شبكة تلفزيون الصين الدولية: إذ هي مترسخة في تقاليد البلاد، طرق الصين الخضراء إلى مستقبل منخفض الكربون

بكين، 6 أيار/مايو 2021 / PRNewswire / — منذ فجر العصر الصناعي، أنتجت البشرية ثروة مادية غير مسبوقة.  ولكن هذا الازدهار لم يأت بدون ثمن باهظ على حساب الطبيعة.

يستخدم البشر اليوم قدرًا كبيرًا من الموارد البيئية كما لو كانوا يعيشون على 1.6 من الأرض التي نعيش عليها الآن، وفقًا لشبكة  البصمة العالمية.  وهذا يعني أن الأرض تستغرق الآن عامًا وثمانية أشهر لتجديد ما يستخدمه البشر في السنة من مواردها.

وإذ طرح فكرة أن “المياه النقية والجبال الخصبة أصول لا تقدر بثمن”، كرر الرئيس الصيني شي جنبينغ مرارًا فكرة أن “حماية البيئة الطبيعية ودفع التنمية المستدامة قدما هي التزاماتنا المشتركة.”   وبعد كل شيء، على حد تعبيره، قال “لدينا أرض واحدة فقط.”

“الاستخدام المتزن للموارد الطبيعية”

الاستخدام المتزن للموارد الطبيعية هو مفتاح الحفاظ على البيئة.  نحن بحاجة إلى تعزيز أسلوب حياة أبسط وأكثر اخضرارًا ومنخفض الكربون، أسلوب يعارض الإفراط والهدر، وتعزيز ثقافة العيش الأخضر والصحي.

 –  الرئيس الصيني شي جنبينغ في 28 نيسان/أبريل 2019

خلال حفل افتتاح المعرض الدولي للبستنة في العام 2019، أوضح الرئيس شي الطريق إلى الحفاظ على البيئة من خلال الاستشهاد بالمقتطف السابق ذكره من جيجي تونغيان أو “المرآة الشاملة لمساعدة الحوكمة”، وهو عمل مرجعي رائد في التاريخ الصيني من تأليف سيما غوانغ (1019-1086) من أسرة سونغ الشمالية (960-1127).

اتخذت فكرة الاستخدام المقيد للموارد معاني جديدة في الصين اليوم.  كما أشار شي في خطابه، فإن “نموذج التنمية المتمثل في” قتل الدجاج من أجل البيض”، و”تجفيف البحيرة من أجل الأسماك” هو طريق وصل إلى طريق مسدود.  ستتم إضاءة المستقبل من خلال التنمية الصديقة للبيئة التي تتوافق مع قواعد الطبيعة.”

إن السعي وراء التنمية الخضراء منخفضة الكربون المستندة إلى الابتكار هي العمود الفقري للجهود التي تدفع الصين نحو هدفها المتمثل في أن تصبح دولة اشتراكية حديثة.

في العام 2018، أدرجت الصين فكرة الحضارة البيئية في دستورها لأول مرة.  كما تمهد الخطة الخمسية الأخيرة الطريق للبلاد لوعدها برفع انبعاثات ثاني أكسيد الكربون إلى ذروتها بحلول العام 2030 وتحقيق الحياد الكربوني بحلول العام 2060.

تتعهد الخطة الخمسية الرابعة عشرة (2021-2025) بتخفيض استهلاك الطاقة لكل وحدة من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي وانبعاثات ثاني أكسيد الكربون لكل وحدة من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي بنسبة 13.5 في المئة و 18 في المئة على التوالي خلال الفترة 2021-2025.

كما تعهدت الصين بزيادة حجم مخزون الغابات بمقدار ستة مليارات متر مكعب بحلول العام 2030 من مستوى 2005 ورفع إجمالي قدرتها المركبة من طاقة الرياح والطاقة الشمسية إلى أكثر من 1.2 مليار كيلوواط.

الوفاء بالوعد

صرح الرئيس شي في مناسبات عديدة بالتزام الصين بضمان التعايش المتناغم بين البشر والطبيعة، وهو هدف تسعى إليه الصين بالأفعال.

