‫هايسنس تُبهر الجميع في كأس الأمم الأوروبية 2020، مع نمو الشحنات للتلفزيونات الليزر أكثر من 10 مرات في النصف الأول من عام 2021

تشينغداو، الصين، 14 يوليو/تمّوز 2021 /PRNewswire/ — بعد العديد من المباريات المكثفة، انتهى نهائي كأس الأمم الأوروبية 2020 المنتظر برفع إيطاليا للكأس لتُتوَّج بطلًا. بصفتها الراعي العالمي لكأس الأمم الأوروبية 2020، ومن خلال سنوات عديدة من الخبرة في مجال التسويق الرياضي والابتكارات التكنولوجية، حققت هايسنس أيضًا مكانة رائدة في سمعة العلامة التجارية ومبيعات المنتجات. علاوة على ذلك، في الفترة من يناير/كانون الثاني إلى يونيو/حزيران 2021، زادت شحنات أجهزة تليفزيون الليزر من هايسنس في جميع أنحاء العالم (باستثناء السوق الصينية) بأكثر من عشر مرات مقارنة بالفترة نفسها من العام الماضي.

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مستفيدة من التسويق الرياضي لزيادة مبيعات أجهزة تلفزيون الليزر عالية الجودة

مع تعزيز قوة العلامة التجارية والتوسع بالسوق العالمية، يعد التسويق الرياضي خيارًا لا غنى عنه لاستراتيجية العولمة الخاصة بشركة هايسنس. مستفيدةً من الشعبية العالمية وتأثير كأس الأمم الأوروبية 2020، اجتذب شعار “Hisense 100 ‘Laser TV” اهتمامًا عامًا ملحوظًا، وعزز التعرف على المنتجات المتميزة في السوق، وعرض تكنولوجيا هايسنس وقوتها للمستهلكين العالميين، وإقامة شراكات متعمقة مع العديد من شركاء الأعمال العالميين.

من خلال سنوات من تراكم لسمعة الشركة العالمية وبالاستفادة من التسويق الرياضي، حقق تليفزيون الليزر من هايسنس نجاحًا كبيرًا في الولايات المتحدة وأستراليا وجنوب إفريقيا ودبي وفرنسا والأسواق الرئيسية الأخرى، خاصةً في السوق الأوروبية. على سبيل المثال، خلال كأس الأمم الأوروبية 2020، اشترى الفريق الوطني الإسباني لكرة القدم 8 مجموعات من أجهزة تلفزيون هايسنس الليزرية مقاس 100 بوصة وقدّم 6 منها للاعبين؛ كما أصبحت شركة بولانجر، وهي شركة فرنسية رائدة في بيع الأجهزة المنزلية بالتجزئة، شريكًا تجاريًا رئيسيًا لشركة هايسنس، حيث اتخذت مبادرات لتخصيص العديد من مرافق المتاجر لأجهزة تلفزيون هايسنس الليزرية في 13 متجرًا في فرنسا، مما أدى إلى زيادة التعريف بمنتجات هايسنس الراقية في أوروبا.

ولتلبية متطلبات السوق الراقية في دبي، قامت شركة هايسنس بدمج شاشة تلفزيون الليزر بإطار ذهبي لإبتكار تلفزيون ليكون قطعة فنية راقية وذو تقنية عالية والذي أشاد به العديد من المستهلكين في دبي. وبالتالي، فإن العديد من أفراد العائلة المالكة والمطربين والمشاهير في دبي هم المستهلكون المخلصون لشركة هايسنس. من نادي الجولف في المرابع العربية إلى طريق الشيخ زايد، يمكن العثور على أجهزة تلفزيون هايسنس الليزرية في أماكن بارزة وأصبحت المنتج الأكثر شهرة في دبي.

بحلول نهاية عام 2020، نمت عائدات مبيعات التليفزيون الليزر التراكمية في الخارج بنسبة 120% على أساس سنوي. حافظت هايسنس على نموها المستمر وواصلت التوسع بالسوق حتى عندما أعاق الوباء الصناعة في عام 2020.

والظهور كشركة عالمية رائدة في صناعة أجهزة تلفزيون الليزر من خلال الابتكارات التكنولوجية

ويرتبط نجاح تليفزيون الليزر من هايسنس ارتباطًا وثيقًا بإنجازاتها التكنولوجية المستمرة. منذ عام 2007، بدأت شركة هايسنس في التخطيط لتطوير أجهزة تلفزيون الليزر. وبعد 7 سنوات من الجهد، حققت هايسنس تقدمًا تقنيًا من 0 إلى 1 وأطلقت أول تلفزيون ليزر لها في عام 2014. في عام 2021، تدخل هايسنس تلفزيونات الليزر لعصر جديد، من خلال إطلاق أول تلفزيون ليزر تراي كروما بالألوان الكاملة مقاس 100 بوصة في العالم.

