‫شبكة تلفزيون الصين الدولية (CGTN): تضخ الصين ومنغوليا زخما في العلاقات من خلال ثلاثة محركات

بكين، 29 نونبر/تشرين الثاني 2022 / PRNewswire / — يقوم أوخنانغين خورلسوخ، الرئيس المنغولي، بزيارة دولة للصين بعد يومين فقط من بدء تشغيل خط سكة حديد زونبايان – خانجي، وهو ثالث خط سكة حديد يربط منغوليا بالصين، في 25 نونبر/تشرين الثاني.

بصرف النظر عن تعزيز الاتصال، تضافرت جهود الجارتين لمحاربة وباء كوفيد-19 من خلال إهداء بعضهما البعض الأغنام والشاي بالإضافة إلى تعميق التعاون والتبادلات في مختلف المجالات.

أشار الرئيس الصيني شي جين بينغ يوم الاثنين خلال اجتماعه مع الرئيس خورلسوخ إلى أن البلدين قد وضعا نموذجًا جيدًا للعلاقات بين الدولتين.

تعهد شي، بأن في مواجهة تزايد عدم الاستقرار وعدم اليقين في البيئة الدولية، فإن الصين مستعدة للعمل مع الجانب المنغولي لبناء مجتمع ذي مستقبل مشترك وتعزيز الشراكة الاستراتيجية الثنائية الشاملة من أجل تحقيق فائدة أفضل لشعبي البلدين.

ثلاثة محركات

وحث شي الجانبين على تعميق المحاذاة الثلاثة بين مبادرة الحزام والطريق واستراتيجية تنمية طريق البراري في منغوليا، ومبادرة التنمية العالمية وسياسة الإحياء الجديدة لمنغوليا، وخطة الصين الاستراتيجية “ذات المرحلتين” وسياسة التنمية طويلة الأجل لمنغوليا وذلك لخلق ثلاثة محركات لمزيد من تطوير العلاقات الثنائية.

في عام 2013، اقترح شي مبادرة الحزام والطريق لتحسين الاتصال الإقليمي والتكامل الاقتصادي. تهدف استراتيجية تطوير طريق البراري، وهي خطة اقتصادية قدمتها منغوليا، إلى تعزيز التجارة مع الأسواق المجاورة.

تغطي سياسة الإحياء الجديدة لمنغوليا إصلاحات شاملة في مجالات الموانئ والطاقة والصناعة والتنمية الخضراء، من بين مجالات أخرى. بينما أعرب شي يوم الاثنين عن رغبة الصين في تعميق التعاون الثنائي في مجالات مثل الاقتصاد والتجارة والطاقة والتعدين والربط وتكنولوجيا المعلومات والمعالجة العميقة لمنتجات الثروة الحيوانية.

وقال شي إن الصين تدعم خطة منغوليا “زراعة مليار شجرة” وترغب في استكشاف إمكانية مع الجانب المنغولي لإقامة مركز تعاون صيني – منغولي للسيطرة على التصحر.

كما دعا الرئيس الصيني إلى تعزيز بناء الممر الاقتصادي بين الصين ومنغوليا وروسيا ومشروع مد خط أنابيب الغاز الصيني الروسي الذي يعبر منغوليا.

تم إطلاق أول قطار شحن بين الصين وأوروبا من ميناء جينتشو بمقاطعة لياونينغ بشمال شرق الصين إلى هلسنكي بفنلندا، عبر مدينة تشويبالسان في منغوليا، في غشت/آب من هذا العام، وهو ما يتماشى مع بناء الممر الاقتصادي بين الصين ومنغوليا وروسيا.

تجاوز 10 مليارات دولار

بينما تسعى الصين إلى تجديد شبابها الوطني من خلال اتباع المسار الصيني للتحديث، أخبر شي خورلسوخ أن الصين لن تحقق الازدهار والتنمية الخاصة بها فحسب، بل ستحقق أيضًا المزيد من فوائد التنمية لجيرانها والعالم.

