Dominica tops the CBI Index for sixth consecutive time, scores full marks in six out of nine pillars

Roseau, Aug. 23, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Commonwealth of Dominica came out tops in the annual CBI Index, a rating system designed to measure the performance and appeal of global citizenship by investment (CBI) programmes across a diverse range of indicators.

The CBI Index is intended as a practical tool to compare CBI programmes as a whole and specific aspects of each programme. These aspects are reflected by the CBI Index’s nine pillars which Freedom of Movement, Standard of Living, Minimum Investment Outlay, Mandatory Travel or Residence, Citizenship Timeline, Ease of Processing, Due Diligence, Family and Certainty of Product.

Number one for six consecutive years, Dominica beat 11 other nations with active citizenship by investment programmes and scored full marks in the areas of Minimum Outlay, Mandatory travel or residence, Ease of Processing, Due Diligence, Family and Certainty of Product.

These nations include Antigua and Barbuda, Austria, Cambodia, Egypt, Grenada, Jordan, Malta, Montenegro, St Lucia, Turkey and Vanuatu.

“For the last 29 years we have ensured that our CBI programme really meets the needs of an ever-changing global investor. We’re proud to yet again be ranked as one of the best CBI offering in the world and look to increase our scores across all nine pillars next year,” commented Dominica’s Prime Minister, Dr Roosevelt Skerrit.

Dominica continues to be on a concerted drive to offer investors – through its Economic Diversification Fund and government-approve real estate options – a reliable safe haven amidst the constant global upheavals. Accompanied by a robust due diligence process, Dominica uses a multi-layered process in partnership with third-party due diligence firms from the USA and the UK, investors can be confident that they are buying into a product that that will enhance their portfolio.

Dominica’s scoring in the nine pillars:

Freedom of Movement: Dominica scored seven out of 10 as the country offers visa-free and visa-on-arrival access to 14 countries across the world, including the globes most sought-after business hubs.

Freedom of movement within and between countries is paramount to global investors seeking second citizenship and this year, the Index placed emphasis on the total number of countries and territories that can be visited without applying for a visa.

Standard of Living: Dominica scored five in this area due to its low average expected years of schooling, but it must be noted that the country has the highest life expectancy at 78.2 and a perfect freedom score when compared to Egypt, Jordan, St Kitts and Nevis and Vanuatu – who also shared the same score.

Minimum Investment Outlay: Dominica received a perfect score of 10 here as the minimum investment outlay for their CBI programme is only US$100,000 per applicant, one of the lowest citizenship investment outlays in the industry.

Mandatory Travel or Residence: As last year, Dominica kept is score of 10 out of 10 as the country does not require mandatory travel or residence in the country for processing of its citizenship application.

Citizenship Timeline: Dominica scored a nine in the citizenship timeline pillar. The pillar accesses the duration to get the application processed.

Ease of Processing: The citizenship by investment unit of Dominica continues to make the application process straightforward and more robust, helping the country secure a score full marks in this area.

Due Diligence: Dominica is recognized for its stringent and comprehensive due diligence checks on applicants seeking second citizenship and once again retained the score of 10 for due diligence processing. The country requires the provision of either fingerprints or a biometric passport and has robust external due diligence procedures that are undertaken by internationally renowned third-party due diligence firms.

Family: As Dominica allows main applicants to add additional dependents under a single application, once again making it easy to bring in additional family members, the country scored 10 under this pillar.

Certainty of Product: Dominica, along with St Kitts and Nevis, attained a perfect score for Certainty of Product Pillar thanks to the programme’s longevity, popularity, renown, stability, and adaptability. The CBI Index also lauded Dominica for its transparent two-track investment routes.

Regarded as an industry voice and reputable benchmark for CBI programmes across the globe, this year’s CBI Index offers readers a glimpse of the possibility that could in the CBI industry should all relevant parties cooperate.

The current turmoil has certainly brought a negative spotlight to the investment migration industry and overlooked the fundamentals of CBI – offering honest, hardworking families and entrepreneurs to explore and participate in meaningful global opportunities, especially where they have been let down by their own home countries.

