‫‫رعاية بطولة يورو 2020 هو الخيار الذي لا مفر منه لاستراتيجية العولمة لشركة هايسنس

شنغداو، الصين، 11 تموز/يوليو /PRNewswire/ — بصفتها البطولة الرياضية الرئيسية الأولى بعد الوباء، اجتذبت بطولة يورو 2020 حماسا جماهيريا كبيرا.  وبصفتها راعية رسمية للبطولة، ظهرت شركة هايسنس مع ماركات أخرى تابعة لها في البطولة.  “إذا كانت رعاية يورو 2016 التواجد العالمي الأولي للشركة، فيجب أن تكون رعاية يورو 2020 بداية لعولمة العلامات التجارية والمنتجات المتنوعة لشركة هايسنس،” كما قال قال جيا شوكيان، رئيس مجموعة هايسنس غروب هولدنغز المحدودة.
أصبح التسويق الرياضي خيارًا استراتيجيًا لشركة هايسنس، ومفتاحًا للارتقاء لناحية الشهرة العالمية، وتحسين التعرف على منتجاتها من الدرجة الأولى، وزيادة مبيعاتها. ويؤدي هذا في النهاية إلى تحقيق الهدف الاستراتيجي المتمثل في أن “السوق الخارجي يساهم في غالبية إيرادات هايسنس.” من خلال التسويق الرياضي والتعزيز المستمر لقدرات التسويق المتكاملة عالميًا، تعمل هايسنس على ترسيخ الحضور والاعتراف بها العالميين.

استراتيجية العولمة خيار ضروري
إن امتلاك كفاءة سوق متكاملة هائلة وسمعة سوق معترف بها على نطاق واسع هي متطلبات صارمة لتصبح الشركة راعيًة رئيسية.  كشفت رعاية هايسنس عن قدرة علامتها التجارية وسمعتها الممتازة التي اكتسبتها بفضل التسويق الرياضي.
بنت هايسنس 16 مركزًا للبحث والتطوير و 17 قاعدة إنتاج، وأنشأت 54 شركة ومكتباً في جميع أنحاء العالم، وتواصل توسيع المبيعات العالمية والتخطيط الصناعي منذ المرحلة الأولى من استراتيجية العولمة.  وعلاوة على ذلك، فإن العمل الخيري والتسويق الرياضي، تعزز هايسنس الشهرة لنفسها وتحقق الثقة والاحترام العالميين.
بحلول العام 2020، أصبحت إيرادات العلامة التجارية المملوكة لشركة هايسنس تمثل 78٪ من عائدات التسويق الدولي.  وقال جيا شوكيان: “بعد 30 عامًا، أصبحت هايسنس مؤسسة متعددة الجنسيات ناجحة وعلامة تجارية دولية مرموقة.  “لتصبح مؤسسة معولمة، فإن التدويل الشامل لتطوير المنتجات والتصنيع والعلامات التجارية والتسويق هي التكتيكات الرئيسية.”  ومع إصرار رئيس شركة هايسنس  جو هوجيان، على تعزيز نظام التسويق الدولي، فإن إنشاء علامة تجارية مملوكة ذاتيًا هو مسار التنمية الثابت لشركة هايسنس.

القدرة التسويقية المتكاملة في جميع أنحاء العالم لتسريع العولمة
“إن وجود نظام تسويق عالمي شامل وخطط تشغيلية دقيقة هو الطريق إلى قيادة عولمة المؤسسة بنجاح.  لقد تم تسريع عولمة هايسنس من خلال تراكم الخبرات والجهود في خمسة جوانب،” كما قال تشو دان، رئيس شركة هايسنس إنترناشونال كو