ظلت الصين أكبر مصدر للاستثمار والشريك التجاري لمنغوليا لمدة 18 عامًا متتالية. في العام الماضي، تجاوز حجم التجارة 10 مليارات دولار لأول مرة.

يمثل إجمالي التجارة بين الصين ومنغوليا أكثر من 60 في المائة من حجم التجارة الخارجية لمنغوليا، وفقًا لبيانات من أكاديمية منغوليا الداخلية للعلوم الاجتماعية.

كما أظهرت بيانات الجمارك أن التجارة الثنائية بلغت 9.68 مليار دولار في الأشهر العشرة الأولى من العام الجاري.

 توحيد الجهود من أجل السلام العالمي والتنمية

واتفق الزعيمان يوم الاثنين على بذل جهود مشتركة من أجل السلام والتنمية في العالم.

وحث الرئيس الصيني الجانبين على العمل كفريق واحد لتعزيز نوع جديد من العلاقات الدولية والمساهمة في بناء مجتمع ذي مصير مشترك للبشرية.

وأشار شي إلى أن الصين ومنغوليا دولتان ناميتان في منطقة آسيا والمحيط الهادئ ولديهما مصالح مشتركة واسعة النطاق في الشؤون الدولية والإقليمية، مضيفا أن الصين مستعدة للتنسيق الوثيق مع الجانب المنغولي للدفاع المشترك عن التعددية الحقيقية، ومقاومة التنافس بين الكتل، والحفاظ على التضامن والتعاون الدوليين.

وأكد خوريلسوخ أن الوضع الدولي والإقليمي الحالى يمر بتطور عميق ومعقد، ويعتقد خوريلسوخ أنه يتعين على الجانبين تعزيز القيم الآسيوية والعمل معا للحفاظ على السلام والاستقرار والتنمية فى آسيا.

ويقدر الجانب المنغولي تقديرا عاليا مساهمة الصين الإيجابية في الحفاظ على السلام والاستقرار والتنمية في العالم وكذلك النظام الدولي مع وجود الأمم المتحدة في صميمه، وهو على استعداد لتعزيز التواصل والتعاون مع الصين في الشؤون الدولية والمساهمة في صون السلام والتنمية الإقليميين.

وأضاف أن منغوليا تدعم مبادرة التنمية العالمية المقترحة من الصين ومبادرة الأمن العالمي.



Korean Orchestra of the Blind among the performers as Education City Stadium hosts South Korea’s group matches

DOHA, Qatar, Nov. 29, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — South Korean musicians are to perform for thousands of football fans from the country, and around the world, at Qatar Foundation’s Education City in Doha when the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 kicks off.

As part of the fan experience that will take place around the eight World Cup matches at the Education City Stadium – the venue for South Korea’s group games against Uruguay, Ghana, and Portugal – the Korean Traditional Music Orchestra of the Blind will be providing supporters with a musical accompaniment as they soak up the pre- and post-match atmosphere.

The orchestra – all of whose members are visually impaired – has been invited to perform as part of Qatar Foundation’s efforts to provide an inclusive, accessible and welcoming environment for every supporter at its Education City Fan Experience, which will also include performances from South Korean artists, including dance group Black Door and DJ Krops.

The fun for fans attending matches at the Education City Stadium includes singing, dancing, and freestyle football, and will highlight both the culture of Qatar and the nations playing at the Education City Stadium.

“Something for everyone was our guiding motto when designing the Education City Stadium fan experience,” said Brooke Reid, Manager of Engagement and Activation at Education City, Qatar Foundation.

“We didn’t just want to create a barrier-free environment, but an actively welcoming and inclusive one that fans of all abilities can enjoy.”

Inclusive performances will include dance-offs between international break-dancers with disabilities, while live sign interpretation of musical performances will be available for the deaf and hearing impaired. Syrian-American hip hop artist Omar Offendum and rock band Faraway Martin will also be among those performing.

