St Kitts and Nevis unveils the Investment Gateway Summit

Basseterre, Feb. 29, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The Government of St Kitts and Nevis proudly announces a landmark achievement in its ongoing commitment to realising the Sustainable Island State Agenda. In a ground-breaking move, the nation unveils an unprecedented initiative aimed at fostering collaboration and investment to propel the twin-federation into a prosperous future.

This pivotal moment not only signifies a significant stride towards sustainability but also underscores the Government’s visionary approach to uniting its global citizens. In an extraordinary display of inclusivity, St Kitts and Nevis extends its arms to every citizen worldwide, ushering them to partake in shaping the nation’s trajectory.

The Government will host their inaugural event, “The Investment Gateway Summit” in May, marking a historical moment in the country’s journey towards fulfilling the Sustainable Island State Agenda. This momentous event presents an unparalleled opportunity to collaborate and invest in shaping the future of the twin-federation.

It’s a personal invitation from the Prime Minister of St Kitts and Nevis, Honourable Dr. Terrance Drew, and his Government to engage citizens and investors to come to the country for this exclusive inaugural Investment Gateway Summit taking place from 11 to 15 May 2024!

Through this forward-thinking endeavour, the Government unites individuals under a common banner – that of being a proud citizen of St Kitts and Nevis, while fostering opportunities for success as entrepreneurs, investors, and innovators.

Each day of the five-day Summit promises unique events and interactions with the leaders of the country and global experts to ensure an engaging and interactive experience in the twin-island federation.

Who will attend the Summit? 

This Summit is all about the St Kitts and Nevis citizens. The event also promises a mix of discerning investors, and high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) seeking prospects; prospective Citizenship by Investment (CBI) applicants and entrepreneurs, CEOs and C-Suite businesspeople and the wider investor immigration community.

Why is this Summit not to be missed? 

This is an opportunity to connect with like-minded global citizens, investors, HNWIs and special guests, as well as identify potential new business opportunities in the idyllic twin-island federation. This unique platform will unlock new ventures for growth throughout various sectors of the country’s economy, including agriculture, information technology, renewable energy and tourism.

From diverse panel discussions and networking opportunities to exclusive investment highlights and site visits, the Summit is crafted to connect, collaborate and celebrate the country and its global citizens.

Investment Opportunities in St Kitts and Nevis 

To showcase St Kitts and Nevis’ commitment to the Sustainable Island State Agenda, the Summit will highlight initiatives that global investors can participate in to nurture community development, empower businesses and foster growth and development.

The Government of St Kitts and Nevis together with the Citizenship by Investment Unit (CIU) look forward to hosting this riveting event and opening their nation‘s doors to explore the twin federation’s active investment projects, spectacular beaches, distinct tourism amenities and luxury accommodation.

Please click here to secure your exclusive spot at the Investment Gateway Summit.

This is not just a unique investment opportunity in a tropical Caribbean country, it is a meeting of minds to form meaningful connections, through engaging workshops and insightful panel discussions. Additionally, the Government aims to build strong communities with shared values of excellence.

Get Involved 

Should you like to promote your brand, business services or enquire about sponsorship opportunities, you can leave your comment here with your interest in the contact form, and you will receive a response with available packages.


Secretary of St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Programme
Government of St. Kitts and Nevis
00 (1-869) 467-1474

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 9055739

‫شركة TUMI تطلق أفضل مجموعة حقائب لرياضة الغولف في فئتها

29 فبراير 2024 — تتجه TUMI، العلامة التجارية الدولية الرائدة في مجال السفر والحياة اليومية، نحو عالم فخامة الأداء من خلال إطلاق مجموعة متميزة من حقائب رياضة الغولف واكسسواراتها. وباعتبارها امتدادًا لـ TUMI Sport، ستوفر مجموعة Golf الجديدة القوة والأداء الفائق، مما يشعل الحماس في أداء لاعبي الغولف وعشاقها على حدٍ سواء.

تحتوي الحقيبة على كل ما يحتاجه لاعب الغولف في تنقلاته، حيث تمكِّن تشكيلة الأدوات هذه لاعبي الغولف من الاستمتاع بإرث العلامة التجارية من الاستخدامات الاحترافية والجودة التي لا تضاهى والاهتمام التام بكل التفاصيل داخل الملعب وخارجه. المجموعة التي سيتم تقديمها باللونين الأسود والأبيض الفاتح/الداكن، تشتمل حقيبة عربة الغولف، وحقيبة حامل الغولف، وحقيبة مضمار الغولف، وحقيبة Golf Hardside المزودة بعجلتين، بالإضافة إلى حقائب المستلزمات وأغطية المضارب وحقائب مصنوعة من ألياف الكربون وغير ذلك الكثير. يمكن كتابة الأحرف الأولى لاسمك على الحقيبة المنتقاة لإضفاء المزيد من الطابع الشخصي عليها.(من اليسار إلى اليمين): حقيبةGolf Cart Bag   باللون الأسود، وحقيبة Golf Stand Bag باللون الأبيض الفاتح/الداكن.