  • أطلقت هايسنس مجموعة من الحملات التسويقية في أوروبا لتعظيم مزايا الرعاية: عرض العلامة التجارية الحصرية لشركة هايسنس في فيستيفا تاورز في أوروبا؛ وأطلقت “جولة الكأس”؛ ما زاد من حركة المرور من خلال حملات التبرع على تويتر وزيادة مبيعات التجارة الإلكترونية. من خلال مجموعة متنوعة من الحملات، تمت زيادة تأثير العلامة التجارية بنجاح.
  • ضوابط الجودة: من خلال بناء قواعد البحث والتطوير على مستوى العالم، مكنت الشركة الإنتاج المحلي لضمان جودة المنتج.
  • كفاءة سلسلة التوريد: من خلال إنشاء مركز إدارة سلسلة التوريد العالمي، والقواعد الخارجية والشراكات مع منصات التجارة المحلية، تعزز هايسنس ضمان أوامر النقل عبر الحدود ومعدلات توزيع الطلبات الإلكترونية في الوقت المحدد، مما يضمن تجربة المستهلكين بشكل كافٍ.
  • نظام متكامل: تستخدم هايسنس الموارد العالمية في البحث والتطوير والتصنيع والمبيعات لضمان تأهيل المنتجات وتلبية احتياجات المستهلكين.
  • استغلال المواهب: تؤمن شركة هايسنس بأن أساس الابتكار التكنولوجي يتجسد في تركيز المواهب وتنميتها. لقد وظفت هايسنس العديد من المواهب العالمية المتقدمة في تصميم الرقائق والذكاء الاصطناعي ومجالات أخرى لتعزيز التكنولوجيا والجودة.
Hisense's Appearance in EURO 2020

مبيعات المنتجات تساعد في التسويق الرياضي
يعزز التفاني المستمر في التسويق الرياضي حضور المؤسسة بنجاح ولكنه يؤدي أيضًا إلى مبيعات أفضل.
بالمقارنة مع  يورو 2016، تركز هايسنس بشكل أكبر على مبيعات المنتجات والتسويق في يورو 2020. ومن خلال الاستفادة من الرعاية، من يناير إلى يونيو 2021، ارتفعت مبيعات أجهزة تلفزيون الليزر من هايسنس في الخارج بأكثر من 10 أضعاف على أساس سنوي. تعتبر “الشاشة الكبيرة، فائقة الدقة، الجودة المثالية، والصوت من الطراز العالمي” من الميزات الرائعة لتلفزيون الليزر وأسباب اختياره من قبل الجمهور.
وقال بانغ جينغ، المدير العام لقسم التسويق الدولي في هايسنس، “بالاستفادة من تجربة الرعاية في كأس الأمم الأوروبية 2016 وكأس العالم 2018، أصبحت هايسنس أكثر كفاءة وفعالية في كأس الأمم الأوروبية 2020.  من خلال إنشاء المزيد من الشركات في الخارج ونظام سلسلة التوريد الشامل، يمكن جمع الموارد العالمية هايسنس من تحقيق النجاح في الحملات التسويقية لـ يورو 2020.  وقد أصبح التركيز على زيادة مبيعات المنتجات وسمعة العلامة التجارية هدف هايسنس التسويقي في يورو 2020.  وبالمضي قدمًا، ستواصل هايسنس جهودها في التسويق الرياضي “.

هايسنس ملتزمة بالتسويق الرياضي، وهي تصر على الاستثمار طويل الأجل واستراتيجية العولمة.  من رعاية كأس الأمم الأوروبية 2020 وكأس العالم لكرة القدم إلى الأحداث الرياضية الأخرى، ومن خلال القدرات الشاملة والمنتجات المبتكرة، تتمكن هايسنس من الحفاظ على الميزة التنافسية في السوق العالمية.

فيديو – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8C-_7PwDU4  

صورة – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1571339/Hisense_s_Appearance_EURO_2020.jpg

فيديو- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuE6pVOLzQs

Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi passes 150 organ transplant milestone

ABU DHABI, Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, an integral part of Mubadala Health, has reached a milestone of performing more than 150 transplants since the introduction of its multi-organ transplant program in 2017.

The UAE’s sole multi-organ transplant center, Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, performed the UAE’s first heart, liver, lung and pancreas transplants. In addition, the hospital’s transplant center recently began performing complex dual transplant surgeries, the first in the UAE. Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi has now performed 82 kidney transplants, 52 liver transplants, 10 heart transplants, 6 lung transplants, 3 combined pancreas and kidney transplants and a combined kidney and liver transplant.

