‫‫المصرف العربي للتنمية الاقتصادية في أفريقيا تحصل على تصنيف ائتماني”AA”  مع نظرة مستقبلية مستقرة من وكالة   S&P Global Ratings العالمية، مدعوماً بموقف مالي “قوي للغاية”

كمبالا ، أوغندا, 4 أكتوبر / تشرين أول 2022 /PRNewswire/ — منحت وكالة التصنيف S&P Global Ratings المصرف العربي للتنمية الاقتصادية في أفريقيااليوم تصنيف ائتماني طويل الأجل للعملة الأجنبية “AA” مع نظرة مستقبلية “مستقرة”. ويتبع هذا التصنيف الرفيع التصنيف “Aa2” مع التوقعات الإيجابية الذي منحته وكالة موديز في وقت سابق من هذا العام والذي يؤكد الوضع الائتماني الاستثنائي للمصرف.

Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa Logo

ينصب تركيز المصرف الأساسي على تعزيز التعاون الاقتصادي والمالي والفني بين المنطقتين العربية والإفريقية وتجسيد التضامن العربي الأفريقي على أسس المساواة والصداقة. وقد مول المصرف منذ أن بدأت عملياته في عام 1975 أكثر من 730 مشروعاً للقطاع العام وقدم أكثر من 890 منح للعون الفني و 83 قرضاً وخطوط تمويل للقطاع الخاص والتجارة الخارجية عبر دول أفريقيا جنوب الصحراء الأربع وأربعين والتي غالباً ما تكافح لجذب التمويل التنافسي.

كما يتمتع المصرف بهيكل حوكمة قوي بشكل استثنائي حيث يمكنه الإقراض فقط للدول غير المساهمين وعلى هذا النحو يعمل المصرف كمحفز موثوق وفعال للغاية لصناديق التنمية العربية في إفريقيا وهو أمر أساسي للازدهار المشترك لكلا المنطقتين.

تبلغ نسبة القروض المتعثرة في المصرف حاليًا 0.7٪ على الرغم من الانكشاف الكبير على الدول ذات التصنيف المنخفض من دول منطقة جنوب الصحراء، وقد أظهر المصرف أيضا أداءً خاليًا من الخسائر والذي لوحظ على مدار تاريخه الممتد على مدار 48 عامًا وغالبًا ما يكون مدفوعًا بمعاملة تفضيلية وعلاقات عميقة مع الحكومات في المنطقة.

يعتبر الموقف المالي للمصرف “قويًا للغاية” مدفوعًا بواحد من أعلى نسب رأس المال المعدلة للمخاطر (86.1٪ بعد التعديلات) بين جميع المؤسسات المالية متعددة الاطراف المصنفة من قبل S&P Global Ratings . كما يحتفظ المصرف بمحفظة استثمارية قوية وعالية السيولة تدعم معدلات السيولة التي تزيد هي الأخرى عن نظرائهم المصنفين بشكل مشابه .

كما أشارت S&P Global Ratings أيضًا إلى أن معايير الحوكمة في المصرف قوية نظرًا لممارسات الحوكمة الراسخة والتي تضمن الاستقرار في هيكل المساهمة وكذلك في عمليات المصرف. وأشارت الوكالة أن المصرف لديه علاقة قوية مع مساهميه في جامعة الدول العربية الذين ينظرون إلى المصرف كمؤسسة مهمة في تطوير المعرفة في مجال التمويل التنموي في أفريقيا جنوب الصحراء وكوسيلة لتحسين العلاقات العربية الأفريقية. كما أظهر المساهمون دعمهم في السنوات الأخيرة حيث تم الموافقة علي زيادة رأس مال المصرف في أبريل 2022.

البيان الصحفي الكامل الذي يعلن عن قرار التصنيف S&P Global Ratings متاح هنا .