Findings in the CBI Index state that in 2023, it is predicted over 125,000 millionaires will look to relocate to more secure and attractive destinations around the world and this trend is expected to continue and increase to 2030. Political fragmentation, instability, social polarisation are some of the reasons why investors look for second citizenship options.

It is for this reason that countries like the Commonwealth of Dominica are a popular investment choice, offering political and economic stability, a currency pegged against the US-dollar and, even more appealing is an eco-conscious government working its way to be carbon-neutral and sustainable.

“People who invest in our programme can be 100% sure that they are also investing in a country that cares about the planet and one that is taking tangible, measurable steps to protect the planet,” continues Prime Minister Skerrit.

The CBI Index is the world’s most definitive guide on citizenship by investment and is published today by PWM Magazine, a publication from the Financial Times in collaboration with CS Global Partners.

Download and read the full report here.


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Commonwealth of Dominica

‫بالتعاون مع تحالف ماما، تواصل Hisense دعم تعليم الأطفال المحلي في جنوب إفريقيا

كيب تاون، جنوب أفريقيا، 23 غشت/آب 2022 / PRNewswire / — في الثاني من شهر غشت/آب، تبرعت شركة Hisense المصنعة للإلكترونيات ذات الشهرة العالمية بأجهزة محمولة إلى Elkana Childcare ، بالتعاون مع Mama’s Alliance ، وهي شبكة منظمة غير ربحية لرعاية الأطفال في جنوب إفريقيا، و PalFish منصة التعليم عبر الإنترنت التي قدمت أكثر من 100 من رموز PalFish Software/Application .

      Elkana Childcare هي منظمة مكرسة لتحويل حياة الأطفال الذين يعيشون في ظروف ريفية، والتي لها تأثير ضار على نموهم الإيجابي ومستقبلهم. يهدف التبرع إلى تحسين تعليم الأطفال في المنطقة، وتحديداً مهارات القراءة والكتابة والاستماع.

يمكن للأطفال تحميل برنامج/تطبيق PalFish على جهاز Hisense الخاصة بهم أو استخدام التطبيق على أجهزة أخرى. PalFish عبارة عن منصة تعليمية ومكتبة كتب مصورة عبر الإنترنت لجميع الأطفال الذين تتراوح أعمارهم من السنتين إلى 12 عامًا، مما يساعدهم على إعادة تخيل تعلمهم من خلال حلولها الرقمية ومنتجاتها التعليمية المخصصة. برنامج PalFish والأجهزة التي تبرعت بها Hisense هي أدوات يستخدمها المعلمون في Elkana لتعزيز قدراتهم التعليمية والتفاعل مع الأطفال. تفتخر شركة Hisense بمساعدة المجتمع حيثما أمكن ذلك، وهذه ليست سوى بداية علاقة Hisense ورعاية الأطفال في Elkana .

شاركت Hisense أيضًا بنشاط في العديد من أنشطة الرعاية الاجتماعية في جنوب إفريقيا، حيث ساهمت في المجتمع المحلي بهدف تقديم الدعم على المدى الطويل. كما أرسلوا الدعم إلى المسنين الوحيدين في مؤسسات التقاعد المحلية، وتبرعوا بأجهزة التلفزيون والضروريات اليومية إلى مركز رعاية الأطفال غير الربحي في جوهانسبرج وساهموا في مستشفى الأطفال التابع للصليب الأحمر بجنوب إفريقيا بالإضافة إلى مشاريع أخرى للمساعدة بنشاط في حل مشاكل التعليم والتوظيف في المنطقة الأفريقية.

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‘We Have Promises to Keep’ – Education Cannot Wait Investments Reach 7 Million Crisis-Impacted Children

NEW YORK, Aug. 23, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Education Cannot Wait (ECW), the United Nations global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises, issued its new “We Have Promises to Keep: Annual Results Report” today indicating that ECW investments with strategic partners have reached close to 7 million children and adolescents – 48.4% of whom are girls – since the Fund became operational in 2017.

New ECW Annual Results Report highlights impact of the United Nations global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises as leaders race to deliver on the promise for universal, equitable quality education.