“في TUMI، نحن ملتزمون بتحسين رحلات العملاء الذين يسافرون بحثاً عن شغفهم. نحن نعلم أن الكثير من عملائنا هم من عشاق لعبة الجولف، سواء أكانوا يمارسون أعمالهم خارج الملعب أم يستمتعون بتحديات اللعبة. ونرغب في التحقق من احتواء مجموعة الغولف على كل التفاصيل والخصائص التي تجذب الناس إلى علامة TUMI وهي أنها متينة وعملية مثل كافة مستلزمات السفر الأخرى لدينا دون التضحية بالفخامة التي هي رمز الرياضة. حسبما قال السيد Victor Sanz المدير الإبداعي لعلامة TUMI.

تتميز حقائب الغولف من TUMI بقماش FXT Ballistic Nylon فائق الحماية وعدد كبير من جيوب التنظيم الداخلية والخارجية، فقد تم تصميمها لتتصف بكافة المميزات التي تلبي احتياجات لاعبي الغولف وتحفزهم على اللعب. أُعِدَّت حقيبة عربة الغولف لتتّسع لما يصل إلى 14 مضرباً مع مساحة لاستيعاب المستلزمات الإضافية لهذه الرياضة. وليحقّق التصميم أقصى استفادة من الحقيبة فهو يشتمل على مجموعة متنوعة من الجيوب لتناسب الأدوات والمشروبات والأشياء الثمينة ومنفذ شحن USB-C وغطاء واقي من المطر.

بالنسبة للاعبي الغولف الذين يقطعون الملعب سيرًا على الأقدام، تأتي حقيبة حامل الغولف مجهَّزة بأحزمة ظهر مبطنة قابلة للإزالة بكتف واحد أو كتف مزدوج توفّر الراحة أثناء حملها. مع مساحة تتسع لـ 14 مضرباً، فهي توفر إمكانية واسعة للتنظيم وإمكانية شحن USB-C.

عند التنقُّل، تستوعب حقيبة السفرGolf Hardside المزودة بعجلتين العربة أو حقيبة الحامل مع مساحة احتياطية للملابس أو الإكسسوارات الإضافية. يمتص غلاف البولي كربونات فائق المتانة الصدمات بينما تجعل المقابض العلوية والجانبية من السهل نقلها. تشمل المزايا الأخرى في المجموعة حقيبة Golf Duffel، والتي تتحول أيضًا إلى حقيبة ظهر، ومجموعة أغطية مضارب الغولف المكونة من ثلاثة قطع والمصممة لتناسب اللاعب الذي يركب سيارة داخل الملعب، والمضرب الخشبي والمضرب الهجين – المناسبان كهدايا بتغليفهما المميز مع إمكانية كتابة الأحرف الأولى لأسماء اللاعبين عليهما.

وكدليل على التزام تومي المستمر بتوفير منتجات عالية الجودة لأهم الرياضيين في العالم، إلى جانب إطلاق مجموعة Golf، فقد حصلت العلامة التجارية على لقب “المستلزمات الرسمية” لجولة PGA وLPGA. تأتي الشراكات المتعددة السنوات مع منظمات الغولف الرائدة في العالم في أعقاب انتماء تومي إلى مجموعات رياضية رائدة أخرى مثل نادي الدوري الإنجليزي الممتاز توتنهام هوتسبر، وماكلارين Racing، ورابطة لاعبي التنس المحترفين.

يمكن لعشاق رياضة الغولف ومشجعي TUMI على حدٍ سواء تجربة مجموعة الغولف الكاملة في الفترة من 29 فبراير إلى 3 مارس 2024 في بطولة العالم للسيدات في جولة LPGA التي ينظمها HSBC في نادي سنتوسا للغولف في سنغافورة. سوف تستضيف شركة TUMI أول تجربة لها على الإطلاق على أرض الملعب في البطولة وتستعرض فيها آراء الجمهور في المنتج وتتميز بحضور كبار الشخصيات والمؤثرين بالإضافة إلى برامج أخرى على أرض الملعب.

“يسعدنا أن نتشارك مع PGA TOUR وLPGA لدعم منظماتهم وأبطالهم في السعي لتحقيق التميز. ونظرًا لكون TUMIعلامة تجارية عالمية للحياة اليومية، فإننا نقدِّر هاتين الشراكتين العالميتين ويسعدنا كثيرًا أن نكون قادرين على الظهور والتشجيع في بطولة العالم للسيدات في جولة LPGA التي ينظمها HSBC في سنغافورة، بالإضافة إلى الفعاليات العالمية الأخرى حول العالم في المستقبل. قالت Jill Krizelman، نائب الرئيس الأول للتسويق العالمي والتجارة الإلكترونية لدىTUM : “نحن ملتزمون بتمكين عملائنا والرياضيين على حدٍ سواء من خلال أفضل الأدوات الرياضية الفخمة أينما توجّهوا في رحلاتهم.