وقد صرح معالي الدكتور فهد عبد الله الدوسري، رئيس مجلس إدارة المصرف أن اليوم  “يمثل معلمًا رئيسيًا آخر للمصرف في توسيع أنشطتنا التنموية في إفريقيا والتي نقوم بتسريعها بما يتماشى مع احتياجات القارة” معلقاً على إعلان تصنيف S&P Global Ratings، كما أضاف أن “إمكانات أفريقيا جنوب الصحراء لا تزال واسعة ومهمة للعالم العربي ومع تصنيفين دوليين قويين للغاية، يطمح المصرف إلى تحفيز شركائه السياديين وخدمة احتياجات التمويل في هذه المنطقة بشكل أفضل. كما أضاف أن “تصنيف AA من  S&P Global Ratingsيؤكد قوتنا في السوق ويضع المصرف في موقف قوي للغاية لجمع الأموال بأسعار تنافسية للغاية لصالح مقترضيه بعملات بديلة يتم استخدامها في القارة”.

كما افاد الدكتور سيدي ولد التاه، مدير عام المصرف أن التصنيف الرفيع “يؤكد قوتنا الائتمانية لشركائنا وهو خطوة أساسية للمصرف للنمو وترسيخ نفسه كمصدر مرجعي في أسواق رأس المال العالمية والإقليمية. كما يعكس التصنيف الوضع الاستثنائي لرأس المال والسيولة للمصرف الذي يتجاوز مستويات معظم نظرائنا المصنفين. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، تعكس نظرنتنا المستقبلية المستقرة مرونة قدراتنا الداخلية على الرغم من بيئة التشغيل التي تشهد تحديات متزايدة. وأضاف معاليه أن “الفريق فخور جدًا بالحصول على مثل هذه التصنيفات العالية من اثنتين من وكالات التصنيف الائتماني الرائدة في العالم في نفس العام ونود أن نعرب عن تقديرنا للدعم الاستثنائي الذي تلقيناه من مساهمينا خلال هذه العملية المكثفة .

حول المصرف العربي للتنمية الاقتصادية في أفريقيا (باديا)


المصرف هو مؤسسة مالية متعددة الأطراف مقرها في الخرطوم، جمهورية السودان. تأسس المصرف – المملوك من قبل 18 دولة أعضاء في جامعة الدول العربية في 18 فبراير 1974 وبدأ عملياته في مارس 1975 لتقديم المساعدة المالية والفنية للتنمية الاقتصادية حصريًا في أفريقيا جنوب الصحراء. كما يعمل المصرف على تسهيل وتحفيز تدفق رأس المال العربي وغيره من رأس المال الخارجي والاستثمارات إلى أفريقيا. وقد قام المصرف منذ عام 2015 أيضًا بتوسيع نطاق تركيزه على القطاع الخاص والتجارة (التجارة العربية الأفريقية وكذلك التجارة البينية الأفريقية).

يعتبر المصرف مؤسسة دولية مستقلة تتمتع بالوضع القانوني الدولي الكامل والاستقلال التام في جميع الأمور، تحكمها أحكام اتفاقية التأسيس ومبادئ القانون الدولي.

تم إنشاء المصرف بغرض تعزيز التعاون الاقتصادي والمالي والفني بين المنطقتين العربية والأفريقية وتجسيد التضامن العربي الأفريقي على أسس المساواة والصداقة ويظل أحد بنوك التنمية المتعددة الأطراف القليلة للغاية التي تتمثل مهمتها في خدمة الدول غير المساهمين.

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Customertimes Hires Maksym Matiash as Senior VP of Sales for EMEA 

NEW YORK, Oct. 4, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Customertimes, a global innovator in product development and systems integration, announced today that veteran technology and software sales leader Maksym Matiash has joined the company as Senior VP of Sales for the EMEA region.

Mr. Matiash formerly served as Managing Director for SAP and as Regional Director of Business Applications Sales at Oracle, where he created and managed highly successful regional and global sales teams in numerous markets, including former CIS and much of Eastern Europe.

At Customertimes, Mr. Matiash will help the company’s EMEA sales team trailblaze transformative digital journeys for clients through the implementation of leading technology platforms integrated with Customertimes’ world-class proprietary software, bespoke development capabilities, and stellar customer support services.

