‫SkyDrive تكشف عن تصميم السيارة الطائرة SD-05، بهدف بدء خدمة التاكسي الجوي في عام 2025

5 أكتوبر 2022 / PRNewswire / –– كشفت SkyDrive Inc . عن تصميم نموذجها التجاري لسيارتها الطائرة – SkyDrive SD-05 . تخطط SkyDrive لاستخدام SD-05 ، قيد التطوير حاليًا، لإطلاق خدمة سيارات الأجرة الجوية في منطقة خليج أوساكا خلال المعرض العالمي المقرر عقده في عام 2025 في أوساكا، اليابان.

قال تاكومي ياماموتو، مدير التصميم في SkyDrive : “هذه خطوة كبيرة أخرى نحو تحقيق السيارات الطائرة والطرق السماوية”. “لقد مر عامان على الإعلان عن SD-03 ، التي أكملت بنجاح اختبار الطيران العام المأهول في أغسطس 2020، ويسعدنا جدًا أن نتمكن من الإعلان عن خلفها، SD-05 .”

يقع المقر الرئيسي لشركة SkyDrive في مدينة تويوتا بمحافظة آيتشي، وهي مطور ومصنع رائد للسيارات الطائرة (*1) وطائرات الشحن بدون طيار في اليابان.https://kyodonewsprwire.jp/prwfile/release/M105850/202209267185/_prw_PI5fl_to2kn1db.jpg

الصورة1: الجزء الخارجي من SD-05 ، قيد التطوير حاليًا


فيديو للنموذج التجاري SD-05
العنوان: SkyDrive SD-05: مركبة طائرة صفرية الانبعاثات
الرابط:  https://youtu.be/36tDLW-mFiU

نظرة عامة عن SD-05
SD-05 هي طائرة مدمجة ذات مقعدين تعمل بالطاقة الكهربائية مع إمكانات الإقلاع والهبوط العمودي. يتم تشغيلها بواسطة سائق طيار، ويتم تأمين استقرار طيرانها بمساعدة نظام طيران يتم التحكم فيه بواسطة الكمبيوتر. تعمل SkyDrive على تطوير سيارات طائرة مع التركيز على تحقيق عالم تُستخدم فيه في الحياة اليومية للتنقل الجوي تمامًا مثل السيارات المستخدمة في النقل البري اليومي.

قال ياماموتو: “هذه المركبة ليست مجرد وسيلة بسيطة للانتقال من النقطة أ إلى النقطة ب”. “استنادًا إلى مفهوم التصميم المتمثل في” منح الأجنحة للسفر اليومي”، فهو أيضًا شريك سفر أكثر أمانًا وإمتاعًا.”

SkyDrive بصدد الحصول على شهادة نوع (*2) لـ SD-05 من وزارة الأراضي والبنية التحتية والنقل والسياحة ( (MLIT ، باعتبارها الأولى من نوعها في اليابان. تواصل الشركة العمل على بدء الاستخدام العملي للسيارات الطائرة خلال المعرض العالمي لأوساكا، كانساي، المقرر عقده في عام 2025 في اليابان. تم تصميم SD-05 للسفر لمسافة تصل إلى حوالي 10 كم وسرعة الرحلة القصوى 100 كم/ ساعة. ومع ذلك، فإن التصميم والمواصفات عرضة للتغيير والتقدم في تطوير التصميم.

التطبيقات المحتملة لـ SD-05 قيد الدراسة حاليًا، بما في ذلك النقل المختصر عبر السماء، والوصول الفريد إلى مرافق المنتجع، والخدمات الطبية الطارئة.

قال ياماموتو: “ستواصل SkyDrive تصميم أحلام المستقبل بهدف تحقيق طرق السماء”. تتحرك SkyDrive أيضًا للترويج لعملياتها التجارية ليس فقط في اليابان ولكن أيضًا خارج البلاد. في الولايات المتحدة، على سبيل المثال، أنشأت الشركة مكتبًا في سبتمبر 2022، بغرض توفير وسيلة نقل جوي “الميل الأخير”. تعمل الشركة على تطوير السوق بالاشتراك مع السلطات المحلية والشركات الشريكة.