تسوَّق مجموعات الغولف الجديدة في متاجر TUMI حول العالم ومن

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تقوم TUMI منذ عام 1975 بابتكار مستلزمات للسفر والأعمال فاخرةً وعلى مستوىً عالمي، صُمِّمت خصيصاً لتحسين جميع جوانب حياة التنقل وتبسيطها وتجميلها. فمن خلال الدمج بين الأداء المثالي وروح الإبداع، نحن ملتزمون بدعم رحلات زبائننا كوننا شريك مدى الحياة لمحبي السفر والمبدعين الذين يسافرون بحثاً عن شغفهم.

للمزيد عن TUMI، تفضل بزيارة TUMI وشعار TUMI هما علامتان تجاريتان مسجلتان لشركة Tumi, Inc. © 2024 Tumi, Inc.

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TUMI Launches Best-In-Class Golf Collection

HONG KONG SAR – Media OutReach Newswire – 29 February 2024 – TUMI, the leading international travel, lifestyle and accessories brand, is venturing further into the world of performance luxury with the launch of a premium collection of golf bags and accessories. An extension of TUMI Sport, the new Golf collection delivers strength and hyper-functionality, fueling peak performance for golf competitors and enthusiasts alike.

Encompassing a total golf-travel solution, the assortment enables players to enjoy the brand’s legacy of flawless functionality, unmatched quality and uncompromising attention to detail both on and off the course. Offered in black and off-white/tan, the collection includes the Golf Cart BagGolf Stand BagGolf Range Bag and Golf Hardside 2 Wheeled Travel Case as well as duffels, totes, club covers and more. Select items can be monogrammed for an additional element of personalization.
(L to R): TUMI Golf Cart Bag in Black and Golf Stand Bag in Off-White/Tan.

“At TUMI, we are committed to perfecting customers’ journeys as they pursue their passions. We know a lot of our customers are avid golfers, whether conducting business outside of the boardroom or enjoying the challenge of the game. We wanted to ensure all the details and qualities that draw people to TUMI are encompassed in a golf collection that is as durable and functional as any of our travel pieces, without sacrificing the luxury that is emblematic of the sport,” said Victor Sanz, Global Creative Director of TUMI.

Featuring ultra-protective FXT Ballistic Nylon and a multitude of interior and exterior organization pockets, TUMI’s Golf bags are designed with all the game-enhancing features golfers need and more. The Golf Cart Bag fits up to 14 clubs with room for additional golf essentials. The utility-driven design includes a variety of pockets for gear, drinks, valuables, a USB-C charging port, and protective rain cover.

For the golfer who walks or carts the course, the Golf Stand Bag comes equipped with removable padded backpack straps for comfortable one-shoulder or dual-shoulder carry. With room for 14 clubs, it provides ample organization and USB-C charging capabilities.

When traveling, the Golf Hardside 2 Wheeled Travel Case accommodates the Cart or Stand Bag with room to spare for additional apparel or accessories. The ultra-durable polycarbonate shell absorbs impact while the top and side grip handles make it easy to transport. Other highlights of the collection include the Golf Duffel, which also converts to a backpack, and the 3 Pack Golf Club Cover Set made to fit a Driver, Wood and Hybrid club – perfect for gifting with their premium packaging and monogrammable capabilities.

In a testament to TUMI’s ongoing commitment to providing quality products for the world’s top athletes, along with the launch of the Golf collection the brand has been named the “Official Luggage” of the PGA TOUR and the LPGA. The multiyear partnerships with the world’s premier golf organizations follow TUMI’s affiliation with other leading sporting groups such as Premier League club Tottenham Hotspur, McLaren Racing and the Professional Tennis Players Association.

Golf enthusiasts and TUMI fans alike can experience the full Golf collection from February 29 to March 3, 2024 at the LPGA Tour’s HSBC Women’s World Championship at the Sentosa Golf Club in Singapore. TUMI will be hosting its first-ever on-site experience at the tournament featuring product previews, VIP and influencer appearances, and additional on-site programming.

“We are thrilled to partner with the PGA TOUR and the LPGA to support their organizations and athletes in pursuit of excellence. With TUMI being an international lifestyle brand, we value these two global partnerships and it gives us great pleasure to be involved with the LPGA’s HSBC Women’s World Championship in Singapore, as well as other global events around the world in the future. We are committed to empowering our customers and athletes alike with the best in performance luxury wherever their journeys take them,” said Jill Krizelman, Senior Vice President of Global Marketing and eCommerce at TUMI.

