‫Shanghai Electric تنجز المرحلة الثانية بقدرة 900 ميجاوات من مجمع محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم للطاقة الشمسية

شنغهاي, 4 شتنبر/أيلول 2022/PRNewswire/ –أعلنتShanghai Electric عن بدء تشغيل المرحلة ب من المرحلة الخامسة بقدرة 900 ميجاوات من مجمع محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم للطاقة الشمسية. كجزء من أكبر محطة للطاقة الكهروضوئية في العالم قيد الإنشاء، سيساعد المشروع في دفع دبي لترقية وتحويل مزيج الطاقة لديها من خلال توفير 2268 مليار كيلووات ساعة من إمدادات الطاقة سنويًا عند الانتهاء، وهو ما يكفي لخدمة أكثر من 240 ألف منزل وقادر على خفض 1.1 مليون طن من انبعاثات الكربون سنويًا.

Phase 5 of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park

“نحن فخورون جدًا برؤية مجمع الطاقة الشمسية وهو يحقق إنجازًا تاريخيًا آخر بعد توصيل المرحلة أ بالشبكة في عام 2021. قال منغ تشوانمين، مدير مشروع المرحلة الخامسة من مجمع محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم للطاقة الشمسية: “الآن، يجري العمل في المرحلة ج بشكل جيد ومن المتوقع أن تكتمل في عام 2023”.

“تتميز عملية بناء المرحلة الخامسة من مجمع محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم للطاقة الشمسية بسلسلة من التحديات، وبلغت ذروتها في ذروة جائحة كوفيد-19 التي عطلت بشدة سلاسل التوريد العالمية. وتغلب الفريق على الصعوبات وتأكد من تنفيذ عمليات شراء وتسليم المواد الخام للمشروع في الوقت المناسب لتجنب أي تأخير في التقدم الشامل “، أضاف منغ.

 لقد بذلت Shanghai Electric أيضًا جهودًا كبيرة للتحكم في التكاليف. مقارنة بفترة ما قبل الجائحة، أصبح شحن الحاويات غير متاح على نطاق واسع، حيث زادت أسعار نقل الكابلات بشكل عام بعشر مرات. لضمان إكمال المشروع في الموعد المحدد، قرر الفريق شحن الكابلات عبر ناقلات البضائع السائبة، على الرغم من أن الحل الجديد يزيد من عبء العمل.

بالإضافة إلى ذلك، نظرًا للحركة الطبيعية وسيولة الكثبان الرملية، اكتشف الفريق لاحقًا أن موقع البناء قد تم رفعه بمئات الآلاف من الأمتار المكعبة مقارنة بالقيمة التي تم مسحها سابقًا، مما أدى إلى إضافة 3 ملايين دولار إلى التكلفة الإجمالية. بعد إجراء تحقيق وبحث شامل، توصلت Shanghai Electric إلى خطة ساعدت الفريق في حل المشكلة مع ضمان عدم حدوث أي انقطاع في تقدم البناء.

قامت أكوا باور، المالك والمطور والمشغل للمرحلة الخامسة من مجمع محمد بن راشد للطاقة الشمسية، بتعيين Shanghai Electric كمقاول للهندسة والمشتريات والبناء ( EPC ) للمشروع في عام 2020. ابتداءً من يوليوز/تموز 2020، تألف المشروع من المراحل أ و ب و ج، بإجمالي قدرة مركبة تبلغ 1050 ميجاوات.

مع الفريق الدولي للمشروع الذي يوظف أكثر من 2500 عامل خلال فترة الذروة، تم الاعتراف بجهود Shanghai Electric لتوحيد أفضل القوى العاملة والموارد والإمدادات العالمية لبناء واحد من أكثر مجمعات الطاقة الشمسية تقدمًا في البلاد من قبل مالك المشروع و شركائه. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، خلق المشروع أيضًا أكثر من 4000 فرصة عمل مباشرة و 10000 فرصة عمل غير مباشرة، حيث لعب دورًا رئيسيًا في تعزيز العمالة المحلية والتنمية الاقتصادية.