في السنوات العشر الماضية، احتلت الصين المرتبة الأولى عالميًا من حيث زيادة موارد الغابات، حيث تجاوزت مساحة التشجير فيها 70 مليون هكتار.  وفي الوقت نفسه، يخضع 90 في المئة من أنواع النظم الإيكولوجية الأرضية المختلفة و 85 في المئة من مجموعات الحيوانات البرية الرئيسية للحماية الفعالة من الدولة.

إن الدولة التي كان تقدمها الاقتصادي على مدى العقود الماضية مدعومًا إلى حد كبير بالفحم هي الآن من بين أكبر المستثمرين في العالم في مجال الطاقة المتجددة، حيث تمتلك 30 بالمئة من القدرة العالمية المركبة للطاقة المتجددة.

علاوة على ذلك، انخفضت حصة استهلاك طاقة الفحم في البلاد من 60.4٪ في العام 2017 إلى 56.8٪ في العام 2020، وارتفع استهلاك الطاقة النظيفة من 19.1٪ في العام 2016 إلى 24.3٪ في العام 2020، وفقًا لبيانات المكتب الوطني للإحصاء.

بحلول العام 2019، انخفضت انبعاثات الكربون في البلاد بنسبة 48.1 في المئة مقارنة بذلك الرقم في العام 2005، مما عكس اتجاه الزيادة السريعة في انبعاثات ثاني أكسيد الكربون، وفقًا لكتاب أبيض حول تطوير الطاقة صدر في 21 كانون الأول/ديسمبر 2020، من قبل المكتب الإعلامي لمجلس الدولة .

وقال الرئيس شي “المهمة صعبة للغاية”، في إشارة إلى وعود الصين بشأن معالجة قضية التغير المناخي، في قمة الفيديو الأخيرة بين الصين وفرنسا وألمانيا.  لكن الصين ستفي بوعودها.”


الفيديو- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Efln3MPyVhk

DEWA’s Women Committee holds virtual workshops to enhance positivity during Ramadan

DUBAI, Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA)’s Women Committee has held a number of virtual workshops during the Holy Month of Ramadan to develop DEWA’s female employees’ knowledge and experience about ways of maintaining positivity and the original values of Ramadan.

The workshops also covered ways of preparing healthy and nutritious Iftar meals during the fasting month.

“DEWA provides a positive and happy work environment for its female employees, to help them to both balance and develop their professional and personal lives. The Women’s Committee organises activities and discussion sessions throughout the year, to closely identify the needs and suggestions of female employees, and deepen the bonds of communication with them, in a way that will positively affect their professional and family lives, and help them to continue to be successful, excellent and active participants in building the country and preparing future generations. Our Ramadan activities this year focused on the importance of the values of Islam and authentic Arab traditions, which promote love, solidarity, tolerance, and benevolence, while prohibiting extravagance and wasteful practices,” said Fatima Mohammed Al Jokar, Chairperson of DEWA’s Women’s Committee.

Female employees participating in the event thanked the top management at DEWA and the women’s committee, for their commitment to develop the scientific and practical skills of female employees, and to help them give their best to their work and their communities.

Source: Emirates News Agency

UAE announces 1,766 new COVID-19 cases, 1,728 recoveries, 3 deaths in last 24 hours

ABU DHABI, The Ministry of Health and Prevention (MoHAP) announced that it conducted 211,462 additional COVID-19 tests over the past 24 hours, using state-of-the-art medical testing equipment.

In a statement, the Ministry stressed its aim to continue expanding the scope of testing nationwide to facilitate the early detection of coronavirus cases and carry out the necessary treatment. As part of its intensified testing campaign, MoHAP announced 1,766 new coronavirus cases, bringing the total number of recorded cases in the UAE to 532,710.

According to the Ministry, the infected individuals are from various nationalities, are in a stable condition, and receiving the necessary care.

MoHAP also announced 3 deaths due to COVID-19 complications, bringing the total number of deaths in the country to 1,607.

The Ministry expressed its sincere condolences to the family of the deceased and wished COVID-19 patients a speedy and full recovery. It called on all members of the society to cooperate with health authorities, adhere to the instructions and physical distance to ensure the health and safety of all.

MoHAP also noted that an additional 1,728 individuals had fully recovered from COVID-19, bringing the total number of recoveries to 513,068.