Shop the new Golf collection at TUMI stores worldwide and at Keep up with TUMI on Instagram and Facebook.

About TUMI

Since 1975, TUMI has been creating world-class business, travel and performance luxury essentials, designed to upgrade, uncomplicate and beautify all aspects of life on the move. Blending flawless functionality with a spirit of ingenuity, we’re committed to empowering journeys as a lifelong partner to movers and makers in pursuit of their passions.

For more about TUMI, visit TUMI and TUMI logo are registered trademarks of Tumi, Inc. © 2024 Tumi, Inc.

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Yemen’s Health says Kamal Adwan Hospital being out of service war crime

Yemen’s Ministry of Public Health and Population on Thursday confirmed that the announcement by the administration of Kamal Adwan Hospital in the northern Gaza Strip that it would be out of service due to running out of fuel is a new Zionist war crime, condemning thousands of besieged and sick residents of the Strip to death.

In a statement, the Ministry held the American administration and the international community responsible for the catastrophe suffered by the Palestinian people in Gaza, especially in the northern Gaza Strip, as a result of their complicity with the Zionist entity in committing a war of genocide and starvation that history has never witnessed.

The statement denounced the systematic destruction of health infrastructure, targeting hospitals and medical staff, and denying medicine and treatment to thousands of patients, pointing out that whoever did not die from Zionist bombing and missiles would die of hunger or the lack of treatment or a hospital.

It called for the immediate opening of
all crossings to provide humanitarian assistance and urgent relief support to the residents of Gaza, and to quickly bring the leaders of the Zionist entity to trial, as they are war criminals.

The statement urged the free people of the world to take urgent action to press for the rapid introduction of fuel, medical equipment and medicines to all hospitals in the Gaza Strip, especially those in the north, as the disaster is very large, stressing that everyone who evades responsibility is an accomplice in the crimes, a negligent and a conspirator.

It renewed the readiness of the health sector in Yemen to provide hundreds of medical personnel, specialists, surgeons and nurses to support the health sector in Gaza if humanitarian corridors are allowed to be opened to the Gaza Strip.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Sana’a mayor visits National Coffee Auction, Sana’a Intel Coffee Exhibition

Mayor of the Capital Sana’a Hammoud Ubad has reviewed the preparations at the headquarters of the National Yemeni Coffee Auction, affiliated with the Coffee Unit of the Supreme Agricultural and Fisheries Committee, as part of the National Coffee Day activities.

The Mayor of the Capital listened to the explanation about the activities of the National Coffee Auction, its procedures, technical and technological equipment, and the mechanism for receiving participants in the auction, including producers, exporters, and coffee farmers, and its various stages as well as the mechanism for implementing the auction according to special standards that include transparency, integrity and accuracy to select samples of the best and finest types of coffee in Yemen.

The Coffee Unit of the Supreme Agricultural and Fisheries Committee Mohammed al-Qasimi pointed out that the national Yemeni coffee auction aims to market and promote the Yemeni coffee product, and improve its image locally and globally, as a marketing window fo
r this economic crop, and a real opportunity for Yemeni coffee farmers and exporters to build a fruitful relationship between the original homeland of coffee, ‘Yemen,’ and coffee lovers around the world, and opening New global markets for high-quality Yemeni coffee.

The visitors praised the level of equipment at the auction, the modern techniques it follows, and its activities to market Yemeni coffee abroad, which contribute to restoring the world’s confidence in this crop and its reputation.

They called for everyone’s to spread community awareness of coffee culture and promote coffee as a national historical and national heritage for the Yemeni people.

Ubad also reviewed the progress of preparations for holding Sana’a International Coffee Exhibition in al-Sabeen Park, coinciding with the activities of the National Yemeni Coffee Day.

Source: Yemen News Agency

Hajjah.. Implementation of initiative to eliminate breeding sources of mosquitoes in Sharas discussed

A meeting in Hajjah Governorate on Thursday, chaired by the Director of the Health Office in the governorate, Dr. Ahmed Al-Kuhlani, discussed the implementation of a community initiative to get rid of mosquito breeding sources in Sharas district.

The meeting, which included the director of the health office in the district, Ahmed Al-Mahdali, program coordinators and health supervisors, reviewed the plan to implement initiatives to limit the spread of mosquitoes that transmit diseases and epidemics.

He also reviewed the 10-day campaign plan and the role of local councils and community committees in supporting the efforts of health workers, community health volunteers and health education.

He touched on the indicators of previous campaigns and the role of community initiatives in reducing malaria rates.

The Director of the Health Office in the province stressed the keenness to activate community and community initiatives to eliminate the breeding foci of mosquitoes that transmit diseases. He pointed to the
importance of coordinating efforts in implementing the initiative and supporting the efforts made in this aspect.

Source: Yemen News Agency