التصميم الخارجي لـ SD-05
كما هو الحال مع النموذج الأولي للطائرة SD-03 المأهولة ذات المقعد الواحد من SkyDrive ، فإن مصطلح “التقدمي” (الرائد والمتقدم) هو المصطلح المستخدم لوصف تصميم SD-05 ، والذي تعتقد SkyDrive أنه الوصف المناسب لنوع جديد من وسائل النقل. عند النظر إلى جسم الطائرة أو جسمها من الجانب، يشير كفاف على شكل حرف S إلى زوج من المراوح ينطلقان في السماء. عند النظر إلى الحرفة من الأعلى، يرى المشاهدون شكل السنونو الأبيض اللؤلؤي، وهو طائر صغير ولكنه رشيق قادر على التحليق إلى ارتفاعات كبيرة.https://kyodonewsprwire.jp/prwfile/release/M105850/202209267185/_prw_PI6fl_6XF2f9o3.jpg


تصميم هيكل الطائرة المتقدم ديناميكيًا مستوحى من دراسات الأشكال المبسطة للطيور والحيوانات ويتميز بذيول أفقية ورأسية لمزيد من الاستقرار أثناء الطيران. في الزوايا العلوية لهيكل الطائرة، تم وضع 12 وحدات تدوير بمحرك من أجل استقرار الرحلة. تعكس هذه تكنولوجيا التحكم في الطيران التي تم الحصول عليها من خلال أكثر من 1000 اختبار طيران تم إجراؤها أثناء تطوير هيكل الطائرة.

بالنسبة إلى  SD-05 ، عمل متخصصون من  SkyDrive  وشركاؤها معًا بالتعاون مع شركة  JAMCO Corporation (*3) ، وهي شركة تصنيع داخلية للطائرات؛ شركة  Toray Carbon Magic Co., Ltd. .(*4) ، وهي شركة متخصصة في توفير المواد المتطورة البلاستيكية المقواة بألياف الكربون (CFRP) ؛ وشركة  Electric Power Systems, Inc. (*5) ,، مطور رائد لأنظمة البطاريات التي تتضمن مجموعات نقل الحركة عالية الطاقة للطائرات المكهربة المؤهلة للحصول على شهادة النوع.

من خلال مهمتها المتمثلة في قيادة ثورة تنقل لمرة واحدة في القرن، تعمل SkyDrive على تطوير سيارات طيران أكثر أمانًا وأمنًا من خلال التطوير والاختبارات التوضيحية المتكررة للنموذج التجاري SD-05 ، مما يؤدي إلى مستقبل يكون النقل الجوي جزءًا منه يوميًا الحياة.

قال مدير التصميم ياماموتو: “نتطلع إلى رؤية الجميع في معرض Osaka Expo في عام 2025″.https://kyodonewsprwire.jp/prwfile/release/M105850/202209267185/_prw_PI3fl_7710DNlZ.jpg



(*1) تتميز السيارات الطائرة، التي يطلق عليها عمومًا طائرات eVTOL (الإقلاع والهبوط العمودي الكهربائي) خارج اليابان، بالكهرباء، والطيار الآلي المستقل بالكامل، والإقلاع والهبوط العمودي. تقدم جديد في مجال التنقل، يتم الترويج لتطوير السيارات الطائرة على مستوى العالم. في اليابان، تم إنشاء المجلس العام والخاص لثورة التنقل الجوي في عام 2018 لهذا الغرض. ومن المتوقع أن يبدأ تشغيل خدمات “سيارات الأجرة الجوية” في المناطق الحضرية، وأن تمثل هذه السيارات وسيلة نقل جديدة للجزر المعزولة والمناطق الجبلية، ووسيلة نقل فعالة يمكن استخدامها في حالات الطوارئ في أوقات الكوارث. تتوقع خارطة طريق صاغتها وزارة الاقتصاد والتجارة والصناعة ( METI ) و MLIT بدء الأعمال التجارية في منتصف عام 2020.https://kyodonewsprwire.jp/prwfile/release/M105850/202209267185/_prw_PI4fl_98ccIudu.jpg

(*2) بيان صحفي من SkyDrive بشأن الاتفاق على أساس اعتماد نوع السيارة الطائرة مع MLIT

(*3) بيان صحفي من SkyDrive حول التعاون مع شركة JAMCO Corporation (متوفر باللغة اليابانية فقط)

(*4) بيان صحفي من SkyDrive بشأن التعاون مع شركة Toray Carbon Magic Co. ، Ltd .

(*5) بيان صحفي من SkyDrive بشأن التعاون مع شركة Electric Power Systems ، Inc .