Through its strategic partnerships, ECW reached 3.7 million children across 32 crisis-impacted countries in 2021 alone. An additional 11.8 million children were reached through the Fund’s COVID-19 interventions that same year, bringing the total number supported through the COVID-19 interventions to 31.2 million.

ECW mobilized a record-breaking US$388.6 million in 2021, and total contributions to the Fund now top US$1.1 billion.

“There is no dream more powerful than that of an education. We must keep our promise to provide inclusive, equitable quality education for all,” said The Rt. Hon. Gordon Brown, UN Special Envoy for Global Education and Chair of the ECW High-Level Steering Group.

The results report comes on the back of shocking new estimates indicating that 222 million school-aged children and adolescents caught in crises globally are in urgent need of educational support. These include 78.2 million who are out of school and 119.6 million who are in school but not achieving minimum competencies in mathematics and reading.

According to the report, conflict, forced displacement, climate-induced disasters and the compounding effect of the COVID-19 pandemic fueled increased education in emergencies needs with funding appeals reaching US$2.9 billion in 2021, compared with US$1.4 billion in 2020. While 2021 saw a record-high US$645 million in education appeal funding – the overall funding gap spiked by 17%, from 60% in 2020 to 77% in 2021.

ECW’s High-Level Financing Conference to be held in Geneva in February 2023 and 222 Million Dreams campaign calls on government donors, the private sector, foundations and high-net-worth individuals to turn commitments into action by making substantive funding contributions to ECW.

“ECW’s solid results in our first five years of operation are proof that we can empower crises-affected girls and boys with the hope, protection and opportunity of quality education,” said Yasmine Sherif, Director of Education Cannot Wait.

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‫”لدينا وعد لنفي به” – استثمارات صندوق “التعليم لا يمكنه الانتظار” تصل إلى 7 ملايين طفل متأثر بالأزمة

نيويورك، 23 آب/أغسطس / آب، 2022 / PRNewswire / — أصدر صندوق الأمم المتحدة “التعليم لا يمكنه الانتظار” ( إي سي دبليو )، وهو صندوق الأمم المتحدة العالمي للتعليم في أوقات الطوارئ والأزمات الممتدة تقرير  لدينا وعد لنفي به: تقرير النتائج السنوية  اليوم مشيرًا إلى أن استثمارات صندوق إي سي دبليو مع الشركاء الاستراتيجيين وصلت إلى ما يقرب من 7 ملايين طفل ومراهق – 48.4٪ منهم فتيات – منذ إطلاق الصندوق في العام 2017.

New ECW Annual Results Report highlights impact of the United Nations global fund for education in emergencies and protracted crises as leaders race to deliver on the promise for universal, equitable quality education.

من خلال شراكاته الإستراتيجية، وصل صندوق إي سي دبليو إلى 3.7 مليون طفل في 32 دولة تأثرت بأزمة كوفيد في العام 2021 وحده. تم الوصول إلى 11.8 مليون طفل إضافي من خلال تدخلات الصندوق بشأن كوفيد-19 في نفس العام، ليصل العدد الإجمالي المدعوم من خلال التدخلات الخاصة بالتصدي لكوفيد-19 إلى 31.2 مليون.

تمكن صندوق إي سي دبليو من تجميع رقم قياسي قدره 388.6 مليون دولار أميركي في العام 2021، وبلغ إجمالي المساهمات في الصندوق الآن 1.1 مليار دولار أميركي.

“ليس هناك حلم أقوى من حلم التعليم. يجب أن نفي بوعدنا بتوفير تعليم جيد وعادل وشامل للجميع”، كما قال سعادة السيد غوردون براون, ، مبعوث الأمم المتحدة الخاص للتعليم العالمي ورئيس لجنة التوجيه العليا لصندوق إي سي دبليو.

يأتي تقرير النتائج على خلفية تقديرات جديدة صادمة تشير  إلى أن 222 مليون طفل ومراهق في سن الدراسة ممن تعرضوا للأزمة على مستوى العالم بحاجة ماسة إلى دعم تعليمي. ومن بين هؤلاء 78.2 مليون طفل أصبحوا خارج المدرسة و 119.6 مليون منهم لا زالوا على مقاعد الدراسة لكنهم لا يحققون الحد الأدنى من الكفاءات في الرياضيات والقراءة.

