Ground-breaking New Study Quantifies ‘Opportunity Advantage’ of Premium Education Coupled with Citizenship Rights

LONDON, Feb. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Leading international wealth advisory firm Henley & Partners has published pioneering new research into how first-class education, combined with expanded global access rights, creates significant opportunity for the next generation, growing their global networks, maximizing their career prospects, earning potential, and economic mobility for greater success and prosperity across their lifetimes.

The Henley Opportunity Index, a proprietary new benchmarking tool showcased in the firm’s inaugural Henley Education Report, quantifies the impact and probability of success that a premium education coupled with additional residence rights and/or alternative citizenships acquired through investment migration, can have on preserving and growing multi-generational wealth.

The first-of-its-kind index evaluates and scores the world’s leading residence and citizenship by investment programs across six parameters, including premium education and employment opportunities, earning potential, career advancement, economic mobility, and livability to provide a benchmark for investors, entrepreneurs, and wealthy families to compare and identify locations that offer the best ecosystems for future generations to advance their careers and maximize their income potential.

Dominic Volek, Group Head of Private Clients at Henley & Partners, says both education and investment migration are ‘inter-generational enablers’ and this is the first study of its kind that attempts to measure the comparative advantage of this potent combination. “Successfully balancing wealth generation and opportunity creation are key characteristics of ascendant economies. Our index helps guide families on tailored investment migration strategies to clear pathways for their children and heirs to access the world’s best schooling, most lucrative job markets, and enhanced quality of life through the privileges and flexibility of alternative residence and citizenship by investment options that give them the right to study, live, work, and invest in countries of their choice.”

The cumulative value of global access and education

Using the comparative function of the Henley Opportunity Index, a Filipino family whose total opportunity score sits at just 23% in their home country, could raise the probability of success for the next generation to 82% by accessing residence rights in the US through the US EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program. Similarly, for a Vietnamese family on 24%, relocating to Switzerland through the Swiss Residence Program would increase their advantage to 85%, and for Nigerians with an opportunity score of just 14%, an investment in the Singapore Global Investor Program, which provides residence rights in the city state, would uplift their life chances by 65% to a remarkable 79%. Other investment options through the UAE Golden Visa and New Zealand’s new Active Investor Plus Visa could give youngsters from the west African nation an opportunity advantage of 63%, and 59%, respectively.

Similarly, for a South African family with Europe in their sights, investing in the Portugal Golden Residence Permit Program will realize compounded inter-generational benefits, as after five years of legal residence they can apply for citizenship, enabling them to live, work, or study anywhere in the EU. There are also notable gains in top-tier employment prospects (25/100 for South Africa versus 47 for Portugal — an 88% leap), and high livability (South Africa scores 40 and Portugal 61 — a 53% improvement), but the biggest advantage would be the dramatic increase in economic mobility (South Africa scores just 17/100 compared to Portugal’s 74 — an astonishing 335% enhancement).

As Tess Wilkinson, Director of Henley & Partners Education, points out in the report, education alone cannot guarantee opportunities in the future job market. “Investing in your child’s education is universally acknowledged as one of the best ways to set them up for success later in life, with multiple studies showing that those with tertiary qualifications earn around 50% more. However, economic research also shows over two-thirds of income variation between individuals globally is simply attributable to which country they live and work in. So, combining world-class academics with related residence or citizenship rights to access those lucrative job markets is key.”

According to exclusive research conducted for the report by Dr. José Caballero, Senior Economist at the IMD World Competitiveness Center in Switzerland, the cumulative effect of investment migration arises from the fact that the programs enable parents to migrate their children through permanent settlement. “In doing so, parents can provide greater education and professional opportunities without the hassles that acquiring a student and/or postgraduate visa entails. Those opportunities include access to premium primary and secondary education, greater opportunities for professional development, to live in an environment with a high quality of life, higher income prospects, and easier mobility across borders. Such access and opportunities facilitate the sustainability of family prosperity through greater probabilities of wealth creation and preservation by empowering the next generation with a more robust set of skills and capacities.”

Read the Full Press Release

Media Contact

Sarah Nicklin
Group Head of PR
Mobile: +27 72 464 8965

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000913268

Ground-breaking New Study Quantifies ‘Opportunity Advantage’ of Premium Education Coupled with Citizenship Rights

LONDON, Feb. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Leading international wealth advisory firm Henley & Partners has published pioneering new research into how first-class education, combined with expanded global access rights, creates significant opportunity for the next generation, growing their global networks, maximizing their career prospects, earning potential, and economic mobility for greater success and prosperity across their lifetimes.