Several sensory activations will be present within the Education City Stadium fan experience to help supporters with sensory regulation, including a freestanding music wall with instruments and noise-making capacity that will allow those that need auditory regulation to play and engage, while creating an opportunity for sensory stimulation.

Other sensory activations will include a tactile wall, composed of rubber, seashells, sanded timber, wool and mosaic tiles and a tactile path – composed of concreted pebbles, carpet, exercise mat and cork. The tactile materials – a mix of soft, hard, raised, and other textured surfaces – will help people to self-regulate, avoid sensory overload, exhaustion, or burnout.

A wheelchair accessible light tunnel with soothing light patterns and noise reduction will allow fans to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the fan experience and be in a safe, quiet space that can help reduce feelings of distress that can arise from overstimulation. Meanwhile, a mobile sensory trailer will also be present along the route to the stadium, serving as a safe space and a refuge for fans with sensory issues.

“Fan experience can differ greatly from one person to another,” Reid said. “Some fans may enjoy loud music and bright lights, whereas other may find the same music and lights overwhelming and may need a break. That is exactly what the sensory trailer will help them do.”

Rest benches, with access for wheelchair users, will be available throughout to provide respite to whoever needs it. A number of golf carts will also be available to support fans with limited mobility to move back and forth from the stadium.

Accessibility volunteers – trained by Qatar Foundation and part of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ volunteering force – will be positioned at key points of the fan experience. They are informed and trained to interact, accommodate, and support fans of all abilities. “For example, accessibility volunteers will carry visual communication cards that will allow them to interact and support fans that are non-verbal, deaf and hard of hearing or even those that are unable to communicate because of a language barrier,” Reid said.

Activations will start three hours prior to match kick-off times, pause during the match, and resume for two hours after the game, and will include cultural performances relevant to countries playing on specific match days.

For more information on the Education City Stadium fan experience, please visit https://www.qf.org.qa/events/education-city-fan-experience

FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ x Qatar Foundation

QF has a range of exciting programs and events happening across our bustling Education City campus, including exhibitions, a cultural festival, and special fan experiences before matches at the EC stadiums.

To explore our upcoming events, how to reach Education City, and the schedule of matches happening visit: https://www.qf.org.qa/education-city-world-cup

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1947341/Qatar_Foundation.jpg

Dubai to host world’s largest mental health congress for children and adolescents

DUBAI, Al Jalila Children’s Specialty Hospital, the UAE’s first and only dedicated children’s hospital, will host the 25th edition of the World Congress of the International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions (IACAPAP 2022) at the Dubai World Trade Centre next week.

Held every two years, the Congress bring together the global community to discuss important topics and promote global advancements in the field.

From 5th-9th December, the landmark 25th edition of the congress will be hosted under the theme of “Child and Adolescent Mental Health: Shaping the Future”.

IACAPAP 2022 aligns with the UAE National Strategy for Wellbeing 2031, which aims to make the nation a world leader in quality of life through several strategic objectives and initiatives.

In 2016, Dubai became the first Arab city to win the bid to host the world’s largest mental health congress for children and adolescents.

The first IACAPAP World Congress to be held in the region in its 86-year history, the event will provide a platform for scientists and clinicians from across the globe to discuss the latest research, explore the current mental health challenges of children and adolescents, and highlight cutting-edge innovations to enhance mental health.

The event will feature CPD-accredited sessions led by some of the world’s leading professionals, including Professor Antonio Hardan, Chief Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Stanford University; Professor Bennet L Leventhal, Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; and the former President of IACAPAP, Professor Bruno Falissard, Head of Public Health and Mental Health Research Lab at Paris-Sud University, among others.

Dr. Abdullah Al Khayat, Chief Executive Officer of Al Jalila Children’s Specialty Hospital, said, “IACAPAP has won accolades from all over the world for its invaluable efforts to address the numerous mental health issues that the younger generation has been facing. Regionally, Al Jalila Children’s is a pioneer in improving children’s mental health. Both organisations hosting the World Congress this year is a significant step. We’re hopeful that hosting the World Congress in Dubai will have a long-term positive impact on transforming the region’s mental health landscape.”