Source: Emirates News Agency

Expo 2020 Steering Committee urges participants to follow Expo’s lead, join its free vaccination drive to ensure safety

DUBAI, The Expo 2020 Dubai Steering Committee has urged all of Expo’s 200-plus participants to join Expo 2020’s vaccination drive, praising the decision of His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Executive Council of Dubai, to offer free vaccinations to all official participants and their staff.

During its latest meeting, held on Thursday, the Steering Committee expressed appreciation for His Highness’s offer and urged all official participants to take measures to ensure the safety of their staff and visitors.

The recommendation was made as the Committee, representing the 190-plus participating nations and comprising Commissioner Generals from 34 countries, discussed the robust measures being implemented at Expo 2020 to safeguard all participants, workforce, suppliers, contractors and visitors, reflecting the UAE’s wider efforts against the ongoing global pandemic.

Manuel Salchli, Chair of the Expo 2020 Steering Committee and Commissioner General for Switzerland at Expo 2020, said: “Health and safety is a pivotal part of the planning and operations for all World Expos and the ongoing global pandemic has put this more sharply into focus. It is very important that all official participants should benefit from the UAE’s generous offer to vaccinate their delegations and it is the collective responsibility of all the countries to support this initiative to ensure an enjoyable and safe Expo for all participants.”

The Steering Committee met after the sixth and final International Participants Meeting (IPM), which took place earlier this week. The IPM saw more than 370 senior representatives from 173 countries gather in Dubai to discuss final preparations ahead of the mega-event’s opening on 1 October, and experience first-hand the robust health and safety measures that have already been rolled out.

Manuel Salchli added: “Expo 2020 and the UAE have worked diligently to implement a far-reaching programme of precautionary measures, in close collaboration with the relevant local authorities and following the guidance of the world’s leading medical experts. The UAE should be applauded for bringing 173 participating nations to Dubai for this important meeting, ensuring the safety and well-being of all attendees.”

Dmitri S Kerkentzes, Secretary General, Bureau International des Expositions, said: “More than any other crisis, COVID-19 has shown us that global challenges require an extraordinary common effort. With the UAE consistently demonstrating its commitment to health and global solidarity, we are confident that – through close partnership and determined cooperation – Expo 2020 Dubai will be an inspiring and enlightening event offering safe and meaningful experiences to each and every visitor.

“The successful and safe organisation of the International Participants Meeting this week and the offer of vaccines to all staff and international participants reinforces this strong commitment from the host of the first World Expo in the MEASA region.”

Clayton Kimpton, Commissioner General for New Zealand at Expo 2020, said: “Over the recent IPM, we have heard, and experienced first-hand, how Expo 2020 remains committed to delivering an exceptional – and above all, safe – Expo for everyone, and we commend the organisers and the country’s leadership for their exemplary efforts.

“From the installation of thermal cameras and sanitisation stations across the site, to mandatory face-mask wearing and the implementation of social-distancing regulations, we have been reassured to see the measures that have been put in place and hear how they will continue to be monitored and adjusted, in line with the latest information and guidance from the World Health Organization.”

His Excellency Tony Joudi, Commissioner General for the Bahamas at Expo 2020, said: “We applaud Expo 2020 for their prudent and responsible approach to COVID-19 and the challenges it continues to present for us all. Just as the pandemic requires a unified response, so does the delivery of what we believe will be a truly historic World Expo, and we pledge our continued commitment and support.”

At the beginning of the year, Expo 2020 launched an extensive COVID-19 vaccination drive for all Expo 2020 employees and their households. More widely, the UAE has overseen one of the world’s fastest vaccination programmes, already administering more than 10 million doses since the programme began a few months ago.

Dr Amer Sharif, Head of Dubai’s COVID-19 Command and Control Centre (CCC), said: “Since the beginning of the pandemic, the UAE has followed a clear strategy in managing COVID-19. Dubai’s COVID-19 Command and Control Centre has, since its establishment, developed protocols, guidelines and precautionary measures that are science-based and data-driven. The guiding principle in managing the pandemic has always been to strike a balance between lives and livelihoods.”

Recently, more than 100,000 members of the public enjoyed a preview of Terra – The Sustainability Pavilion and experienced the steps taken to protect visitors and ensure social distancing across the Expo site. These included the mandatory pre-booking of tickets to control capacity and visitor flow; floor markings and signage to encourage social distancing; and designated staff responsible for monitoring and regulating social distancing in all venues. In recognition of this compliance with the relevant safety standards and protocols, the Expo Pavilions Premiere received the Dubai Assured stamp from the Government of Dubai.