 وفقًا للتقرير، أدى الصراع والتهجير القسري والكوارث الناجمة عن المناخ والتأثير المركب لوباء كوفيد-19 إلى زيادة احتياجات التعليم في أوقات الطوارئ مع وصول نداءات التمويل من أجل التعليم إلى 2.9 مليار دولار أميركي في العام 2021، مقارنة بـ 1.4 مليار دولار أميركي في العام 2020. وبينما شهدت نداءات التعليم رقماً قياسياً بلغ 645 مليون دولار أميركي في العام 2021 – ارتفعت فجوة التمويل الإجمالية بنسبة 17٪، من 60٪ في العام 2020 إلى 77٪ في العام 2021.

 مؤتمر التمويل رفيع المستوى الذي يعقده صندوق إي سي دبليو في جنيف في شباط/فبراير 2023 وحملة “222 مليون حلم”  يدعوان المانحين الحكوميين والقطاع الخاص والمؤسسات والأفراد ذوي الملاءة المالية العالية لتحويل التزاماتهم إلى عمل من خلال تقديم مساهمات تمويلية كبيرة لصندوق إي سي دبليو.

وقالت ياسمين شريف، مديرة “التعليم لا يمكنه الانتظار”: “النتائج القوية التي حققها إي سي دبليو في السنوات الخمس الأولى من عمله هي دليل على أنه يمكننا تمكين الفتيات والفتيان المتضررين من الأزمات بالأمل والحماية وفرصة التعليم الجيد”. 

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GWM Holds POER Fan Festival 2022, Sharing Full-scenario Pickup Life with Global Users

BAODING, China, Aug. 23, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — On August 18, GWM held POER Fan Festival 2022 in Guilin city, Southwest China, to celebrate the brand’s third anniversary and demonstrate the charm of full-scenario pickup life to international users.

GWM Holds POER Fan Festival 2022, Sharing Full-scenario Pickup Life with Global Users

GWM invited many experts, media and users from the fields of off-road, modification and outdoor sports to witness this essential moment with POER’s global fans. The company also meticulously set up a variety of special activities, such as off-road test drives, mountaineering academies and modification exhibitions.

Haobao Zhang, CEO of GWM PICKUP, said, “GWM PICKUP adheres to category innovation and co-creation with global users. Through the third anniversary, users around the world will learn about GWM POER and enjoy the full-scenario pickup life.”

Diversified off-road test drive scenarios help drivers to experience the strength of GWM POER in all travelling scenarios. The test drive was held at Jinlong International Circuit in Guilin and included various challenging experience items, such as off-road towing, driving on a gravel road and driving uphill. When towing a camper, GWM POER offered sufficient and reliable power to test drivers and facilitated them to handle tough driving conditions.

In the interactive area of the mountaineering academy, the rock climbing program attracted many climbing enthusiasts to experience. GWM POER invited a number of professional instructors to introduce protective measures and climbing skills and provide guidance for users in climbing. This activity well matches the excellent performance and the concept of challenging the limits of the product, giving users an amazing and interesting outdoor experience.

GWM POER also set up a pickup modification exhibition, which provides opportunities for modified car enthusiasts to compete and communicate. The exhibition attracted many car owners and fans. Users showed their fantastic modified cars and shared modification ideas and products to create an enthusiastic atmosphere for modified cars.

During the event, GWM POER officially launched the 2.0 era of the brand and announced its commitment to establish a global user brand. The large-size and high-performance luxury pickup of GWM POER also officially started a campaign to invite the netizens to suggest a global name.

To offer more diverse new experiences for users and fans, POER-SPACE, the world’s first high-end pickup flagship dealership of GWM POER, will officially open on August 25 this year.

Actually, GWM POER has made outstanding achievements in the global market in the past three years since its launch. As of now, it has entered more than 50 countries in the world, with total sales exceeding 300,000 units.