The first day of the event is reserved for pre-congress workshops, with the official opening ceremony scheduled for 6th December.

Over five days, the congress will host 12 workshops, 15 keynote talks, and more than 250 hours of the symposium and lectures.

The sessions, involving more than 300 experts worldwide, will cover several topics, including anxiety disorders, autism spectrum disorders, policy and advocacy, preventing mental disorders and enhancing well-being, and emerging technologies to improve access to child and adolescent mental health services.

Pressing issues, such as parental concerns regarding parent-child interactions and the effects of Covid-19 on mental health, will also be covered in the programme.

Thousands of delegates from more than 85 countries are set to attend the sessions.

According to Dr. Ammar Albanna, President of the Emirates Child and Adolescent Mental Health Society and Head of the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Centre of Excellence at Al Jalila Children’s Specialty Hospital, IACAPAP 2022 highlights Dubai’s commitment to societal mental health, especially that of children.

“As a leading children’s hospital in the region, Al Jalila Children’s is proud to have played a key role in bringing the distinguished group of professionals from across the globe to Dubai to discuss mental health issues,” he said. “Focusing on mental health has never been more important because a substantial percentage of the world’s population suffers from mental health difficulties, particularly the most vulnerable group, including children. The World Congress will discuss innovative ways to enhance children’s mental health. It will tackle critical subjects, including how to respond to the surge in mental health disorders in the context of Covid-19. The fact that the Congress is being held for the first time in the region in Dubai highlights the UAE’s efforts to advance paediatric mental health.”

Meanwhile, Dr. Daniel Fung, the president of IACAPAP, underlined the benefits of the Congress, noting how it will enable networking with members from IACAPAP associations and industry professionals worldwide. “Dubai is the most populous city of the UAE. Youth constitutes almost 30 percent of the region’s population. We need to emphasise the importance of advocating for the mental health of the region’s youth, especially as we enter a new period of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity.”

Dubai’s hosting of the event will mark another milestone in the emirate’s efforts to lead mental health awareness in the region and support its efforts of becoming a leading health tourism hub.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Moro Hub associates with SAIMOS to strengthen its video analytics platform

DUBAI, Moro Hub, a subsidiary of Digital DEWA, the digital arm of Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (PJSC), inked a definitive agreement with SAIMOS (Situational Awareness, Infrastructure Management & Operations Security), a leader in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), AI-based Video Analytics as well as custom developments targeting Security, Safety and Critical Infrastructure. The partnership complements Moro Hub’s portfolio with high-quality and cost-efficient SAIMOS Video Analytics & LiDAR suite, which will provide enhanced security to enterprises.

The agreement was signed by Arif Almalik, Chief Digital Products Officer of Moro Hub and Karim Fahmi, CEO Technologies of SAIMOS. As part of the collaboration, Moro Hub will provide complete suite of SAIMOS software solutions and professional services to its clients.

“Video analytics driven by artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms provide actionable business intelligence for organisations. With SAIMOS, we can swiftly develop our smart analytics across any video security solution and ensure enterprises using cloud technologies have enhanced access to safety and security. In addition, this partnership will accelerate organisations to track suspects and discern patterns, making it possible to prevent a security breach rather than just respond to it after the incident,” said Arif Almalik, Chief Digital Products Officer of Moro Hub.

A key element of the agreement aims to provide Moro Hub’s customers with cutting-edge technologies that will improve system capabilities and result in better satisfaction for customers.

“It is an honor to associate with Moro Hub, the leader in digital solutions in the region. SAIMOS is one of the first vendors that allows customers to enhance video analytics architecture with traditional computer vision approaches. We are confident that this partnership will offer access to new customers and enable us to push our boundaries to develop enhanced and innovative solutions,” said Karim Fahmi, CEO Technologies of SAIMOS.