The Henley Opportunity Index, a proprietary new benchmarking tool showcased in the firm’s inaugural Henley Education Report, quantifies the impact and probability of success that a premium education coupled with additional residence rights and/or alternative citizenships acquired through investment migration, can have on preserving and growing multi-generational wealth.

The first-of-its-kind index evaluates and scores the world’s leading residence and citizenship by investment programs across six parameters, including premium education and employment opportunities, earning potential, career advancement, economic mobility, and livability to provide a benchmark for investors, entrepreneurs, and wealthy families to compare and identify locations that offer the best ecosystems for future generations to advance their careers and maximize their income potential.

Dominic Volek, Group Head of Private Clients at Henley & Partners, says both education and investment migration are ‘inter-generational enablers’ and this is the first study of its kind that attempts to measure the comparative advantage of this potent combination. “Successfully balancing wealth generation and opportunity creation are key characteristics of ascendant economies. Our index helps guide families on tailored investment migration strategies to clear pathways for their children and heirs to access the world’s best schooling, most lucrative job markets, and enhanced quality of life through the privileges and flexibility of alternative residence and citizenship by investment options that give them the right to study, live, work, and invest in countries of their choice.”

The cumulative value of global access and education

Using the comparative function of the Henley Opportunity Index, a Filipino family whose total opportunity score sits at just 23% in their home country, could raise the probability of success for the next generation to 82% by accessing residence rights in the US through the US EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program. Similarly, for a Vietnamese family on 24%, relocating to Switzerland through the Swiss Residence Program would increase their advantage to 85%, and for Nigerians with an opportunity score of just 14%, an investment in the Singapore Global Investor Program, which provides residence rights in the city state, would uplift their life chances by 65% to a remarkable 79%. Other investment options through the UAE Golden Visa and New Zealand’s new Active Investor Plus Visa could give youngsters from the west African nation an opportunity advantage of 63%, and 59%, respectively.

Similarly, for a South African family with Europe in their sights, investing in the Portugal Golden Residence Permit Program will realize compounded inter-generational benefits, as after five years of legal residence they can apply for citizenship, enabling them to live, work, or study anywhere in the EU. There are also notable gains in top-tier employment prospects (25/100 for South Africa versus 47 for Portugal — an 88% leap), and high livability (South Africa scores 40 and Portugal 61 — a 53% improvement), but the biggest advantage would be the dramatic increase in economic mobility (South Africa scores just 17/100 compared to Portugal’s 74 — an astonishing 335% enhancement).

As Tess Wilkinson, Director of Henley & Partners Education, points out in the report, education alone cannot guarantee opportunities in the future job market. “Investing in your child’s education is universally acknowledged as one of the best ways to set them up for success later in life, with multiple studies showing that those with tertiary qualifications earn around 50% more. However, economic research also shows over two-thirds of income variation between individuals globally is simply attributable to which country they live and work in. So, combining world-class academics with related residence or citizenship rights to access those lucrative job markets is key.”

According to exclusive research conducted for the report by Dr. José Caballero, Senior Economist at the IMD World Competitiveness Center in Switzerland, the cumulative effect of investment migration arises from the fact that the programs enable parents to migrate their children through permanent settlement. “In doing so, parents can provide greater education and professional opportunities without the hassles that acquiring a student and/or postgraduate visa entails. Those opportunities include access to premium primary and secondary education, greater opportunities for professional development, to live in an environment with a high quality of life, higher income prospects, and easier mobility across borders. Such access and opportunities facilitate the sustainability of family prosperity through greater probabilities of wealth creation and preservation by empowering the next generation with a more robust set of skills and capacities.”

Read the Full Press Release

Media Contact

Sarah Nicklin
Group Head of PR
Mobile: +27 72 464 8965

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000913268

‫الجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة ومؤسسة سوي تطلقان أكاديمية بلوكتشين لتأسيس الجيل القادم من منشئي تكنولوجيا الويب 3.00

Sharjah, UAE, Feb. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  أعلنت مؤسسة سوي، وهي منصة من المستوى الأول للحوسبة اللامركزية، عن دخولها في شراكة مع الجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة لإطلاق أكاديمية سويالجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة خلال حفل خاص أقيم مؤخرًا في الجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة، لتوفير فرص لمئات المطورين الطموحين للتعرف على أحدث تقنيات سلسلة الكتلالبلوكتشينوتطويرها في المنطقة.

تعمل الأكاديمية الجديدة تحت المركز متعدد التخصصات لريادة الأعمال والابتكار والتنمية المستدامة في كلية إدارة الأعمال في الجامعة، بما يؤكد على التزام الأكاديمية بالتطوير التكنولوجي المسؤول والمؤثر. وتعد هذه المبادرة جزءًا من أهداف إمارة الشارقة المتمثلة في التحول إلى مركز إقليمي للتعليم والبحوث خاصةً في مجال التكنولوجيا وتقنية البلوكتشين .