تقدمت هايسنس بطلب للحصول على 1366 براءة اختراع عالمية في قطاع أجهزة التليفزيون الليزرية وتهدف إلى دفع تطور صناعة تليفزيون الليزر من خلال مشاركة براءات الاختراع والتقنيات وحقوق الملكية الفكرية مع الصناعة في غضون خمس سنوات. وقال جيا شوقيان، رئيس مجموعة هايسنس: “حققت أجهزة تليفزيون الليزر حاليًا نجاحًا متواضعًا. تهدف هايسنس إلى تكوين بيئة تكنولوجية في المستقبل، والسماح لمزيد من الشركات في هذه الصناعة”.

إن نجاح أجهزة التليفزيون الليزرية من هايسنس في جميع أنحاء العالم ليس مصادفة ولكنه مظهر من مظاهر القوة التكنولوجية لشركة هايسنس وقدرة علامتها التجارية وابتكارتها. مع الظهور الرائع لتلفزيون الليزر في كأس الأمم الأوروبية 2020، فقد ساهم في تسريع عملية عولمة هايسنس. في إطار مبادرة هايسنس، تشهد أجهزة تليفزيون الليزر والصناعة توسعًا هائلًا في جميع أنحاء العالم.

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الصورة – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1573042/image2.jpg

الصورة – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1573041/image3.jpg 

China Media Group and ASEAN media set up partnership to boost regional development

BEIJING, July 14, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The China Media Group (CMG) and ASEAN media on Wednesday initiated a partnership which has been established to promote mutual communications at the 2021 ASEAN Media Partners Forum.

Members agreed to issue a joint statement, which aims at strengthening cooperation between the CMG and ASEAN media partners in the post-pandemic era and fostering greater regional prosperity.

Joint Statement on Strengthening ASEAN -China Media Cooperation

The forum was hosted by the CMG. It gathered around 100 guests from 33 organizations in China and 14 foreign countries who attended the event in person or online.

Shen Haixiong, President and Editor-in-Chief of CMG, delivered a welcome speech. Noting this year marks the 30th anniversary of the dialogue relations between China and ASEAN, Shen said the media has played an irreplaceable role in promoting steady and sustained advancement of China-ASEAN relations.

“In recent years, CMG and media organizations of ASEAN countries have been engaged in multi-dimensional and multi-level exchange and cooperation, which has effectively promoted mutual understanding and trust between our peoples,” he said.

Based on these solid relations, Shen also expressed his wish to deepen practical cooperation between CMG and ASEAN partners.

“We hope to use the fruitful achievements to enrich the essence of our partnership. We are also looking forward to seeing more media organizations of ASEAN countries joining us in telling China stories, ASEAN stories and stories about China-ASEAN exchange and cooperation in an objective and faithful way,” said Shen.

Martin Andanar, Secretary of the Presidential Communications Operations Office of the Philippines, said that the China Media Group and CCTV Video News Agency have been their reliable media partners. He said the forum “constantly creates more diverse avenues among participating countries to deepen their knowledge and understanding, and to promote media cooperation amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.”

Alex Yeow Wai Siaw, Group Chief Executive Officer of the Star Media Group in Malaysia, emphasized that the common progress of the entire region laid the foundation of the region’s future in today’s interdependent world. Yeow said: “Malaysia and China have always shared close relations, allowing the media on both sides to share valuable knowledge for mutual learning.”

Tham Loke Kheng, Chief Executive Officer of Mediacorp from Singapore, said in her speech the partnerships “are key to driving innovation and growth for media players across Asia. This is where we can find opportunities to grow together.” She believes that creative partnerships are the key to unlocking a promising future for the media industry in ASEAN and China.

Chen Dehai, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre, also expressing his confidence about the future ASEAN-China media cooperation and said in his speech, “At present, ASEAN-China relations are standing at a new historical starting point with even broader prospects.” adding that, “Great potential lies ahead for media cooperation between the two sides.”

