Ministerial Arab information council 54th meeting kicks off in Bahrain

Arab information ministerial council held its 54th meeting on Wednesday in Manama, with Kuwaiti Information Minister Abdulrahman Al-Mutairi taking part.

Bahraini Minister of Information Ramzan Al-Noaimi welcomed participating ministers to the inaugural session, and expressed hope that their efforts culminate in success.

He also wished that their efforts boost role of media in Arab issues, with Palestine at the forefront, as well as instill peace and security in region.

Al-Noaimi pointed out that the meeting is held after Bahrain hosted 33rd Arab summit, a summit with extraordinary timing and outcomes exemplified in the Bahrain declaration that reflects unity.

Saudi Information Minister Salman Al-Dousari in his speech highlighted Saudi efforts since its establishments in uniting Arab position and promoting joint Arab work, most recently by hosting Arab and Islamic summits to deliberate Israeli occupation aggression on Gaza strip.

He also pointed out Saudi Arabia’s efforts in employing its might to urge in
ternational community to recognize state of Palestine.

Arab League Assistant Undersecretary Ambassador Ahmad Khatabi underlined importance of media support to Palestinian case as the Israeli occupation continues to commit horrible crimes against Palestinian people.

Khatabi affirmed the vital role of media outlets in supporting this just cause, and indicated that the media and communications sector is keen on activating Arab media strategy, at heart of which lies the integrated platform that sets forth to counter extremist conflicts.

Khatabi, congratulating the winners of the Kuwaiti-sponsored media excellence award, affirmed that it is an encouraging endeavor for exceptional professionalism.

Source: Kuwait News Agency

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