد آل ثاني، نائب رئيس مجلس إدارة مؤسسة قطر والرئيس التنفيذي للمؤسسة قائلةً: “إنّ ارتباطنا بالطبيعة يظل العنصر الأساسي في بناء مستقبلنا. وانطلاقًا من إسهاماتها الرائدة في مجال الاستدامة، كان لمؤسسة قطر دور هام في دعم الأولويات الوطنية، بدءاً من إسهامها في تعزيز الوعي والثقافة المجتمعية بالاستدامة، ووصولاً إلى إيجاد حلول للتحديات البيئية الملّحة في قطر. وبتأسيس مركز “إرثنا”، فإننا نعمل على بناء الجسور بين الأبحاث ومواطن القوّة في مجتمعنا سعيًا إلى التوّصل إلى الحلول الجديدة للسياسات”.

سيُسهم مركز “إرثنا” في تمكين الخبراء، والجهات الحكومية، والمعنيين برسم السياسات واتخاذ القرارات، والشركات، والمؤسسات متعددة الأطراف، والمجتمع المدني لتشييد مستقبل أكثر استدامة، كما سيعمل على مواصلة البناء على ما حققه مؤسسة قطر والكيانات التابعة لها وجهودها الرامية إلى الحثّ على تبني السلوكيات والممارسات المستدامة.

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من جهته، علّق السيد دي لا ماتا، قائلاً: “تتمحور جهود مركز “إرثنا” على تطوير الأدوات والحلول والسياسات التي من شأنها تحسين حياة الأفراد في بيئة طبيعية ومزدهرة”.

وأضاف قائلاً: ” تقع دولة قطر في صميم التحديات العالمية في مجال مخاطر تغيّر المناخ وتحوّلات الطاقة، مما يمنحنا فرصة مناسبة ليكون لنا دور رائد في الحوار العالمي حول تعزيز السياسات المستدامة. سيجمع مركز “إرثنا” الخبراء المحليين والدوليين داخل قطر ليُسهموا معًا في تصميم وتنفيذ الحلول التي يمكن تطبيقها في المجتمعات عبر العالم بأسره”.

سينظم مركز “إرثنا” برامج مجتمعية في مجالات الطاقة المستدامة، وأمن الموارد وإدارتها، والحماية والاستعادة البيئية، والاقتصاد الدائري، والرفاه الاجتماعي.

لمعرفة المزيد عن “إرثنا – مركز لمستقبل مستدام”، يرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني www.earthna.qa

مؤسسة قطر – إطلاق قدرات الإنسان

مؤسسة قطر للتربية والعلوم وتنمية المجتمع هي منظمة غير ربحية تدعم دولة قطر في مسيرتها نحو بناء اقتصاد متنوع ومستدام. وتسعى المؤسسة لتلبية احتياجات الشعب القطري والعالم، من خلال توفير برامج متخصصة، ترتكز على بيئة ابتكارية تجمع ما بين التعليم، والبحوث والعلوم، والتنمية المجتمعية.

تأسست مؤسسة قطر في عام 1995 بناء على رؤية حكيمة تشاركها صاحب السمو الأمير الوالد الشيخ حمد بن خليفة آل ثاني وصاحبة السمو الشيخة موزا بنت ناصر تقوم على توفير تعليم نوعي لأبناء قطر. واليوم، يوفر نظام مؤسسة قطر التعليمي الراقي فرص التعلّم مدى الحياة لأفراد المجتمع، بدءاً من سن الستة أشهر وحتى الدكتوراه، لتمكينهم من المنافسة في بيئة عالمية، والمساهمة في تنمية وطنهم.

كما أنشأت مؤسسة قطر صرحًا متعدد التخصصات للابتكار في قطر، يعمل فيه الباحثون المحليون على مجابهة التحديات الوطنية والعالمية الملحة. وعبر نشر ثقافة التعلّم مدى الحياة، وتحفيز المشاركة المجتمعية في برامج تدعم الثقافة القطرية، تُمكّن مؤسسة قطر المجتمع المحلي، وتساهم في بناء عالم أفضل.