نبذة عن SkyDrive Inc .:

لمعرفة المزيد حول جمع التبرعات للمشروع، قم بزيارة:

للمزيد من المعلومات قم بزيارة:  https://en.skydrive2020.com/

Survey commissioned by IHG Hotels & Resorts reveals what consumers value when they travel

DUBAI, UAE, Oct. 5, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — IHG Hotels & Resorts today revealed the results of a survey commissioned to better understand how consumers like to enjoy their time as a hotel guest, encouraging guests to be themselves.

IHG Hotels & Resorts launches Guest How You Guest

The company’s new global campaign, Guest How You Guest, is a celebration of hotels and taking a break from having to do it all.  The survey results revealed what guests from the region are looking for in a hotel experience, with the three most popular features of a hotel stay rated as room service at 54%, facilities (pool, sauna, etc…) (52%), and selection of food available (49%). Meanwhile approximately 40% of respondents enjoyed not having to clean up after themselves or having to cook for themselves.

The research showed that 22% like to get changed for dinner to look their best, while 20% are comfortable enough slouching in their pajamas and hotel slippers.

92% of respondents felt they could be totally themselves when staying in a hotel, with 54% feeling they are always relaxed during their stay. But 14% worry that their kids may misbehave and cause disturbance to other guests.

Haitham Mattar, Managing Director India Middle East & Africa, IHG Hotels & Resorts commented: “The region’s tourism and hospitality industry offers tremendous opportunities, and it is known to welcome diverse guests travelling for business and leisure. The needs, desires and preferences of our hotel guests are constantly evolving, and therefore it is fundamental for us to deliver what they’re looking for the most — a personalised, individualised experience.”

Earlier this year, IHG introduced IHG One Rewards – the brand’s new loyalty program – empowering members with more choice, value, and richer rewards than ever before. The reimagined loyalty program connects IHG One Rewards members to IHG Hotels & Resorts’ growing portfolio of 6,000 hotels and 17 brands, including one of the largest Luxury & Lifestyle collections in the world.

To learn more about the IHG One Rewards programme and how to apply, visit ihg.com/one.

Editor’s note:

Research was conducted online between 14/09/22 and 23/09/22 resulting in a panel of 7060 adults across 9 markets.  All research adheres to MRS Code of Conduct and guidelines.

About IHG®

IHG Hotels & Resorts [LON:IHG, NYSE:IHG (ADRs)] is a global hospitality company, with a purpose to provide True Hospitality for Good.

With a family of 17 hotel brands and IHG One Rewards, one of the world’s largest hotel loyalty programmes, IHG has over 6,000 open hotels in over 100 countries, and more than 1,800 in the development pipeline.

InterContinental Hotels Group PLC is the Group’s holding company and is incorporated and registered in England and Wales. Approximately 325,000 people work across IHG’s hotels and corporate offices globally.

Visit us online for more about our hotels and reservations and IHG One Rewards. To download the new IHG One Rewards app, visit the Apple App or Google Play stores.

For our latest news, visit our Newsroom and follow us on LinkedInFacebook and Twitter.

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‫Space Community Project Divine يعيد تسمية تطبيق الجوال الخاص به إلى Islam Divine

إن إعادة تسمية تطبيق الجوال يجعل من السهل العثور عليه من قبل المهتمين بالتعرف على الإسلام، مما يسمح للإسلام الإلهي بالوصول إلى جمهور أوسع بكثير من ذي قبل.

أستانا، كازاخستان، 5 أكتوبر 2022 / PRNewswire / —  أعلنت شركة Divine ، المشروع المجتمعي الذي يستفيد من تقنيات الفضاء لبث صوت القرآن الكريم من الفضاء، ومبادرة في إطار  مؤسسة I AM PART OF من  المؤسسة الخيرية العالمية التي أنشأها رجل الأعمال شخرات إبراغيموف، اليوم أنها أعادت تسمية تطبيقها للهاتف المحمول (التطبيق) من “ Divine Live ” إلى “Islam Divine” ، بهدف تسهيل البحث عنها والعثور عليها من قبل المستخدمين على  متجر تطبيقات أبل ومتجر جوجل بلاي .

يأتي تغيير الاسم جنبًا إلى جنب مع ميزات وتحديثات وتحسينات جديدة على واجهة المستخدم ( UI ). يوجد الآن تبديل نهاري/ ليلي داخل التطبيق، بالإضافة إلى خلفيات مختلفة يمكن للمستخدمين الاختيار من بينها. كما تم تجديد التصميم العام للتطبيق ودمجه بألوان داكنة وباردة مستوحاة من الفن الإسلامي.