From 1 October 2021 to 31 March 2022, Expo 2020 will bring together people, communities and nations to build bridges, inspire action and deliver real-life solutions to real-life challenges.

Source: Emirates News Agency

International Holding Company to list three subsidiaries on ADX Second Market in Q2’21

ABU DHABI, Three subsidiaries of Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX)-listed International Holding Company (IHC) will be listed on the exchange’s Second Market commencing in Q2 2021. The listing will create an attractive opportunity for current and new investors to take part in the growth of the companies, as well as benefitting IHC as a result of increased profile raising and higher visibility from these companies.

Emirates Stallion Group is one of IHC’s subsidiaries and has a diversified portfolio of businesses across engineering and construction, development and management of real estate and public realms and associated services. Ever since its inception in 2006, ESG has grown rapidly becoming the region’s only all-encompassing real estate partner. ESG is home to 5 fully owned subsidiaries, 90+ operational sites, 12 marketplace presence and 4 associates and joint ventures. The subsidiaries include Century Real Estate, Royal Development Company, Abu Dhabi Land General Contracting, Gulf Dunes Landscaping and Agricultural services and RAPM Architect Project Management. The company has assets of AED 394 million as of the end of 2020 and over 1000 employees.

One of the three companies to list is Al Seer Marine, a leading marine organisation in the Arabian maritime region, with an all-encompassing portfolio of products and services. The company engages in multiple marine sectors such as high-tech boatbuilding, unmanned systems development and manufacturing, Al Seer Marine Training Institute (ASMTI) for product training, maintenance and support services, supply logistics, 24×7 yacht management and project management. Founded in 2002, Al Seer Marine has assets of AED717.8 million as at the end of 2020.

Syed Basar Shueb, CEO and Managing Director of IHC, said: “IHC has continued to grow becoming the second-biggest company by value on the Abu Dhabi Securities exchange. We will continue to enrich our diversified portfolio with strong companies that are in line with our growth strategy and goals. We believe in local product and many of our fastest growing companies are homegrown in the UAE. Emirates Stallion Group and Al Seer Marine are ambitious companies that have continued to expand in recent years. Listing on ADX’ Second Market, will offer investors an outstanding opportunity to participate in these well-established companies’ success journey.”

These listings will follow the three successful listings that IHC completed in 2020 of Palm Sports, Easylease and Zee Stores on ADX’s second market.

Over the last six months, IHC and its subsidiaries announced the pre-launch of the UAE’s first virtual wellness and prevention platform HealthyU, investments in UK-based DNA sequencing firm Oxford Nanopore Technologies, Quantlase Lab and Tamouh Healthcare, which recently developed the concept of Containerized Aid for Respiratory Emergencies (CARE), turning modular containers into fully equipped medical field hospitals such as – Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Field Hospital – which was completed in early March near Darfur, Sudan. IHC and its subsidiaries have also previously announced several new investments. These include a stake in SpaceX, Elon Musk’s aerospace company, a partnership with DAL Group for a significant agricultural development in Sudan; and Multiply’s acquisition of a stake in New York data-driven marketing firm YieldMo.

Source: Emirates News Agency

UAE stocks gain AED9.3 bn in market cap Thursday

ABU DHABI, UAE financial markets on Thursday posted decent gains of about AED9.3 bn in market cap, driven by the realty and banking blue chips amid increased transactions that hit around AED1.44 billion.

The upbeat sentiments saw Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange (ADX) closing higher around 0.59 pct at 6,152 pts and Dubai’s main stocks index edging up 0.51 pct to 2,663 pts.

In the ADX, where 3179 deals were struck worth AED1.34 bn, the International Holding Company (IHC) continued its upward streak, closing high at AED94 amid AED453 million in transactions. Etisalat followed suit and rose to AED21.46 and ADNOC Distribution to AED4.74 amid trades of AED141 million. Aldar edged up to AED3.56 after AED260 million in deals.

In Dubai Financial Market, Emaar Malls closed favourably at AED1.93; Dubai Islamic Bank, AED4.50; and Emirates NBD to AED12.45 A total of 1725 deals were conducted worth around AED103 million at DFM.

Source: Emirates News Agency