للاطلاع على مبادرات مؤسسة قطر ومشاريعها، يُرجى زيارة الموقع الإلكتروني http://www.qf.org.qa

للاطلاع على أبرز مستجداتنا، يمكنكم زيارة صفحاتنا على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

إرثنا – مركز لمستقبل مستدام

إرثنا – مركز لمستقبل مستدام هو مركز غير ربحيّ، أسسته مؤسسة قطر للتربية والعلوم وتنمية المجتمع، تتمحور مهامه حول وضع السياسات وإسداء المشورة وتحقيق التأثير المنشود في مجال الاستدامة على المستويين المحلي والدولي.

من خلال العمل على تحقيق التكامل بين الخبرات التقنية والبحثية وإسداء المشورة ودعم قضايا الاستدامة، سيُمكّن “إرثنا – مركز لمستقبل مستدام الخبراء والباحثين والأكاديميين، والجهات الحكومية، والمعنيين بصياغة السياسات واتخاذ القرارات، والشركات، والمؤسسات متعددة الأطراف، والمجتمع المدني من تشييد مستقبل متجدد وأكثر استدامة.

يُدير “إرثنا – مركز لمستقبل مستدام برامج سنوية متعددة في مجال الاستدامة، تركز على المناخات القاحلة والجافة والمُدن المتجددة والمُستدامة والطاقة المُستدامة في ظلّ الإمكانات النموذجية التي تتمتع بها المدينة التعليمية لاختبار أحدث التقنيات والممارسات في مجال الاستدامة.

تتركز مساعي “إرثنا – مركز لمستقبل مستدام” على تطوير الأدوات والحلول والسياسات لتوفير بيئة طبيعية مزدهرة تهدف إلى تحسين نمط حياة أفراد المجتمع وذلك من خلال العمل جنبًا إلى جنب مع المجتمع لإعادة ابتكار وتصميم الحلول من خلال استخدام مواردنا بما يُلبي احتياجاتنا المحلية وثقافتنا المجتمعية، ويُمكّننا من إيصال رسالتنا المفعمة بالأمل إلى العالم، والعمل بشكل مؤثر على تعزيز إرثنا.

Lindsay Lohan Mourning The Sudden Death Of Uncle

Published by
Radar Online

Hollywood star Lindsay Lohan has lost a third member of her family in five months, Radar has confirmed. The famous Lohan clan was shocked by the sudden death of the brother of Lindsay’s mom, Dina, who revealed the news on Facebook. “It is with a heavy heart for me to say that my brother has passed on,” Dina, freshly released from a stint in jail, revealed. “For all who loved and knew him, you know what a huge heart and pure soul he had. “This sudden loss for my family is unbearable but we know he is free of pain now and with our parents and loved ones who have passed before him.” She went on t… Continue reading “Lindsay Lohan Mourning The Sudden Death Of Uncle”

UAE Government recognises GovTech Innovations as part of World Government Summit 2022

DUBAI, The Government of the United Arab Emirates will run the 7th edition of the “GovTech Prize” to be held on the 30th of March as part of the World Government Summit 2022 held at Expo 2020 Dubai.

GovTech Prize is an annual global award designed to motivate world government entities and startups to create and innovate Government Technology solutions that help solve common and pressing global challenges.

The GovTech Prize, managed by the GX program launched by the Emirates Government Service Excellence Program (EGSEP) at the Prime Minister’s Office, Ministry of Cabinet Affairs, is to recognize innovations in Health and Wellbeing, Education & Remote Learning, Refugees, Climate Change, AI Powered Government Services, and Unique Breakthroughs.