كما شاركت Shanghai Electric في بناء المرحلة الرابعة من مجمع محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم للطاقة الشمسية بقدرة 950 ميجاوات، والتي تشمل محطة للطاقة الشمسية المركزة بقدرة 700 ميجاوات ( CSP ) ومحطة للطاقة الكهروضوئية بقدرة 250 ميجاوات ( PV ). إن الطاقة الشمسية المركزة ( CSP ) قادرة على تخزين الطاقة الحرارية خلال النهار، والتي يمكن استخدامها لاحقًا لتوليد الكهرباء في الليل، مما يوفر مصدر طاقة نظيفًا ومستقرًا وموثوقًا على مدار الساعة.

منذ بداية هذا المشروع في عام 2018، وظف أكثر من 8500 عامل خلال فترة الذروة، ومن المقرر توصيل محطة برج الطاقة الشمسية المركزة بطاقة 100 ميجاوات ومحطة الحوض المكافئ II بقدرة 200 ميجاوات بالشبكة في نهاية عام 2022. إنه يتميز بأحدث تقنيات الطاقة الشمسية في العالم والتي ستوفر طاقة نظيفة لنحو 320 ألف أسرة وتقلل 1.6 مليون طن من انبعاثات الكربون كل عام، وتقطع شوطًا طويلاً لمساعدة دبي على تحقيق رؤيتها المتجددة لعام 2050.

نبذة عن Shanghai Electric

مجموعة شنغهاي الكهربائية المحدودة  (SEHK: 2727, SSE: 601727) هي شركة مصنعة للمعدات الراقية على مستوى عالمي، وتركز على الطاقة الذكية والتصنيع الذكي والبنية التحتية الذكية لتوفير حلول أنظمة خضراء وذكية من الدرجة الصناعية. ولها وجود عالمي في صناعات مثل الطاقة الجديدة، والطاقة النظيفة الفعالة، والأتمتة الصناعية، والأجهزة الطبية، وحماية البيئة.

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Hawksbill turtles hatch at EGA Al Taweelah beach

ABU DHABI, Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA) has announced that it welcomed the successful hatching of over 200 Hawksbill turtles on the shorelines near the company’s Al Taweelah site in Abu Dhabi.

Hawksbill turtles are a critically endangered species of sea turtle that visit the UAE shorelines each year to lay their eggs.

Since 2011, nearly 106 Hawksbill turtles have laid eggs on the beach at EGA’s Al Taweelah beach and almost 7,000 baby turtles have hatched.

Salman Abdulla, EGA Executive Vice President of HSSEQ and Business Transformation, said, “The EGA Sustainability team monitors the beach throughout the nesting season. To minimise the risk of predation by any feral animals, daily inspections and the tracking of nesting patterns takes place and protective buffers to keep nests safe from harm have been installed. In addition, any waste that is washed up on the beach is removed by EGA to keep the beach clean and safe throughout the nesting season.”

Earlier this year, five critically-endangered Hawksbill turtles and one green turtle were released back into the sea after being rescued by EGA’s sustainability team and after being expertly cared for at the Jumeirah Group’s Dubai Turtle Rehabilitation Project at Burj Al Arab in Jumeirah. This rescue was part of the rehabilitation programme that is in cooperation with Dubai Wildlife Protection Office, Dubai Falcon Hospital, and the Central Veterinary Research Laboratory.

In 2021, EGA rescued and released back to the sea more than 40 turtle hatchlings after nest sites were damaged due to unusually high tides and other challenging weather conditions.

The average lifespan of a Hawksbill turtle ranges between 30 to 50 years and a female typically lays 100 to 150 eggs during each nesting season.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Abu Dhabi Airports launches AUH-Dubai shuttle bus service for passengers

ABU DHABI, In response to strong growth in passenger demand, Abu Dhabi Airports on Monday announced the launch of AUH Express, a new shuttle bus service that will run between Abu Dhabi International Airport (AUH) and Dubai until the end of the year.