“It is humbling to see the life-changing impact our transplant program has had on patients and their families across the UAE. That we have reached this 150 transplant milestone during Cleveland Clinic’s centennial year is a fantastic acknowledgement of the legacy of innovation and patient-centered care we are continuing here in Abu Dhabi. When we opened our doors just five years ago, we couldn’t have imagined our transplant program would have touched so many lives this quickly,” said Dr. Bashir Sankari, Director of Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi’s transplant program.

Despite growing numbers of registered organ donors, demand continues to outpace supply and there remains a long waiting list of patients who require a transplant. In order to mitigate the impact of this and offer a fresh lifeline to patients waiting for a new liver, the hospital’s multidisciplinary transplant team worked with their colleagues at Cleveland Clinic in the United States to introduce complex living related liver transplants that enable relatives to donate part of their liver to family members in need.

The introduction of living related liver donation has meant that 22 patients have been able to access life-saving transplants without needing to wait for a compatible donor organ to become available. The impact of this introduction has spread beyond the UAE, with patients travelling from abroad to access living related transplant services. Recently, a 14-year-old patient travelled to Abu Dhabi from Sudan so that he could receive part of his brother’s liver.

“The introduction of living related liver donation has been a huge boost to some of the country’s sickest patients. We are building on that success with the introduction of combined organ transplants that see patients receive two new organs in a single surgery. We are very proud to be among just a handful of centers in the world able to offer this highly complex level of care that has the ability to completely transform a patient’s life, particularly when a pancreas transplant frees a patient from the need for daily insulin injections,” said Dr. Luis Campos, Director of the Liver Transplant Program and head of hepatobiliary surgery at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi.

Surgeons at Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi performed the UAE’s first pancreas transplant in a combined operation that also saw a young woman receive a new kidney. Following the successful surgery, the patient is no longer reliant on insulin injections to control her blood sugar and has effectively been cured of her diabetes. Since her operation, two more patients have received combined kidney and pancreas transplants. Surgeons at the hospital also performed the nation’s first combined liver and kidney transplant.

“Caregivers from across Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi come together to form the backbone of our multidisciplinary transplant program. Their and our donors’ contributions to the health and future of our community cannot be overstated. Each successful operation is another person who can return home to his or her life and family, and I am so proud of every caregiver who helps to make that happen,” concluded Dr. Sankari.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Abu Dhabi’s foodstuffs trade valued at AED 7.51 billion in five months

ABU DHABI, The value of Abu Dhabi’s foreign trade of foodstuffs amounted to AED7.51 billion during the first five months of 2021, reflecting Emirate’s maintain its commercial activity levels, according to data issued by the General Administration of Customs in Abu Dhabi (Abu Dhabi Customs).

In terms of foodstuff trade, the number of customs transactions reached 72,918 (66,389 by land, 4,290 by air, 2,239 by sea) during the first five months, recording an increase of 61 percent when compared to 62,906 transactions during the same period in 2020. The size of traded foodstuffs reached about 1.74 million tonnes, comprising 998,179 tonnes of imports and 414,689 tonnes of exports, and 330,233 tonnes of re-exports.

Abu Dhabi’s total value of foreign trade in foodstuffs included imports with a value exceeding AED 3.14 billion, exports with a value of AED 2.88 billion, a growth of 11 percent compared to AED 2.60 billion during the same period of 2020, and re-exports with a value of AED 1.5 billion, a growth of 5 percent compared to AED 1.42 billion.

Saudi Arabia maintained its position as Abu Dhabi’s largest strategic partner in the foodstuff trade sector, trading around AED 3.37 billion, a growth of 3 percent compared to AED 3.29 billion during the same period of 2020.

Kuwait ranked second with a total foodstuff trade value of AED 804.59 million, a growth of 20 percent compared to AED 671.16 million during the same period of last year, followed by Yemen with AED 626.14 million, Bahrain with AED 348.62 million, Jordan with AED 314.60 million, Oman with AED 274.16 million, and Spain with AED 184.42 million.

The data revealed that dairy and livestock products are the most traded segment, amounting to AED 1.868 billion of Abu Dhabi’s total foodstuff trade, followed by its fruits and citruses trade, which reached AED 938.54 million.