“Mr. Matiash’s mastery of enterprise software and his service to some of the world’s most progressive companies make him the ideal fit for us in the EMEA market,” says Roman Khudyakov, Chief Revenue Officer at Customertimes. “His commitment to growth-oriented customer service will have an immediate and positive impact, and his connection to the people of Ukraine closely aligns with our mission of standing resolutely with our many colleagues who are impacted by the war.”

Mr. Matiash observes he is looking forward to contributing to the dramatic growth Customertimes has experienced in recent years.

“Customertimes has an impressive roster of leading international enterprise clients,” he says. “This company is truly unique. We have a deep bench in consulting, development, and product expertise, and our leadership within the Salesforce ecosystem is a key differentiator. There is tremendous demand for the skills and services that Customertimes offers, and I am committed to helping our customers maximize – and profit from – their technology investments.”

To learn more:

About Customertimes

Customertimes Corp. is a global SI and ISV partner dedicated to making the top IT technologies accessible to customers. With more than 4000 projects completed and 1600+ highly skilled experts, our solutions are engineered to help clients realize true business transformation and achieve maximum value from their technology investments. An early entrant into the Salesforce consulting and implementation space in Eastern Europe and an award-winning product development organization, Customertimes Corp. has headquarters in New York City, with regional offices in London, Paris, Toronto, Kyiv, Poznan, Riga, and Podgorica. For more information, visit www.customertimes.com.

Media Contact:

Meriel Sikora




Imdaad signs one-year fm services contract with Dubai Culture & Arts Authority

DUBAI, Imdaad, a Dubai-based group of companies providing integrated, sustainable facilities management services, signed a one-year contract with Dubai Culture & Arts Authority (Dubai Culture) to deploy its highly trained general cleaning service staff and office assistants to the Authority’s main office in Dubai Design District (D3).

Under the agreement, Imdaad’s experienced team of 17 office assistants and cleaning staff will cater to the centre’s needs, which receives around 50 thousand annual visitors. Throughout the one-year contract, the cleaning staff will ensure the use of eco-friendly cleaning materials in line with international health and safety standards that both Imdaad and Dubai Culture work to uphold.

Abdulaziz Mohammad Alraisi said, “Dubai Culture values its long-standing relationship with Imdaad, given its FM industry experience that has cemented its reputation through the many sustainable services that it delivers. Ensuring optimal operational efficiency is central to the Authority’s process, and we look forward to deepening our ties with Imdaad over the coming years.”

Commenting on the agreement, Jamal Abdulla Lootah, said, “We are grateful to our friends at Dubai Culture for entrusting the Imdaad team, who conform to the highest industry standard, with providing general cleaning services and office assistants at their main office in Dubai Design District. This agreement is an achievement for Imdaad and an opportunity to demonstrate our industry-leading FM services and uphold our values of providing partners with sustainable and effective services.”

Source: Emirates News Agency

Dubai Culture’s Reading Box returns on 19 October

DUBAI, Dubai Culture and Arts Authority (Dubai Culture) has announced that its Reading Box is back, inviting readers from all ages at City Centre Mirdif from 19th to 28th October 2022.

The Reading Box will welcome literature enthusiasts to enjoy a range of activities aimed at promoting the culture of reading among society, especially children. The initiative will offer several activities, including literary sessions, storytelling to children, interactive workshops that discuss important cultural issues, and other activities that contribute to making reading more a way of life and daily practice. The initiative’s full programme will be announced soon – stay tuned!

This is part of a series of programmes through which Dubai Culture seeks to empower the community with knowledge, and forms part of its commitment to support the National Literacy Strategy 2016-2026, which contributes to inspiring the younger generations and positively impacts habitual reading.

In order to ensure its continuity despite the pandemic, Dubai Culture launched a virtual version of the Reading Box in line with the National Reading Month in 2021, through which it provided a variety of educational and entertaining workshops.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Emirates receives Maldives President’s Tourism Gold Award

DUBAI, Emirates has once again been recognised for its role in growing Maldives’ tourism industry.

The world’s largest international airline has been presented with the ‘President’s Tourism Gold Award’ at an awards gala ceremony held on 3 October to mark National Tourism Day in the idyllic archipelago.