تضمن التحديثات أيضا إمكانية الوصول إليها من قبل المستخدمين الجدد. بالنسبة لأولئك الجدد في الإسلام، أو الحريصين على الوصول إلى مزيد من المعلومات حوله، أضاف المطورون دردشة، حيث يمكن للمستخدمين الحصول على إجابات لأي أسئلة لديهم حول الإسلام. كما تمت إضافة المزيد من المعلومات حول الصلاة – الصلاة المفروضة اليومية – حتى يكون لدى المتحولين الجدد إلى الإسلام المعرفة الكافية قبل أداء الصلاحية.

المستخدمون الذين هم أكثر دراية بالتعاليم الإسلامية لديهم أيضًا الكثير ليكسبوه من تحديثات التطبيق الجديدة. يمكنهم الآن حفظ ونسخ المحتوى من القرآن والدعاء والحديث، المتاح على التطبيق. تتيح ميزة الإشارة المرجعية الجديدة للمستخدمين حفظ مكانهم في النص الديني والمتابعة من حيث توقفوا سابقًا.

تأسست Divine في عام 2021 لتبديد المفاهيم الخاطئة والصور النمطية لتعاليم القرآن وتقديم فهم أفضل لما هو القرآن للمجتمعات المسلمة الشابة والجديدة، والعالم.

من خلال استضافة المعلومات في خوادم أرضية في الفضاء، فإن Divine قادرة على نقل تعاليم القرآن إلى جمهور أوسع بسبب مساحة التغطية الكبيرة التي يوفرها القمر الصناعي. ويتم نقل ملفات القرآن الكريم من الفضاء إلى عدة منصات بُنيت لمشروع  Divine ، منها الموقع الرسمي Divine official site وكذلك تطبيق Islam Divine ، المتاح للتنزيل من Apple App Store  و  Google Play Store .

من خلال منصات Divine ، يمكن للمستخدمين عرض الموقع في الوقت الفعلي للقمر الصناعي الذي يحمل ملفات الوسائط المتعددة القرآنية وتلقي تفاصيل الإرسال مثل المعلومات المدارية للقمر الصناعي الذي يحمل الحمولة. يخلق Divine حدودًا جديدة لإمكانية الوصول من خلال جلب التكنولوجيا إلى ما وراء الإنترنت لتمكين الجميع من الوصول المتزامن إلى تعاليم الإسلام من مصدر واحد.

يتم تشغيل وإدارة Divine من قبل   Eurasian Space Ventures (ESV) ، وهي شركة خاصة مسجلة في كازاخستان تهدف إلى العمل كمركز دولي للمشاريع الفضائية والمنظمات ذات الصلة التي تتطلع إلى الاستفادة من البنية التحتية الفضائية الراسخة والنظام البيئي في البلاد.

نبذة عن Divine

Divine هو المشروع الوحيد في العالم الذي ينشر تقنيات الفضاء لنقل القرآن الكريم مباشرة من قمر صناعي يحلق فوقك. إنها منصة متعددة الوظائف وتعليمية توفر فهما كاملا لتعاليم القرآن الكريم، ومجموعة صحيح البخاري الأصيلة من الأحاديث، وبرنامجا تعليميا حول أداء صلاح بالإضافة إلى مجموعة من الدعاء والمواد الأخرى ذات الصلة. يتم إعداد جميع المعلومات على الموقع بلغات مختلفة تحت إشراف مراكز التربية الإسلامية الرسمية في مختلف البلدان.

للمزيد من المعلومات قم بزيارة  https://www.divine.live/

نبذة عن I AM PART OF

I AM PART OF مشروع خيري عالمي مسجل لدى اللجنة الخيرية لإنجلترا وويلز. وتتمثل المهمة الرئيسية في العمل من أجل المنفعة العامة وإغاثة ومساعدة المحتاجين عن طريق بناء آبار مياه أوتوماتيكية تعمل بالطاقة الشمسية؛ المزارع والمساجد في المناطق النائية من العالم؛ ومن خلال تقديم الدعم الطبي.

للمزيد من المعلومات قم بزيارة  https://www.iampartof.org

RealTyme is recognised as a leader in analyst report on Secure Communications, Q3 2022

  • RealTyme has been acknowledged in the prestigious report as a “strong fit for organizations in need of an easy-to-manage, user-friendly, secure communications app for data control and collaboration.”

GENEVA, Oct. 5, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — RealTyme, the trusted all-in-one communication and collaboration platform, has been recognized as a leader in the prestigious report, The Forrester Wave™: Secure Communications, Q3 2022.