Mohammad Abdullah Al Gergawi, Minister of Cabinet Affairs, Chairman of the World Government Summit Organization, stated ahead of the event: “GovTech Prize, represents the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE, and Ruler of Dubai. The Prize also reflects WGS mission, while recognizing the exceptional levels of innovation and efforts in the government services arena that help solve challenges that are of a global nature and which touch the lives of millions, and at times billions, of people in today’s world.”

He added; “This year’s edition has managed to create a huge traction from countries across the globe. Having over 250 case studies nominated from 65 countries is proof that the power of innovation, the collaborative and joined efforts between government bodies, private sector and startup ecosystem have so much potential and impact to improve lives and the world we live in.”

Six Categories in GovTech This year, the “Education & Remote Learning” category focuses on solutions related to solving challenges of teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic and societal issues associated with them, while the “Health & Wellbeing” category is geared towards rewarding solutions related to management and control of the Pandemic, and the broader impact on society.

As for the “Refugees” category, this is to reward the use of technology to help the global refugee crisis and improve the lives of those who have been uprooted from their homes as a result of conflict. The “Climate Change” category focuses on innovative technology solutions that reduce environmental risks and ecological scarcities, as well as solutions that aims for sustainable development.

The last two categories are the “AI Powered Government Services” and the “Unique Breakthroughs”. The former recognizes Digital initiatives by governments to improve government services that are powered by Artificial Intelligence through reimagined service delivery, and more efficient operations that bring value, while the latter focuses on government technological breakthroughs that are bold, brave steps that create history in response to global challenges.

More than 40 solutions were shortlisted and assessed by an independent jury panel to award the best solution from each category.

The World Government Summit (WGS), launched under the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, in 2013, is a global platform that brings together world leaders, ministers, senior officials, and policymakers to share experiences and ideas that contribute to the development of future governments and discuss the latest trends and innovative solutions for global challenges. The WGS 2022 is convening this year up to 4000 participants, 500 speakers, who will shape the next decade of governments.

Source: Emirates News Agency

UNESCO-IBE, Dubai Cares organise high-level conference, present Early Childhood Care and Education toolkit

DUBAI, The UNESCO International Bureau of Education (UNESCO-IBE) and Dubai Cares held a conference on 24th-25th March, 2022, at the Dubai Cares’ pavilion in Expo 2020 Dubai, to officially close their collaborative project “Building Resilient and Sustainable Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) Systems”.

The conference which was attended by Ministers, curriculum experts and civil society representatives from the corresponding countries, presented six resource packs (ECCE series), three of which were created jointly with the Member States involved in the project, namely Eswatini, Lao PDR and Cameroon. These resource packs aim to provide a concrete support to policymakers, field professionals, and inspectors in designing an effective ECCE system.

Speakers at the conference included Al Anood Al Abdool, Deputy Director of Foreign Assistance at the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Lady Howard Mabuza, Minister of Education and Training (Eswatini), Guillaume Hawing, Minister of Pre-University Education and Literacy (Guinea), and Künzle Hans Rainer, CEO of Green Leaves Foundation.

The first set of publications presented includes three general tools providing a framework for implementing and guiding effective and inclusive ECCE policy: No. 01 – Holistic ECCE Curriculum Framework; No. 02 – Guidelines for a Prototype Early Childhood Care and Education System; and No. 03 – Holistic Early Childhood Development Index (HECDI) Compact.

The second set of publications consists of three national documents including No. 04 – Accreditation Guide for ECCE Institutions 0-3 and 3-6 developed in close collaboration with the Republic of Cameroon; No. 05 – Quality Criteria for 3-6 developed with the Kingdom of Eswatini; and No. 06 – Manual for Preschool Teachers in Lao PDR. No. 04 and No. 05 are administrative resources for ECCE institution management teams and inspectors. These administrative resources define the main criteria to be considered as an ECCE institution in a comprehensive manner.

In order to support the 2030 Agenda for Education, UNESCO-IBE and Dubai Cares joined forces in 2017 to ensure quality and holistic ECCE through the promotion of an operational, multi-sectoral and integrated system in each country. This partnership aims to strengthen the capacity of Member States to develop, implement and maintain resilient and sustainable ECCE systems in order to give children a good start in life and provide them with the opportunity to develop holistically.