SAIMOS Video Analytics is purely Intel CPU powered, seamlessly integrated into Milestone’s XProtect and combines multiple sensor technologies for advanced Situational Awareness. Its modules are scalable and easy to use, applicable in multiple industries, as Security, Critical Infrastructure (Oil & Gas, Power Plants, Distribution Lines, etc.), Transportation (Bus, Metro, Station, Platform, Airport), Retail, Banking, Campus (Educational Facilities, Municipalities), Smart Buildings, Smart / Safe City and many more.

Source: Emirates News Agency

2nd December marked as global celebration of UAE’s future model

DUBAI, Coinciding with the UAE’s National Day, the 2nd of December marks the celebration of World Futures Day, which is adopted last year by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), in an initiative that reflects the global recognition of the UAE as a role model in shaping the future and the leading position it has achieved over the past 50 years.

The World Futures Day aims to raise awareness on the importance of futuristic mindsets adopted by countries to prepare for future opportunities and challenges.

It further seeks to enhance global cooperation in shaping a better tomorrow for future generations.

The UAE is pursuing a journey towards the future, guided by the clear and confident vision of its leadership, embodied in the statement of President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahayn, who said that “The UAE is striding towards the future, determined to excel in many fields and to create a bright future,” and the vision of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, to develop future readiness in government work and turning it into a catalyst for developing proactive solutions and inventing the necessary tools to make sure the future start today.

The launch of the “We the UAE 2031” vision during the UAE Government Annual Meetings further pinpoints these directions, shaping the progress of the UAE towards a more accomplished future, in which all government entities and institutions cooperate within a unified ecosystem.

Ohood bint Khalfan Al Roumi, Minister of State for Government Development and The Future, stated that under the leadership of President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed, and the vision and directions of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, the UAE managed to transform the approach of design and making the future to an established culture and integrated work ecosystem centred around the theme “the future belongs to those who can imagine it, design it, and execute it”.

She added that the World Futures Day, which coincides with the UAE’s celebration of its National Day, embodies the UAE’s belief that shaping the future is a global mission that relies on the integrated efforts to shape a better future and create opportunities for the current and future generations.

Al Roumi highlighted that the UAE has transformed the vision of shaping the future into a set of opportunities and daily lifestyle in which everyone participates and enjoys the positive outcomes in all fields.

She stressed that this approach has secured the UAE’s position as a leading model in readiness and proactivity, and a major contributor to making a better future.

The UAE vision “We the UAE 2031” is a national-integrated programme for shaping the future of the UAE within the next decade and over the next 50, towards the UAE Centennial 2071.

It focuses on four main pillars that cover all sectors and fields, including the economy, society, ecosystem and diplomacy, seeking to enhance the position of the UAE as a global partner and an attractive and influential economic hub.

Furthermore, it aims to highlight the successful economic model of the UAE and the opportunities it provides to all global partners.

UNESCO’s Adoption of 2nd December as the World Futures Day aims to improve long-term resilience through futures and anticipatory approaches, including strategic foresight, promoting future readiness and proactive policymaking to achieve sustainable development for future generations.

The adoption of the World Futures Day came unanimously within the outcomes of the 41st session of the UNESCO, which was held in November 2021 in Paris. It reflects the UNESCO’s efforts to promote countries’ readiness for the future, develop new tools to enhance the global efforts aiming to raise awareness on the importance of future readiness, and enable countries to leverage these tools to shape the future and develop new solutions that drive development and promote international efforts to embrace innovation.

Source: Emirates News Agency

UAE Ambassador attends inauguration of President of Kazakhstan

ASTANA, Dr. Mohammed Saeed Al Ariqi, UAE Ambassador to Kazakhstan, attended the inauguration of Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for a new presidential term.

The ceremony was held in the capital, Astana.

Al Ariqi conveyed the greetings of President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, and His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, as well as their wishes to President Tokayev for continued success and further progress and prosperity for the Kazakh people.

For his part, President Tokayev conveyed his greetings to President His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed and His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid, and expressed his wishes for the people of the UAE to achieve further growth and prosperity.

Source: Emirates News Agency