RealTyme Logo

RealTyme was recognized in a field of the 12 top providers and evaluated by a rigorous research and data analysis using 26 criteria. Evaluation criteria included Assurance and Control; Metadata Security and Privacy; Performance and Resiliency; Product Vision; and Execution Roadmap.

After months of research and data analysis, the Forrester report recognised RealTyme with the highest possible scores in the User Privacy and Metadata Security and Privacy criteria, as well as in the customization and execution roadmap criteria. The Forrester report, authored by principal analyst Heidi Shey, commented: “RealTyme’s superior execution roadmap supports not just the technology requirements of customers but differentiates through support of customer values such as sustainability through reduced data storage and net zero carbon emissions.”

RealTyme’s CEO, Onur Özen PhD, commented: “In our opinion, Forrester has honoured RealTyme, and we think they have recognized our privacy focused offering and how its evolution has always been customer centric. We believe this recognition is a testament to our vision and the real and sustainable impact we deliver for clients”.

As articulated in the Forrester report, “RealTyme’s superior execution roadmap supports not just the technology requirements of customers but differentiates through support of customer values such as sustainability through reduced data storage and net zero carbon emissions. […] Reference customers are generally positive about the offering, its features, and flexibility.”

Francois Rodriguez, CCO of RealTyme added, “At RealTyme, customer success is embedded in our DNA and is a core part of our strategy.  It is a privilege to be recognised – from our perspective, it is down to our dedication to providing clients with the highest level of customer experience and superior execution. We will always endeavour to exceed customer expectations and we are delighted that Forrester has acknowledged our technology and business.”

RealTyme created its platform to allow its customers – whether communities, enterprises through critical public services – to connect and collaborate securely. Its comprehensive suite of communication and video collaboration of tools include zero-trust encryption by default, secure file sharing and storage.

RealTyme’s clients have complete faith in – and total control over – the features they employ, which allows them to collaborate securely whilst retaining their digital sovereignty.

RealTyme is a leader and will continue to lead in the future. Users can experience a demo of the RealTyme platform to discover how the superior secure communications and collaboration platform can help your business.

About RealTyme
Founded in 2020, RealTyme is a Geneva-based secure communications company, which provides users with a fully controlled communication, collaboration and productivity platform.

RealTyme’s technology intelligently combines security, digital sovereignty and sustainability in an easy to use and seamless platform. RealTyme’s unmatched metadata security and privacy protections, as well as its variety of superior functionality make it the preferred platform for government, business, and enterprise clients.

Uniquely, the innovative organisation has placed sustainability at its heart, offering users a purpose-made platform with minimal data storage and processing requirements, aimed at helping to reverse the damaging impact of technology on climate change.

To learn more, visit: www.RealTyme.com

Media contact:
YourStory PR

Logo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1913359/RealTyme_Logo.jpg

World’s tallest timber apartment tower to be built in Zanzibar

28-storey Burj Zanzibar would be Africa’s first sustainable high-rise

ZANZIBAR, TANZANIA – EQS Newswire – 4 October 2022 – The Indian Ocean island of Zanzibar is planning the highest green building in the world, a 28-storey apartment tower designed in hybrid timber technology. Named Burj Zanzibar – “burj” meaning tower in Arabic – the spectacular high-rise is designed to reach 96 metres in height. Dubbed “vertical green village”, it would represent an iconic landmark not only for the island but for the whole of Africa and a global environmental milestone, being the first timber structure worldwide of such proportions. The design of the mixed-use apartment and commercial building, in a playful beehive style with breathtaking ocean views, was unveiled to the public in Muscat, Oman on 1 October. Dutch-born architect Leander Moons, responsible for the concept, said: “Burj Zanzibar is not just an outstanding building but a new ecosystem for the future of living”.

The residential tower with 266 residences is to be located in Fumba Town, East Africa’s pioneering eco-town developed by German-led engineering firm CPS. Categorised as a strategic investment and fully supported by the Zanzibar government, the growing city near the capital, where foreigners are allowed to buy, stretches along a 1.5-kilometre seashore on the southwest coast. “Burj Zanzibar will be the highlight and natural continuation of our efforts to provide sustainable housing in Africa, thereby empowering local employment and businesses”, elaborated CPS CEO Sebastian Dietzold in Muscat.

With turquoise seas, white sandy beaches and a UNESCO-protected historic Stone Town, Zanzibar recorded 15% annual growth in tourism in recent years and 6.8% economic growth. Earlier this year, the semi-autonomous archipelago, 35 kilometres off the coast of Tanzania, stretched its wings also into another direction, launching an initiative to attract African tech companies with a total worth of six billion dollars.