Under the new partnership mechanism, CCTV+ launched a program for ASEAN partners called AgriToday, which focuses on China’s world-leading agriculture technology and offers members the latest industry information and video footage. A signing ceremony was held between CCTV+, Vietnam News Agency and Vietnam Rural TV of the Voice of Vietnam. The launch ceremony for the 2021 Lancang-Mekong Mobile Cinema and the documentary Amazing Southeast Asia were also held during the forum. These projects aim to promote stronger intercultural communication among Chinese and ASEAN people.

The forum concluded with an online panel discussion, which saw Chinese and ASEAN media representatives around the theme of “Media Cooperation & Regional Development.” The panelists discussed specific topics such as fighting against fake news and media bias.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1574096/image.jpg


CFI Adds New Markets & Now Enables Trading On Over 7000 Products Across 18 Global Markets

DUBAI, UAE, July 14, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — CFI Financial Group, an award-winning and globally regulated trading provider enabling next-generation access to the global financial markets, expands its offering to more than 7000 trading products and adds new markets to the list it already covers.

The additional products include new Stocks and ETFs and with the new markets, CFI will now be covering products from the US, UK, Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. Furthermore, all new and previously offered CFDs on Stocks and ETFs are available for trading with zero commissions.

Earlier this year, CFI launched fractional shares and was awarded “Trading Platform of the Year” and “Best User Experience for Trading” by the prestigious Entrepreneur Magazine Middle East.

Founders and Managing Directors of CFI Financial Group, Hisham Mansour and Eduardo Fakhoury commented: “Reaching 7,000 products is a milestone and a testament to our team’s tireless conquest of achieving our vision of being the brand for all things investing and trading. Expanding the range and number of products and markets we offer means our clients have access to an ever-increasing stream of opportunities. Today, CFI is among the few companies around the world offering such a wide range of products and markets and we will continue to deliver new initiatives and improvements that will aim, as our slogan says, to Empower Investors by providing the most complete, innovative, and competitive services possible. The drive is on to continue improving our entire suite of products and services and we are on track to reach even more during 2021”.

“CFI is at the forefront of breaking new grounds. Access to new markets and more opportunities are one of the many advantages that we aim to deliver to our clients. We aim to continue this product expansion while always finding new ways to Empower our clients even more in the future”, says Samer Raad, Global Head of Dealing at CFI.

CFI enables access to thousands of Stocks, Currencies, Commodities, Indices, and ETFs across international markets from a single interface, a powerful trading infrastructure boosted by zero commissions, ultra-competitive spreads with some products now reaching zero, and a model geared at providing low latency and fast execution, especially during fast markets. In addition, CFI provides a dedicated account manager, daily market reports, and free webinars for all experience levels.

The company serves clients across more than 100 countries and through several regulated entities around the world under the CFI Financial Group.

About CFI Financial Group

The CFI Financial Group is an award-winning global financial markets provider with over 23 years of experience, and regulated entities in London, Larnaca, Beirut, Amman, Dubai, and Port Louis. The group is focused on providing an unrivaled and superior trading experience to private and institutional investors with multi-asset access, personalized and dedicated support, powerful analytics and daily market analysis, and highly advanced trading infrastructure with an expansive suite of trading platforms. For more information, please visit www.cfifinancial.com.

Media contact:

Wissam Chehade
Global Head of PR & Communications, CFI Financial Group
w.chehade@cfifinancial.com, P: +971 4 770 6717
N701, Emirates Financial Towers,
Dubai, UAE
PO BOX 416217


National Programme for Coders trains 20,000 students across 8 national universities

DUBAI, Following the directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, to activate the role of national universities in supporting the promising talents of coding in the UAE, the National Programme for Coders has announced the participation of 8 national universities to empower 20,000 students with coding skills, as part of the first phase of the Programme knowledge partnerships.

The National Programme for Coders will provide 500 training opportunities for undergraduates in local, regional, and international companies in the UAE and abroad.

The list of participating national universities includes the Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT), Khalifa University, Zayed University, University of Dubai, Abu Dhabi University (ADU), Mohammed bin Zayed University for Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI), American University in Dubai (AUD) and the University of Sharjah (UoS).

The Programme will also launch 3 digital libraries in collaboration with Amazon, Huawei, and IBM, to give undergraduates in the UAE the opportunity to learn how to use various programming applications and apply them practically, as well as to introduce them to the coding techniques and tools used in various sectors and markets.

These digital libraries provide important resources for undergraduates, enabling them to view various areas of specialised digital content and benefit from global experiences in coding-related technology, such as artificial intelligence, data science, designing digital platforms, creating electronic applications, cloud computing services, fifth generation technologies, and blockchain.