وقال الدكتور تود لورسن، مدير الجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة: “إن إنشاء هذه الأكاديمية سيوفر للطلبة رؤى متنوعة حول الموضوعات المعاصرة والمستقبلية التي تمكنهم من التعامل مع المواضيع الرائجة والتقنيات المستقبلية الأساسية، وتزودهم بالمهارات والمعارف اللازمة للنجاح في المشهد المستقبلي المتطور“.

وتتوافق الشراكة بين مؤسسة سوي، والتي شهدت نموًا كبيرًا منذ إنشائها قبل تسعة أشهر، والجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة مع الخلفيات الأكاديمية العميقة للقادة في نظام مؤسسة سوي البيئي وما حوله، حيث يتمتع الدكتور جريج سيورونيس، المدير العام لمؤسسة مؤسسة سوي، بخبرة عميقة في المزج بين المساعي الأكاديمية وريادة الأعمال، بما في ذلك حصوله على درجة الدكتوراه في الاقتصاد من كلية لندن للأعمال وجوائزمرموقة لعمله في الاقتصاد. أما جورج دانيزيس، كبير العلماء والمؤسس المشارك لشركةميستين لابس“، فهو أستاذ في الهندسة الأمنية والخصوصية في جامعة كوليدج لندن. كما حصل كل من المؤسسين الشريكين كوستاس تشالكياس، مصمم التشفير ومنشئزد كي لوغين“، وسام بلاكشير، مبتكر لغة العقود الذكيةموف“، على درجة الدكتوراه في مجالات التكنولوجيا الخاصة بهما.

وكانت مؤسسة سوي قد أطلقت سابقًا العديد من المبادرات التعليمية مثل إنشاء برنامج يركز على تكنولوجيا الويب 3.00 في معهد ويلر للأعمال والتنمية في كلية لندن للأعمال، وخصصت 400,000 دولار لجوائز مؤسسة سوي للأبحاث الأكاديمية وزعت على خمسة عشر جامعة حول العالم، وأنشأت منهج تكنولوجيا الويب 3.00 الرائدة الجديدة لطلبة المدارس الثانوية والتي ظهرت لأول مرة في عام 2023 في مدرسة كوستياس جيتوناس الثانوية في اليونان.

وقال الدكتور سيورونيس: “إن إنشاء أكاديمية بلوكتشين سيزود الجيل القادم من المطورين وقادة العالم بالمعارف التي يحتاجونها لإنشاء تكنولوجيا الويب
3.0 وتطويرها من أجل مواجهة التحديات العالمية. إن رؤية هذه الأكاديمية وهي تتكون وتتحول إلى حقيقة يجعلني أشعر بالفخر بشكل خاص في ظل الدور الفعال والمهم الذي سوف تلعبه هذه المنطقة في مجال الابتكار التكنولوجي“.

أسست مؤسسة سوي الشراكة الحالية بمساعدة شريكها الاستراتيجي في المنطقةغاف لابزالذي تحدث شريكها المؤسس فراس الصادق عن هذه الشراكة قائلًا: “يسعدنا أن نلعب دورًا محوريًا في إنشاء هذه المبادرة المتميزة. سوف تمهد أكاديمية بلوكتشين الطريق للأجيال القادمة لإثراء وإفادة الصناعة والمنطقة ككل“.

حول مؤسسة سوي:

مؤسسة سوي هي منصة أولى من نوعها من المستوى الأول في سلسلة البلوكتشين والعقود الذكية، تم تصميمها من الأسفل إلى الأعلى لجعل ملكية الأصول الرقمية سريعة وخاصة وآمنة ومتاحة للجميع. يُمكّن نموذجها المرتكز على النطاقات والمعتمد على لغة البرمجةموف“، من التنفيذ المتوازي، وإتمام العمليات في ثوان ويضم أصولًا متنوعة عبر السلسلة. تدعم مؤسسة سوي   من خلال المعالجة والتخزين القابلين للتوسع أفقيًا، مجموعة واسعة من التطبيقات بسرعة وبتكلفة منخفضة. إن مؤسسة سوي تشكل قفزة في   تقنية البلوكتشين، ومنصة يمكن   للمبدعين والمطورين بناء تجارب مميزة عبر استخدامها السهل. لمعرفة المزيد عن مؤسسة سوي، زوروا الموقع الإلكتروني


حول الجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة

أنشأ صاحب السمو الشيخ الدكتور سلطان بن محمد القاسمي، عضو المجلس الأعلى حاكم الشارقة، الجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة عام 1997. وتوخى الشيخ سلطان في رؤيته للجامعة أن تكون مؤسسة تعليم عال متميزة على خلفية التاريخ الإسلامي وفي سياق تطلعات واحتياجات المجتمع المعاصر في الإمارات ومنطقة الخليج.