Designed with passenger comfort and convenience in mind, the shuttle bus service provides easy access to Abu Dhabi International Airport’s airlines’ network who between them offer flights to over 100 destinations.

Francois Bourienne, Chief Commercial Officer at Abu Dhabi Airports, said, “Passenger convenience has been the underlying driver behind the introduction of this shuttle service for guests during the peak travel season. Passenger traffic has also recovered strongly at Abu Dhabi International during 2022, and we anticipate further growth between now and the end of the year. As always, we are proud to serve as a key regional air hub and the emirate’s gateway to the world.

“We are confident that this shuttle service will enable travelers from Dubai and the Northern Emirates to make the most of our exceptional offers and fly to exclusive destinations at unrivalled prices comfortably through our fast-growing network of airline operators and destinations,” Bourienne added.

Pre-booking for AUH Express tickets is not required as passengers can purchase their tickets conveniently when boarding the bus at Ibn Battuta bus station and at the terminals in Abu Dhabi International Airport. The airport shuttle service is available 24/7 with a fare priced at only AED 35 per ride.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Green Hydrogen project at Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park supports UAE’s competitiveness in green hydrogen markets

DUBAI, Innovative technologies to produce green hydrogen using clean and renewable energy are witnessing rapid developments and steady progress, and studies indicate that green hydrogen production will increase by 57 percent annually to reach 5.7 million tonnes in 2030.

The UAE aims to acquire 25 percent of the low-carbon hydrogen market, which is expected to reach more than US$400 billion. The green hydrogen project implemented by Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) in cooperation with Expo 2020 Dubai and Siemens Energy at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park, is a key project in supporting the UAE’s efforts to achieve global competitiveness in the green hydrogen market.

Implementing the project, which is the first of its kind in the Middle East and North Africa to produce hydrogen using solar energy, the Solar Park contributes to achieving competitive prices in producing green hydrogen. The production of green hydrogen is mainly carried out through electrolysis using renewable energy sources. DEWA received the lowest solar energy prices (Levelised Cost of Energy) globally five consecutive times, making Dubai a global benchmark for solar power prices.

In addition to that, Dubai provides clear and stimulating regulatory and legislative frameworks, which encourage the private sector and global investors and developers to participate in clean and renewable energy projects, using the Independent Power Producer (IPP) model. DEWA has attracted investments of around AED40 billion through this model, which encourages value-added partnerships between the public and private sectors.

Experts highlighted the fact that the abundance of solar energy sources in Dubai and the strong banking systems in the emirate, in addition to the advanced infrastructure and major projects such as solar parks, ammonia production plants, aluminium and steel factories, Dubai’s attraction of the finest experts and specialists from all over the world, contribute to making the UAE and Dubai an energy leader. This also consolidates the national economy’s strength and diversity and develops the green hydrogen market in the UAE.

Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, MD and CEO of DEWA, said that green hydrogen is one of the environmentally friendly energy sources. It represents one of the pillars of a sustainable future that depends on accelerating the transition to carbon neutrality. This achieves the Dubai Clean Energy Strategy 2050 and the Dubai Net Zero Carbon Emissions Strategy 2050 to provide 100 percent of Dubai’s total power capacity from clean energy sources by 2050.

“The Green Hydrogen project aligns with Dubai’s commitment to sustainability and its support for energy and climate change issues. It also supports the vision and directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, to turn Dubai into a carbon-neutral economy by 2050, as well as DEWA’s strategy to diversify energy sources and increase investment by supporting innovation and research and development in energy storage technologies. This includes green hydrogen, which some describe as the ‘Fuel of the Future’ and will play an important role in the global energy mix and in combating the effects of global warming. The project supports the UAE Hydrogen Leadership Roadmap, which is a major driver for providing future solutions to climate change challenges and achieving the UAE’s leadership in hydrogen,” Al Tayer added.