Yao Ydo, Director of UNESCO-IBE, said, “This closing conference provided a platform to share lessons learned from the project and design roadmaps for the implementation of its results. Beyond the learnings, this exchange was an excellent opportunity to put into perspective the positioning of the Early Childhood Education curriculum with regards to global education challenges (including 21st century competencies, climate change education, global citizenship education, UNESCO Futures of Education, etc) and to define future avenues of collaboration between UNESCO-IBE and Dubai Cares, particularly in the framework of the implementation of the Dubai Declaration on Early Childhood Development.”

Dr. Tariq Al Gurg, CEO and Vice-Chairman of Dubai Cares, said, “Providing quality ECCE plays a key role in effective lifelong learning. Enhancing ECCE cannot be achieved without resilient and sustainable ECCE systems. Therefore, collaboration between global stakeholders is vital to the long-term sustainability and success of high-quality ECCE services in order to accelerate the scale-up of policies and increase the overall share of budgetary allocations.”

Dr. Al Gurg added, “This conference marks a milestone for our partnership with the UNESCO-IBE, as it has resulted in providing much needed guidance and support to ensure the effective implementation of Early Childhood Care and Education systems. Early Childhood Development has always been one of the priorities for Dubai Cares. In fact, Dubai Cares launched the Dubai Declaration on Early Childhood Development together with the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and UNICEF to affirm the global commitment to advance early childhood and provide the very best start in life for all children, especially those who are particularly marginalised.”

Source: Emirates News Agency

AIM 2022 to tackle investment trends and strategies for maximising potential of businesses

DUBAI, The UAE’s excellent handling of the pandemic and the implementation of key business accelerators are being seen by economic experts as strategic factors in the continued growth of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) into the country.

Looking to create more interest in investing not only in the UAE but also across the globe, the 2022 edition of the Annual Investment Meeting (AIM), which will be held from 29th to 31st March, 2022 at the Dubai Exhibition Centre at Expo 2020 Dubai, affirms its role as a key global player in the move to gain international economic growth.

Held under the patronage of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, the Annual Investment Meeting is an initiative of the UAE Ministry of Economy designed to provide a framework for global exchange on the key principles underpinning international investment to achieve smart and inclusive global growth.

AIM’s theme for this year is ‘Investments in sustainable innovation for a thriving future’. The exciting three day event is jam packed with workshops, lectures and networking events that are focused on bolstering and improving sustainable investments via six set pillars–FDI, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Foreign Portfolio Investments (FPI), Startups, Future Cities and the Projects of the 50, which is a series of developmental and economic undertakings designed to accelerate the country’s further development and consolidate its position as a highly preferred destination for talents and investors.

The mentioned pillars are expected to help achieve a six-pronged goal–enable the entry of key business opportunities from different parts of the globe; empower SMEs and give due recognition to their contributions to the global economy; encourage investors to diversify their portfolio, establish new contacts and get a better understanding of local investment flows; assist investors in acquiring venture capital and seed funding; encourage governments and investors to rally their support for innovation-based, smart city solutions and driving in more support and assistance for the 50 Projects initiative. These six pillars are expected to provide strong value points for the participants–making attendance a must for stakeholders of the world’s investment landscape.

Under the pillar aimed towards attracting more FDI into the country, the activities prepared are focused on enabling the entry of more business opportunities coming from various parts of the world.

The show will also be introducing an Investors’ Hub initiative where representatives of top investment houses, investment corporations, development banks, sovereign wealth funds, and portfolio investors can interact with official government envoys to forge investment partnerships and collaborations globally. Other related activities under this pillar include B2B, G2B, and G2G meetings, a special gala dinner, high-level networking lunch, and an Investment Awards initiative that will recognise the best FDI projects in each region of the world.