“GWM POER will keep developing high-end premium models to bring a brand-new, intelligent, luxurious and comfortable experience to global users”, said Haobao Zhang.

GWM plans to promote two new models, POER off-road edition and Jingangpao (for Chinese market) to the global market successively to bring more customized product experiences to users worldwide.

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Cellebrite Wins Multiple Forensic Focus 4:cast Awards, Continuing a Decade-Plus Track Record of Digital Forensics Leadership

Cellebrite sweeps the categories and wins every major award, including DFIR Commercial Tool of the Year and Investigator of the Year three years in a row

PETAH TIKVA, Israel and TYSONS CORNER, Va., Aug. 23, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Cellebrite DI Ltd. (Nasdaq: CLBT), a global leader in Digital Intelligence (DI) solutions for the public and private sectors, today announced that it was honored with winning all the categories for which the company was nominated at the prestigious 2022 Forensic Focus 4:cast awards.

Cellebrite winning every major award for which it was nominated, including DFIR Commercial Tool of the Year and the Investigator of the Year for the third year in a row, proves its continual leadership in digital forensics. This is the 13th consecutive year that Cellebrite has competed in the awards, which began 15 years ago.

Leeor Ben-Peretz, Chief Strategy Officer at Cellebrite, stated: “Winning these awards is validation from the digital forensics community that our portfolio of solutions and staff are world-class. We would like to thank the SANS Institute and Forensic Focus for producing a show that recognizes the best in the industry. Building on our years-long success, we will continue to provide the community with technological innovation that accelerates digital investigations.”

Cellebrite is honored to have received the following awards:

DFIR Commercial Tool of the Year: Awarded to Cellebrite for the suite of tools it produced to speed up and help validate data pertaining to investigations.

Digital Forensic Investigator of the Year: Cellebrite’s investigator won due to the tireless work and research produced every day. The award validates the investigators’ willingness to lend a helping hand no matter the time of day.

DFIR Team of the Year: Receiving this award demonstrates that the DFIR community perceives Cellebrite as their strategic partner, part of their team, working together side by side to promote the concept of “trust but verify.”

DFIR Degree Program or Training Class of the Year: This award recognizes the comprehensive practical offering of guided training courses and certifications, all designed to prepare analysts, law enforcement, and enterprise customers to tackle investigations and technology effectively.

DFIR Social Media Contributor of the Year: In this era of social media, content is king. The Cellebrite social media contributor of the year who won this award is the ultimate contributor of social content. The contributor is always passionate about work and is constantly tweeting, posting, and sharing tips and tricks to the DFIR community.

DFIR Blog of the Year: The Cellebrite Ask the Expert blog series is a platform Cellebrite utilizes to share its findings and insights with the community.

DFIR Show of the Year: During the Covid-19 pandemic the company introduced the I Beg to DFIR webinar. This show runs monthly and focuses on new research, customer questions, and Q&A with our R&D team.

DFIR Article of the Year: Cellebrite’s investigators and thirteen co-authors crafted an article and webinar, named Six Steps to Mobile Validation, that offers DFIR experts the tools they need for handling, documenting, preserving, and validating evidence from a mobile device.

DRIF Capture the Flag (CTF) of the Year: Since its introduction in 2020, the Cellebrite CTF was a huge hit. With thousands of participants across the globe, the CTF has become the industry standard for in-depth CTFs.

About Cellebrite
Cellebrite’s (Nasdaq: CLBT) mission is to enable its customers to protect and save lives, accelerate justice, and preserve privacy in communities around the world. We are a global leader in Digital Intelligence solutions for the public and private sectors, empowering organizations in mastering the complexities of legally sanctioned digital investigations by streamlining intelligence processes. Trusted by thousands of leading agencies and companies worldwide, Cellebrite’s Digital Intelligence platform and solutions transform how customers collect, review, analyze and manage data in legally sanctioned investigations. To learn more visit us at,, or follow us on Twitter at @Cellebrite.

Cellebrite Media
Victor Cooper
Public Relations and Corporate Communications Director
+1 404.804.5910