Waleed bin Salman, Executive Vice President of Business Development and Excellence at DEWA, noted that DEWA had invited globally reputed consulting companies to submit their offers to develop an ambitious strategy for green hydrogen production. The objectives are to develop the green mobility sector, reduce carbon emissions from various industries, and generate electrical and thermal energy, producing water and other applications.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Dubai records over AED2.4 billion in realty transactions Monday

DUBAI, Dubai real estate market recorded 568 sales transactions worth AED1.37 billion, in addition to 93 mortgage deals of AED197.58 million, and 23 gift deals amounting to AED858.27 million on Monday, data released by Dubai’s Land Department (DLD) showed.

The sales included 503 villas and apartments worth AED1.04 billion, and 65 land plots worth AED323.78 million, while mortgages included 71 villas and apartments worth AED164.78 million and 22 land plots valued at AED32.8 million, bringing the total realty transactions of today to over AED2.4 billion.

Source: Emirates News Agency

The Green Hydrogen project at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park supports the UAE’s leadership and competitiveness in green hydrogen markets

Innovative technologies to produce green hydrogen using clean and renewable energy are witnessing rapid developments and steady progress. Studies indicate that green hydrogen production will increase by 57% annually to reach 5.7 million tonnes in 2030. The UAE aims to acquire 25% of the low carbon hydrogen market, which is expected to reach more than USD 400 billion. The green hydrogen project implemented by Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) in cooperation with Expo 2020 Dubai and Siemens Energy at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park, is a key project in supporting the UAE’s efforts to achieve global competitiveness in the green hydrogen market.

Implementing the project, which is the first of its kind in the Middle East and North Africa to produce hydrogen using solar energy, at the Solar Park contributes to achieving competitive prices in producing green hydrogen. The production of green hydrogen is mainly carried out through electrolysis using renewable energy sources. DEWA received the lowest solar energy prices (Levelised Cost of Energy) globally five consecutive times, making Dubai a global benchmark for solar power prices.

In addition to that, Dubai provides clear and stimulating regulatory and legislative frameworks, which encourage the private sector and global investors and developers to participate in clean and renewable energy projects, using the Independent Power Producer (IPP) model. DEWA has attracted investments of around AED 40 billion through this model, which encourages value-added partnerships between the public and private sectors.

Experts highlighted that the abundance of solar energy sources in Dubai and the strong banking systems in the Emirate, in addition to the advanced infrastructure and major projects such as solar parks, ammonia production plants, aluminum and steel factories, Dubai’s attraction of the finest experts and specialists from all over the world, contribute to making the UAE and Dubai an energy leader. This also consolidates the strength and diversity of the national economy and develops the green hydrogen market in the UAE.

HE Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, MD & and CEO of DEWA, said that green hydrogen is one of the environmentally friendly energy sources. It represents one of the pillars of a sustainable future that depends on accelerating the transition to carbon neutrality. This achieves the Dubai Clean Energy Strategy 2050 and the Dubai Net Zero Carbon Emissions Strategy 2050 to provide 100% of Dubai’s total power capacity from clean energy sources by 2050.

“The Green Hydrogen project aligns with Dubai’s commitment to sustainability and its support for energy and climate change issues. It also supports the vision and directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, to turn Dubai into a carbon-neutral economy by 2050, as well as DEWA’s strategy to diversify energy sources and increase investment by supporting innovation and research and development in energy storage technologies. This includes green hydrogen, which some describe as the ‘Fuel of the Future’ and will play an important role in the global energy mix and in combating the effects of global warming. The project supports the UAE Hydrogen Leadership Roadmap, which is a major driver for providing future solutions to climate change challenges and achieving the UAE’s leadership in hydrogen,” added Al Tayer.

Waleed Bin Salman, Executive Vice President of Business Development and Excellence at DEWA, noted that DEWA had invited globally reputed consulting companies to submit their offers to develop an ambitious strategy for green hydrogen production. The objectives are to develop the green mobility sector, and reduce carbon emissions from various industries, as well as generate electrical and thermal energy, producing water and other applications.

Source: Dubai Electricity and Water Authority