The national universities participating in the National Programme for Coders will launch special clubs for coders on their campuses, with the goal of refining their skills and providing them with the opportunity to participate in Hackathon competitions specialised in programming, both locally and globally. In the next phase, these universities will also organise several training workshops and academic lectures with top experts and specialists from the UAE and abroad.

On this occasion, Noura bint Mohammed Al Kaabi, Cabinet Member, Minister of Culture and Youth and President of Zayed University, ensured that the ultimate objective of Zayed University’s (ZU) partnership with the Ministry of Artificial Intelligence with regards to the Programme for Coders initiative, is to ensure implementation of such National priority agenda items that help reduce the gap between academia and industry in terms of programming skills.

“Coding has become a significant requirement for fresh graduates that may bolster a candidate’s employment opportunities. Through this strategic partnership, we will be able to equip ZU graduates and the youth in the UAE with the necessary skills that will provide with them a competitive edge in the employment market,” she said. “As an academic institution, ZU’s agenda revolves around getting our graduates ‘industry ready’ and provide them with the necessary exposure that will make them, and keep them, relevant to the ever-changing needs of the market. The expectations of today’s university graduates is focused on producing interdisciplinary individuals that can apply themselves in multiple scenarios – regardless of their degree.”

“Over the recent years, ZU has placed great emphasis on coding within the curriculum of the College of Technological Innovation (CTI). ZU’s active engagement with the initiative will enable our students to interact with programmers and strengthen their programming skills.”

“ZU students have been active members in the Emirates Skills National Competition since 2015 and started competing in the annual Gulf Programming Contest in 2018. We are proud to note that our students have won several programming medals and awards in the development of IT Software Solutions for Business and Web Design,” Al Kaabi added. “We are currently formulating new students’ clubs, workshops and training courses to support the initiative on both campuses, that targets students within ZU and from other academic bodies including schools.”

“Through this initiative, we are looking to extensively open more opportunities for students and extend the programming network, as well as further expand the infrastructure and allocate one of our servers to be solely dedicated for the initiative. We will enable accessibility and technical support to students and programmers to work remotely,” she said.

Omar bin Sultan Al Olama, Minister of State for Artificial Intelligence, Digital Economy and Teleworking Applications, stated that the support of national universities is key for achieving the objectives and outcomes of the National Programme for Coders launched by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed, adding that they provide an inclusive environment for promising young talents in coding, applying their academic and technological expertise to prepare the coders of tomorrow.

Al Olama said that the launch of digital libraries in collaboration with Amazon, Huawei, and IBM represents a new step in activating the global public and private partnerships within the framework of the National Programme for Coders, which confirms the importance of joint efforts exerted to enhance technological cooperation, exchange knowledge and expertise, and equip talents with the latest tools and skills to effectively participate in the journey of human development.

On his part, Dr. Abdullatif Al Shamsi, President and CEO of HCT, stated that the launch of the Programme represents a new forward-looking vision that believes in the capabilities of youth and their role in designing the future of the UAE. Adding that the Programme will accelerate local and global digital transformation, through utilising the creativity of young professionals and talents in the rapidly growing world of technology.

Dr. Arif Sultan Al Hammadi, Executive Vice President of the Khalifa University, said, “Khalifa University seeks to participate in initiatives that aim to enhance the fundamentals of the UAE’s digital future, especially in the areas of aerospace, aviation, transportation, healthcare, economy, and research.”

He added, “Through our partnership with the National Programme for Coders, we aim to design and develop products and solutions related to the digital system on a larger scale, utilising the successful records of the University in organising events and activities specialised in coding.”

Dr. Humaid Majol Al Nuaimi, Chancellor of the University of Sharjah, said that the Programme establishes a strong digital economy considering the rapid daily technological acceleration, and enhances the UAE’s global leading position in various future investment fields, adding that it supports national initiatives and futuristic strategies of the UAE, which aim to develop the capabilities of national talent, attract industry professionals from around the world, and provide the necessary infrastructure to establish and expand innovation-based companies.

Professor Eric Xing, President of MBZUAI, said, “As information technology and artificial intelligence are increasingly becoming the engine of the new economy, every country in the world needs to invest in building new workforce, in this case, computer ‘coders’, who innovate and produce software products fueling the engine.”

He continued, “As the first graduate research AI University, MBZUAI is committed to become a major cradle for generating elite coders, and a hub for entrepreneurships where they can thrive and further grow and amplify. We are excited about the vision laid by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid to boost the economy with coders as the digital drive, and we are confident that MBZUAI will contribute to this vision by being an AI powerhouse that attracts and nurtures the best talents in computer programming.”