Benefits of timber

Timber is the oldest building material in the world. As timber technology, it currently enjoys a renaissance because of its environmental benefits and longevity. New timber products such as cross-laminated timber (CLT) and glulam are considered the building material of the future. One cubic metre of wood binds half a ton of carbon dioxide, whereas conventional concrete construction is responsible for 25% of CO2 emissions.

Once realised, Burj Zanzibar would be the highest timber building in the world and Africa’s first high-rise ever in this innovative technology. A few weeks ago the 86.6-metre Ascent Tower in Milwaukee, US, was certified as the world’s tallest timber hybrid building by the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH).  Africa’s highest conventional skyscraper is a 385-metre office tower named “Iconic Tower” in Egypt, still under construction.

Tanzania’s top skyscraper is the 157-metre Ports Authority building in Dar es Salaam. The world’s tallest conventional building is Burj Khalifa in Dubai with 828 metres.

Consortium of specialists from New York to Switzerland

Burj Zanzibar is planned as a hybrid timber tower.  A steel-reinforced concrete core is designed to meet all required fire and life safety standards. The project is to be executed by a consortium of leading specialists from Switzerland, Austria, Germany, South Africa, Tanzania and the US. Green roof gardens and planted balconies further reduce the carbon footprint of the building. “Burj Zanzibar will be a widely visible new landmark for Zanzibar and beyond, not only because of its appearance but because of its construction method”, said architect Leander Moons during the launch event.

Set to promote locally available wood as a building material, Tanzania and its vast land resources for agroforestry would also benefit from the ambitious green mega tower. A large forest development in central Tanzania near Iringa already covers twice the size of New York; “an enlarged forest industry could create hundreds of thousands of jobs in the East African country”, said CPS Director Dietzold.

Playful, elegant style fitting any culture

The playful architectural style – reminiscent of a beehive with honeycombs – combines modern urban trends with local culture. “Panorama windows, closed-in green loggias and a modular layout will enhance the green nature of the tower and allow for flexible apartment floor plans, tailor-made for any cultural preferences”, explained lead architect Moons. Residents can have their outdoor garden even on the top floor.

Representing a young, vibrant and most of all sustainable lifestyle, the building allocates a mix of studio, one- and two-bedroom apartments and deluxe penthouses. The elegant tower stands on a terraced podium with shared and private gardens , shops and a common pool. Sizes of units range from studios starting at $79,900 to a vast penthouse with a private pool on the 26th  floor at $950,880. “As a global architectural highlight the Burj Zanzibar will be setting a new benchmark of building in the 21st century”, CPS director Sebastian Dietzold concluded


Burj Zanzibar – The Art of Urban Living



Zanzibar, Tanzania www.cps.africa



New York, United States www.laud.nl


OMT architects GmbH

Berlin, Germany www.omt-architects.com

Birk Heilmeyer und Frenzel Architekten GmbH

Stuttgart, Germany www.bhundf.com


KNIPPERS HELBIG advanced engineering

Stuttgart, Germany www.knippershelbig.com



Dar es Salaam, Tanzania www.zutari.com


IGNIS fire design consulting

Zurich, Switzerland www.ignis-consulting.eu

KSI smart brandschutz

Zurich, Switzerland www.ksi-brandschutz.ch


WEBB URONU & PARTNERS Dar es Salaam, Tanzania



Fügen, Austria www.binderholz.com


Zanzibar Town, Tanzania www.volks.house

Download Images:

Image 1: https://bit.ly/3RwIiC2 Iconic landmark for the tropics: Burj Zanzibar, designed in climate-friendly cross-laminated timber (CLT) and glulam technology, acts as a cold and heat insulator, and does not lose its structural strength under fire. Precision technology allows for prefab CLT buildings to be assembled at a speed of one floor per week. (Render by CPS)

Image 2: https://bit.ly/3SNOkPK Green power tower: 96 metre-high, the planned Burj Zanzibar would be a landmark beyond Fumba Town. The growing eco-development on Zanzibar’s southwest coast already harbours more than 1,000 residential units and will eventually be home to 20,000 inhabitants. Sales of Burj Zanzibar units have commenced; construction could begin end 2023/2024 (Render by CPS)

About CPS:

CPS is a Tanzanian-based real estate company with a German background developing vibrant, affordable urban communities. The focus is on sustainability and the empowerment of local businesses. CPS currently implements two large building projects in Zanzibar, with further African projects in planning. Fumba Town is the fastest growing urban development in Tanzania with permaculture landscaping, 94% waste-recycling, health care, educational facilities and a total volume of $400 million to eventually house 20,000 people. The Soul is Zanzibar’s first-ever residential leisure resort along the East Coast of the tropical tourism island with hundreds of holiday apartments. Zanzibar already has a factory for prefabricated cross-laminated timber houses (Volks.house Ltd.) employing 80 workers.  CPS founders Sebastian Dietzold, his wife Katrin and his brother Tobias Dietzold hail from Leipzig and have lived in Tanzania for decades.