As part of the Golden Jubilee celebrations of Ministry of Tourism Maldives, Emirates received the prestigious recognition for “Outstanding Contributions to the Development of Tourism in the Maldives”, highlighting its 35 years of service to the country, with flights to and from Male since 1987.

This is the second prestigious award presented to Emirates within the last three months in appreciation of the role it has played in the growth of tourism in the Maldives.

In July, Emirates was honoured by the Maldives Association of Tourism Industry (MATI), the oldest tourism-related association in the Maldives, with the ‘50 years of Tourism Award by MATI.’

The President’s Tourism Gold Awards aims to recognise the services of individuals and establishments that have contributed to the development of the nation’s tourism industry over the years.

In 2021, Emirates renewed its long-standing partnership with the Maldives by extending a Memorandum of Understanding with the Ministry of Tourism. The agreement reaffirmed the airline’s commitment to the Maldives and outlined various initiatives to promote trade and tourism to the country. Emirates was recognised as the top airline for the Maldives, in terms of passenger numbers, carrying 265,000 passengers in one year alone and supporting the remarkable recovery of the nation’s tourism industry following the lifting of COVID-19 related travel restrictions.

Emirates has played an integral role in the socio-economic development of the Maldives over the past 35 years and has consistently contributed to the growth of its tourism industry, a pillar of its economy. The award-winning international airline commenced services to Malé on 27th May 1987, and has operated more than 29,000 round trip flights to the Maldives, logging approximately 135 million kilometers on the route and carrying 8.5 million passengers to and from the destination.

Today, Emirates operates 28 flights a week between Dubai and the Maldives, connecting travellers and exporters to a network of over 140 passenger and cargo destinations. In addition, Emirates provides a daily service between Male and Colombo. Emirates has restored more over 90% of its pre-COVID route network, providing connectivity across six continents.

Source: Emirates News Agency

New training academy immerses digital startups in the metaverse

Dubai, UAE: Dubai Chamber of Digital Economy, one of three chambers operating under Dubai Chambers, in collaboration with the SEE Institute, has launched the Future of the Digital Economy: Business in the Metaverse academy, the first-of-its-kind specialised training programme designed to equip digital startups with practical knowledge and tools they need to build in the metaverse and leverage Web3 to their benefit.

A total of 30 businesses from Dubai and other markets will be selected to join the training academy, which utilises VR, AR and XR technologies to help participants experience and understand the dynamics of business in the metaverse.

During the training, participants will go through four sessions covering the core principles of Web3, its history and roots and case studies of Web3 business strategies that have succeeded and failed. In addition, sessions will look at the value of NFTs as a new way of communication between brands and customers and how to manage expectations of different blockchains.

Upon completion of the programme, participants will benefit from mentorship support in Dubai, and gain access to a free sustainable co-working space, while they will also have the opportunity to share their success stories with an audience at Dubai Chamber of Digital Economy’s biggest events in 2023.

Khalid Al Jarwan, Executive Director of Dubai Chamber of Digital Economy, said that the training academy aligns with the Chamber’s strategy to support the growth of the digital economy sector, attract high-potential digital companies to Dubai and cement the emirate’s position as a preferred digital economy hub.

He stressed the importance of meeting the changing needs of the business community in Dubai, especially given the rapid pace at which advanced technologies are reshaping the world of business. He urged companies in Dubai to stay informed of new developments related to Web3 and the metaverse and learn how to use these channels to expand their businesses and connect with potential customers.

For her part, Dr. Jasmina Locke, CEO of the SEE Institute, said: “The creation of the metaverse has caused a major disruption to business models both within the UAE and internationally, as organizations are increasingly becoming part of the metaverse by using blockchain, NFTs, cloud technologies and more. The notion of a hybrid world is a reality and it has triggered the transformation of our digital economy.”

“SEE Institute is well positioned to help companies navigate the emerging metaverse opportunities and how they align with psychological and behavioral aspects that drive Web3. In the metaverse program the student will learn about crypto wallets, NFTs, building communities around Web3, and the best digital practices in 2022 and how they will pave the way to a more sustainable society,” she added.

Eligible digital startups will have until October 31 to apply for the training programme through the following link. The training programme will run December 5th– 14th

Source: Dubai Chamber of Commerce & Industry