Meanwhile, for the pillar aimed to discover new SME sources, the activities to be offered at AIM 2022 look to empower SMEs and give due recognition to their contributions to the global economy. One of the key highlights under this pillar is the roll-out of an initiative called the ‘Made in Series,’ which will give SMEs the opportunity to showcase their products and services across an international platform.

The third pillar, which is aimed towards improving Foreign Portfolio Investment, will encourage investors to diversify their portfolio, establish new contacts and get a better understanding of local investment flows. In line with the fourth pillar, the move to support the early stages of a startup will be highlighted by activities aimed to assist investors in acquiring venture capital and seed funding. These initiatives include a National Winner competition, a special startup award that will honor startup companies for their innovative business models and brilliant application of technology for their business, and a Startup Global Technopreneurs feature. Additional activities include networking meetings, and B2B, G2G, and G2B meetings.

The fifth pillar, which is centered on helping the global arena in the creation of smart future cities, will be offering activities that encourage governments and investors to rally their support for innovation-based, smart city solutions. These initiatives include an exhibition, workshops, key meetings, and the rollout of the Future Cities awards. Lastly, the sixth pillar, which looks to rally in key support for the UAE’s 50 Projects initiative, will include a series of workshops and networking-focused activities.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Investopia Summit to discuss ‘new economy’ in 20 sessions featuring global leaders

DUBAI, The global geo-economic scene and the impact of its current changes on investments is one of the main tracks of the Investopia Summit, which will gather leading thinkers, investors, policy makers, entrepreneurs, and stakeholders from around the world, discussing the “new economy” in 20 sessions, within its first edition on 28th March in Dubai, that serves as the economic contributor taking place during the World Government Summit 2022.

The Summit will discuss significant economical topics like the prospects and trends of the global investments until 2025, the current major economic transformations, and their impact on investors, such as space investment, food security and the future of globalisation, agricultural technology, health and preventive care technology, and the current trends of reshaping globalisation.

Abdullah bin Touq Al Marri, Minister of Economy, said, “The world is currently witnessing unprecedented challenges that are playing a greater role than ever in directing the global economy, leaving its impact on trade and investments. This is going to be a major discussion during the Summit, with over 20 panel discussions and workshops.”

“The Metaverse and its impact on the future of business will also be one of the major topics that will be discussed during the Summit, especially new business and investment opportunities this virtual world could bring to investors in different areas such as goods and services.”

Bin Touq further noted, “Investopia Summit will also shed light on the quick developments in the world regarding the cryptocurrency market, which encouraged banks to invest in the next generation of financial technology.

“Investing in space will be among the main topics on the Summit’s agenda, in addition to space tourism, and relevant future of technologies.”

“The UAE leadership’s wise vision has always been based on creating an efficient, strong, and progressive economy, which was also reflected in the ‘Principles of the 50’. Furthermore, the first edition of Investopia summit simplifies identifying global opportunities in vital sectors and facilitates open dialogue in the global investment community,” Bin Touq added.

Investopia Summit will also discuss other global challenges, such as agriculture technologies and the opportunities it brings in the light of the global food changes and the concerns about food security. It will also explore how investors can utilise advanced technologies in health sector, especially that artificial intelligence is accelerating scientific and health solutions, forming a new way on how healthcare is being delivered, which eventually will help preventing and treating diseases.

The Summit’s agenda will include workshops that will discuss other topics on environmental sustainability and governance and promoting women’s participation in economic growth.

Investopia Summit is one of the most prominent strategic projects announced by the UAE government within the first set of the Projects of the 50, and it will strengthen the flow of inward investments and attract AED550 billion worth FDI into the UAE by 2030.

Investopia joined forces with several global and local partners to enrich the discussions and workshops of the Summit, such as Crypto.com, Deloitte Middle East, Accenture Middle East, BlackRock, Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development, Sharjah FDI Office (Invest in Sharjah).

Source: Emirates News Agency