Rashed Lahej Al Mansoori, Director-General of Abu Dhabi Customs, said that Abu Dhabi Customs is continuing its efforts to promote and facilitate food trade movement in Abu Dhabi through employing highly qualified Emirati professionals, as well as digital customs services, to meet the needs of all traders, especially in the foodstuffs sector, in line with the directives of the UAE’s wise leadership to enhance food security in the UAE.

He added that Abu Dhabi Customs, in collaboration with the strategic partners, is bolstering its efforts to ensure the safety of foodstuffs and their compliance with health conditions through facilitating the timely clearance of all shipments to ensure fast access to markets, in line with the highest quality standards.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Arbitration tribunal rejects Djibouti Port Company’s bid to escape contract with DP World

DUBAI, An Arbitral Tribunal of the London Court of International Arbitration (LCIA) has ruled against Djibouti’s port company, Port de Djibouti S.A. (PDSA), in its dispute with DP World, confirming the unlawfulness of its effort to terminate its Joint Venture Agreement and transfer its shares to the State.

PDSA is 23.5 percent owned by China Merchants Port Holdings Company Ltd of Hong Kong (China Merchants), and the rest of its shares are held by the Government of Djibouti.

On 23 February 2018, the Government illegally seized control of the Doraleh Container Terminal from DP World, who designed, built and operated the terminal following a concession awarded in 2006. Until the seizure, the Terminal was being managed under a joint venture between DP World and PDSA. In July 2018, PDSA unilaterally declared that its Joint Venture Agreement with DP World was terminated. PDSA also tried to remove DP World’s nominated directors from the joint venture company in an effort to seize control of that company. DP World approached the High Court of England & Wales and secured an injunction against PDSA to restrain it from doing so until the Tribunal had the opportunity to rule on the dispute. In an attempt to circumvent the effect of the injunction, PDSA attempted to transfer its shares in the joint venture to the Government of Djibouti, relying on an Ordinance issued by the President of Djibouti. DP World sued PDSA over these matters in the arbitration.

The Tribunal has now ruled that PDSA breached the Joint Venture Agreement by wrongfully attempting to terminate it, and by engaging in the attempted transfer of its shares to the Government. The Tribunal ruled that the Joint Venture Agreement was not terminated and remains in full force and effect. It also ruled that PDSA remains a shareholder in the joint venture, and its attempted transfer of its shares to the Government had no effect. The arbitration will now proceed to a second phase to decide the damages owed by PDSA to DP World. PDSA has also been ordered to reimburse DP World’s legal costs to date in the sum of GBP 1.7 million.

The new ruling is the seventh decision by an international court or tribunal in favour of DP World in its ongoing dispute with the Republic of Djibouti. It follows a ruling on 31 July 2018 by another LCIA Tribunal that the Concession Agreement over the Doraleh Container Terminal remains valid and binding notwithstanding the Government of Djibouti’s efforts to evade its contractual obligations, and a further ruling on 10 January 2020 ordering the Government to restore the Terminal to DP World. A third arbitration tribunal has also ordered the Government to pay damages of US$ 485.7 million to the joint venture company (in which DP World has a 1/3rd stake) over the breach of its exclusivity rights, due to the construction of the Doraleh Multipurpose Port and including certain unpaid royalties for container traffic handled at other ports in Djibouti. The Government of Djibouti has yet to comply with any of these rulings, and remains in breach of its international obligations.

DP World has reiterated that it will continue to pursue all legal means to defend its rights as shareholder and concessionaire in the Doraleh Container Terminal in the face of the Government’s blatant disregard for the rule of law and respect for binding commercial contracts. It has also highlighted that despite three years having passed, the Government is yet to come forward with any offer of compensation in an effort to find a negotiated settlement to the dispute.

The Doraleh Container Terminal, the largest employer and biggest source of revenue in the country, has operated at a profit every year since it opened, and has been found by an international tribunal and the English Commercial Court to have been a “great success” for Djibouti under DP World’s management.

DP World is a leading enabler of global trade and an integral part of the supply chain. It operates multiple yet related businesses – from marine and inland terminals, maritime services, logistics and ancillary services to technology-driven trade solutions.

With a portfolio of 81 operating marine and inland terminals supported by 148 business units in 60 countries across six continents with a significant presence in both high-growth and mature markets, the company enjoys strong relationships with governments around the world, working in partnership to strengthen economies through investment in infrastructure and the implementation of smart trade solutions.