Distributed by APO Group on behalf of CPS Zanzibar Limited.

Press inquiries:

CPS communication

Baraka Strato Mosha

Email: Barakamosha@cps-live.com

Ryan Kavanaugh and Proxima Media Launch New Banner Production Company ‘The Quad’ in Partnership With Amy Kim and Jaime Burke of Lifeboat Productions

The Quad will produce 3-5 films per year with a self-funded budget of $3M – $12M each, and will star a top influencer paired with a world-renowned director and actor

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 04, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Ryan Kavanaugh, in tandem with Proxima Media and Lifeboat Productions’ Amy Kim and Jaime Burke, proudly announces their new banner production company called The Quad. Matt Weaver and Jason Barhydt will also serve as producers with the company, which specializes in feature-length films focused on horror, thriller, American comedies, and love stories. Their annual slate will consist of 3-5 films and will have a self-funded budget of $3M – $12M per picture. The Quad will utilize Kavanaugh’s deep relationships with the top influencers and surround them with world-renowned actors and directors. The Quad has already secured deals with top talent, including Charlie D’Amelio, Bryce Hall, and King Bach.

The Quad has its next four movies slated back-to-back on the heels of wrapping SKILL HOUSE over the next 12 months.

“The Quad intends to break the boundary between social media culture and what we know as Hollywood today,” said Partner Ryan Kavanaugh. “We are thrilled to be bringing Charlie D’Amelio, Bryce Hall, and now King Bach’s acting chops to the big screen. Their talent has no boundaries, and their digital footprint will help bring audiences back into theaters. I couldn’t be more excited to bring this new company to life with award-winning producers and powerhouses Amy Kim and Jaime Burke alongside veteran producer and entertainment exec Matt Weaver.”

“We are excited to be on this journey with a veteran producer like Ryan. He has a love of filmmaking that is infectious and a constant desire to create new space in the entertainment industry. The people assembled to make these movies add a depth of experience that will ensure quality projects aimed at talents’ strengths to bring top-quality entertainment to all film fans,” adds Amy Kim and Jaime Burke.

Previously Weaver and Kavanaugh together produced the Grammy-nominated documentary, I’LL SLEEP WHEN IM DEAD about Steve Aoki for Netflix, documentary THE FIRST MONDAY IN MAY, about the Met Ball that was produced in conjunction with Anna Wintour for Magnolia Pictures, and the Tony Nominated Broadway Musical ROCK OF AGES which Weaver was the Lead Producer and General Partner and Kavanaugh a producer and many other television shows and content.

In addition, Triller’s Jason Barhydt will produce with The Quad. Barhydt previously worked with Kavanaugh on some of his biggest hits, including IMMORTALS, LIMITLESS, DEAR JOHN, ACT OF VALOR, SAFE HAVEN, and THE FIGHTER.

The Quad’s third project, MILES RYDER, slated to begin production later this year, starring King Bach, comedian and actor, is a JOHN WICK meets DOCTOR STRANGE style thriller with The Quad.

King Bach first entered the scene as Vine’s most followed social media user on their platform, with over 11 million followers. Bachelor parlayed his Vine success into major followings on platforms including YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, with nearly 23M followers on the latter alone. He most recently appeared in Ric Roman Waugh’s sports drama NATIONAL CHAMPIONS as well as 20th Century Studio and Broken Road Productions’ hit comedy VACATION FRIENDS for Hulu. Bachelor has also appeared in series including THE MINDY PROJECT, HOUSE OF LIES, BLACK JESUS, and KEY & PEELE, and in such films as FIFTY SHADES OF BLACK, THE BABYSITTER, and TO ALL THE BOYS I’VE LOVED BEFORE. He ventured into acting with over a dozen roles from NATIONAL CHAMPIONS, VACATION FRIENDS, FIFTY SHADES OF BLACK, TO ALL THE BOYS I LOVED BEFORE, and the Adult Swim series “Black Jesus.”