Dr. Ali Saeed Bin Harmal Al Dhaheri, Chairman of the Board of ADU, stressed that the National Programme for Coders embodies the leadership’s vision for the future and translates this vision to nurture talents and specialised cadres of coders around the world, which opens future prospects for them to contribute to the national and global economy and keep up with scientific and applied developments in the digital age and its future ambitions.

He expressed the pride of ADU’s participation in implementing this National Programme and employing the academic and applied expertise of its faculty and researchers.

Dr. David A. Schmidt, President of AUD, said, “The American University is honored to be develop a partnership with The National Programme for Coders initiative, launched by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum. AUD signed an MOU with the Artificial Intelligence Office to support the strategic goals of this important initiative and implement related projects. Planned collaborative activities include specialised courses and workshops in coding, reshaping our curricula for the digital economy, and directing our students to establish startups in the AI and Data Science fields.”

Dr. Eesa Al Bastaki, President of the University of Dubai, stated, “Dubai University will employ its technical programs in information security, artificial intelligence, and data science to support the realisation of the leadership’s vision of making the UAE one of the best countries in the world in various technological fields. Our university will continue its leadership in professional training in coding and software, offering global professional qualifications in coding, and building high-quality software capabilities in cooperation with its partners.”


Source: Emirates News Agency

DEWA’s second Solar Decathlon Middle East to begin in November

DUBAI, The Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has allocated more than 60,000 square metres at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park to host the second Solar Decathlon Middle East (SDME) for universities to design, build and operate sustainable solar-powered houses, in conjunction with Expo 2020 Dubai.

Hosting the SDME Village at the Solar Park in November this year offers several advantages, including powering the facilities of the village with clean energy.

DEWA is organising the SDME under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of Dubai Executive Council, as part of a partnership between the DEWA, the Dubai Supreme Council of Energy (DSCE), and the United States (US) Department of Energy. SDME encourages the younger generation to innovate and unleash their creativity to support global efforts to mitigate climate change and become future energy leaders. University students work on their projects focusing on delivering smart and efficient housing solutions while taking into consideration the environment and climatic conditions of the region.

The SDME Village comprises recreational areas for workshops, seminars, and key events for students and visitors. It includes a clinic, restaurants and cafés with Emirati and international cuisine.

Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, MD and CEO of DEWA, said that DEWA strives to enhance the success achieved at the first SDME in November 2018 and consolidate Dubai’s position as the capital of the green economy.

Students and visitors can also visit DEWA’s R&D Centre and the Innovation Centre at the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Solar Park, the largest single-site solar park in the world using the Independent Power Producer (IPP) model, besides visiting the sustainable and smart houses that are participating in SDME.

The R&D Centre includes various laboratories and workshops such as solar-radiation simulation laboratories, and electronic, mechanical and chemical labs. It has outdoor testing facilities to study the performance and reliability of solar panels and includes a 3D printed lab, the first building in the UAE to be fully printed onsite, and the first such building in the world.

The Innovation Centre offers an opportunity for visitors to explore the latest innovations in clean energy technologies. The exhibition area on the first floor of the centre focuses on DEWA’s history, key inventions and innovations in electricity, and the latest developments in renewable and sustainable energy including over 30 interactive exhibits.

Participating teams at SDME compete in 10 contests: architecture; engineering and building; energy management; energy efficiency; comfort conditions; house functioning; sustainable transport; sustainability; communications, and innovation.


Source: Emirates News Agency

Dubai Investments acquires further stake in National General Insurance

DUBAI, Dubai DFM-listed investment company, Dubai Investments, has acquired an additional 15.19 percent share of National General Insurance Co. from Emirates NBD Bank through a direct deal.

The aggregate ownership has now reached 45.18 percent, following the acquisition of 21.53 percent acquired through direct deal mechanism in April 2021, and the existing 8.46 percent of shares held by Dubai Investments, the investment company said in a disclosure.

Al Mal Capital PSC, a subsidiary of Dubai Investments, was the financial advisor, facilitating the transaction.

“Acquiring an additional stake in NGI, and being the biggest shareholder in the company, reiterates our increased focus on a resilient insurance sector. According to reports, the insurance market is set to expand further over the next few years and with NGI being ranked among the top providers in the UAE market, we are positive our concerted efforts and expertise will contribute positively towards bolstering the sector,” said Khalid bin Kalban, Vice Chairman and CEO, Dubai Investments.


Source: Emirates News Agency