Source: Emirates News Agency

UAE Central Bank issues monetary, banking developments for May 2021

ABU DHABI, The Central Bank of the UAE announced that the Money Supply aggregate M1 increased by 0.3%, from AED 644.4 billion at the end of April 2021 to AED 646.4 billion at the end of May 2021, according to monetary and banking developments for May 2021 The Money Supply aggregate M2 decreased by 0.3%, from AED 1462.5 billion at the end of April 2021 to AED 1458.5 billion at the end of May 2021.

The Money Supply aggregate M3 also reduced by 0.8%, falling from AED 1764.8 billion at the end of April 2021 to AED 1750.2 billion at the end of May 2021.

The increase in M1 was due to AED 2.4 billion rise in Monetary Deposits, overshadowing AED 0.4 billion fall in Currency in Circulation Outside Banks. M2 decreased due to an AED 6.0 billion reduction in Quasi-Monetary Deposits, superseding the increase in M1. M3 fell due to a reduced M2 and an AED 10.6 billion reduction in Government Deposits.

The Monetary Base expanded by 2.9 % rising from AED 430.8 billion at the end of April 2021 to AED 443.4 billion at the end of May 2021. The main driving force behind this increase in the Monetary Base was 32.7% and 11.1% increases in Reserve Account and Certificates of Deposit & Monetary Bills, respectively. Currency Issued and Banks & OFCs’ Current Accounts & Overnight Deposits of Banks at CBUAE fell by 1.2% and 28.6%, correspondingly.

Gross banks’ assets, including bankers’ acceptances, rose by 0.4%, increasing from AED 3169.3 billion at the end of April 2021 to AED 3182.0 billion at the end of May 2021.

Gross credit decreased by 0.7% falling from AED 1763.2 billion at the end of April 2021 to AED 1751.5 billion at the end of May 2021. Gross Credit fell because of 0.8% reduction in Domestic Credit, overriding 0.5% increase in Foreign Credit. The fall in Domestic Credit was mainly due to a 1.4%, 2.8%, 0.2% and 0.6% reductions in credit to Government Sector, credit to Public Sector (GREs), credit to Private Sector and credit to Non-Banking Financial Institutions, respectively.

Total bank deposits decreased by 0.1%, falling from AED 1877.3 billion at the end of April 2021 to AED 1874.6 billion at the end of May 2021, attributable to 0.4% reduction in Resident Deposits, overriding a 1.5% rise in Non-Resident Deposits. Resident Deposits fell mainly due to 1.2%, 0.1%, 0.2% and 1.7% reductions in Government Sector Deposits, GREs Deposits, Private Sector deposits and Non-Banking Financial Institutions’ Deposits, respectively.

Source: Emirates News Agency

DEWA completes 79.6% of Lusaily water reservoir to increase water storage capacity in Dubai to 1002 MIG

DUBAI, Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has completed 79.6 percent of the Lusaily water reservoir, which has a storage capacity of 60 million imperial gallons (MIG). With investments totalling AED 175.4 million, the project is expected to be completed by the end of Q3 2021.

“DEWA works in line with its strategy to consolidate Dubai’s leading position as a role model in the effectiveness and efficiency of the electricity and water infrastructure to meet current and future development requirements in Dubai. We are currently building a reinforced concrete 60-million-gallon reservoir in Lusaily alongside the existing one, which stores 120 million gallons of desalinated water,” said Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, MD & CEO of DEWA.

Al Tayer said that DEWA is building another 120 MIG reservoir in Nakhali to increase the water flow and raise the volume of the Emirate’s water reserve. This meets the growing demand, supports the sustainable development of Dubai, and increases the efficiency and reliability of water networks, as well as increases the water storage capacity in Dubai to 1002 MIG by 2021 compared to the current capacity of 815 MIG.

Al Tayer noted that DEWA adopts the latest global technologies to provide state-of-the-art infrastructure and manage all facilities and services in the Emirate through smart connected systems. This improves operational efficiency and reduces losses in the water transmission and distribution networks, which has decreased from 42 percent in 1988 to 5.1 percent, making it one of the lowest water losses worldwide.

Source: Emirates News Agency