The Quad is currently in post-production on SKILL HOUSE, the first installment in the R-rated horror film franchise starring social media phenomenon and TikTok star Bryce Hall, in co-production with global hip hop icon Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson’s G-Unit Film & Television. The film stars Hall alongside veteran actors Neal McDonough (Yellowstone, The Arrow, The Flash) and Leah Pipes (The Originals, SORORITY ROW).

Pre-production is underway from The Quad for the highly anticipated Charli D’Amelio supernatural thriller HOME SCHOOL, written by Casey Giltner. SVP of Production at Proxima, Daniel Herther, who shepherded the development of Home School, will be producing alongside Kavanaugh, Barhydt, Burke, and Kim with Kavanaugh’s partner Bobby Sarnevesht. Marc, Heidi, and Dixie D’Amelio will serve as executive producers.

“I forgot how much I loved the art of making movies. Going back to my roots where I was hands-on in the creative process for projects like BROTHERS, THE BANK JOB, LIMITLESS, IMMORTALS, DEAR JOHN, THE FIGHTER and many others, it’s reminded me of what I loved about making movies. For the first time, I have the best of the best partners in Amy, Jaime, and Matt to make sure we execute and deliver with an A+ standard and quality. This time we are doing it our way!” Kavanaugh continued.

About Proxima Media and Ryan Kavanaugh
Founder of Proxima Media, the controlling shareholder of Triller, Ryan Kavanaugh, is one of the most accomplished, prolific, and honored executives in entertainment industry history. Using an intelligent model of film finance, he was dubbed the creator of “Moneyball for movies.” He produced, distributed, and/or structured financing for more than 200 films, generating more than $20 billion in worldwide box office revenue and earning 60 Oscar nominations. He is the 25th highest-grossing film producer of all time. His productions include Fast and Furious 2-6, 300, Social Network, Limitless, Fighter, Talladega Nights, Step Brothers, and Mama Mia! Kavanaugh and Proxima pioneered an innovative finance deal for post-bankruptcy Marvel, making the studio and finance structure that led to Marvel Cinematic Universe. He built the SVOD (streaming) category with Netflix, which boosted that company’s market capitalization from $2 to $10 billion. Kavanaugh is the co-founder of Triller, one of the three fastest-growing social media apps. He recently led the acquisition, merger, and re-launch of the social media and music app.

He also created the powerhouse television company, now known as Critical Content, producing hit shows like Catfish on MTV and Limitless on CBS, which he sold for $200M. The company had 40 television series across 19 networks before its sale. Kavanaugh has earned several achievements and awards, from Variety’s Producer of the Year Award to The Hollywood Reporter’s Leadership Award, from Fortune’s 40 Under 40 Most Influential People in Business to Forbes’ Fortune 400, Billion-Dollar Producer by the Daily Variety and the 100 Most Influential People in the World by Vanity Fair. Proxima and Kavanaugh are repped by Neil Sacker.

Given his passion for animals, Kavanaugh is also active in the pet food brand Dog for Dog, which donates dog food to local and national shelters for each product purchased to save dogs from being euthanized. He also served on the boards of several charitable foundations, including the Sheriff’s Youth Foundation and Cedars-Sinai’s Board of Governors, and served as the Chairman of Art of Elysian for
almost eight years, amongst others.

About Lifeboat Productions
Amy Kim and Jaime Burke are award-winning producers with over 20 years of diverse experience. They have produced original content for all the leading streamers and studios with their most recent credits, including the Apple+ series Surfside Girls and Amazon’s Undone. Kim got her producing starts with the Academy Award Winning short film, WEST BANK STORY, while Burke worked for 20th Century Fox and produced indie features prior to forming Lifeboat Productions. Lifeboat will continue to produce its slate of projects as well as collaborate with current and future partners in addition to The Quad.

About Matt Weaver
Matthew Weaver will be producing projects for the company. Previously Weaver and Kavanaugh produced the Grammy-nominated documentary, I’LL SLEEP WHEN IM DEAD, about Steve Aoki for Netflix. They also produced the documentary THE FIRST MONDAY IN MAY, about the Met Ball that was produced in conjunction with Anna Wintour for Magnolia Pictures. Kavanaugh was also a producer on the Tony Nominated Broadway Musical ROCK OF AGES, on which Weaver was the Lead Producer and General Partner on.

Media Contact
Michelle Vieyra
(202) 415-7714