وتم تأسيس الجامعة على أسس متينة من مبادئ الجدارة والسمعة الأكاديمية العالمية. وأصبحت تمثل أفضل ما في مجال التدريس والبحث. وهي معتمدة دوليًا ومعترف بها من قبل أصحاب العمل في جميع أنحاء العالم لقيامها بتأهيل الخريجين المزودين بالمعرفة والمهارات اللازمة للقرن الواحد والعشرين.

ولا يتم تثمين طلبتنا من خلال النجاح الأكاديمي فقط، ولكن أيضاً من خلال المشاركة في أنشطة الحرم الجامعي الديناميكية وفي تجسيد مثلنا العليا من الانفتاح والتسامح والاحترام. وهذا المزيج من التفوق الأكاديمي وروح المجتمع يضمن أن تبقى الجامعة مقراً لأعضاء هيئة تدريس وطلاب على مستوى عالمي،

يسعون ليصبحوا مبتكرين ومفكرين ومساهمين وقادة المستقبل.


نبذة عن غاف لابس:

غاف لابس‘ (Ghaf Labs) شركةٌ استشاريَّةٌ رائدة في مجال البلوك تشين، تتَّخذ من الإمارات العربية المتحدة مقرَّاً لها، وتركِّز على تنمية وتعزيز الشركات الناشئة الديناميكية والمؤسَّسات الراسخة في مجال البلوك تشين. بصفتها الشركةَ الشقيقةَ لشركةغاف كابيتال بارتنرز‘ (Ghaf Capital Partnersتقدِّم غاف لابس خبراتها ومواردها لتوفير خدمات النموِّ والتسريع والخدمات الاستشارية والتشاورية لمنظومةِ تكنولوجيا البلوك تشين وشركاتها. تهدف غاف لابس إلى مساعدة الشركات على توسيع وجودها في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا، إلى جانب دعمها إذا لزم الأمر في تحقيق بصمة عالمية قوية، إذ يتحقَّق ذلك بالاستفادة من مختلف النُّظم البيئية المحلية والعالمية على حدِّ سواء. كما تستخدم غاف لابس شبكاتها الواسعة على الويب 2 والويبحيث تعملُ بمنزلة جسرٍ ثنائيٍّ لتبنِّي الخدمات.

Ghaf Capital | Ghaf Labs | LinkedIn

Media Contact: 

Hari Govindarajan
PR & Comms Specialist, Luna PR  

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000913453

American University of Sharjah and Sui Launch Blockchain Academy to Seed the Next Generation of web3 Builders

A major highlight in a series of academic initiatives, the new alliance will bring a cutting-edge blockchain education to the university and support further innovation of the technology.

Sharjah, UAE, Feb. 13, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) —  Sui, a Layer 1 platform for decentralized computation which has grown at a torrid pace since its inception nine months ago, announced it has partnered with American University of Sharjah (AUS) to establish the AUS-Sui Blockchain Academy, a brand new blockchain academy in one of the most well-regarded academic institutions in the region, creating opportunities for hundreds of aspiring developers to learn about and ultimately advance the state of the art of the technology.

The agreed upon AUS-Sui Blockchain Academy will operate under the auspices of the multidisciplinary Center of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Sustainable Development. This placement strategically aligns with entrepreneurship, innovation, and sustainability, underscoring the Academy’s dedication to responsible and impactful technological development.

The initiative is part of the Emirate of Sharjah’s objective of positioning itself as a regional hub for education and research—particularly in the field of technology and blockchain.

“The establishment of the AUS-Sui Blockchain Academy will provide students with invaluable insights into contemporary and future-oriented topics,” said Dr. Tod Laursen, Chancellor of American University of Sharjah. “It will empower them to engage with trending subjects and essential future technologies, equipping them with the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive in the evolving landscape of tomorrow.”

The partnership between Sui and AUS is directly aligned with the strong academic backgrounds of the leaders in and around the Sui ecosystem. Dr. Greg Siourounis, the Managing Director of the Sui Foundation has deep experience blending academic pursuits and entrepreneurship, including earning a PhD in Economics from the London Business School and top awards for his work in Economics. George Danezis, Chief Scientist and Co-Founder of Mysten Labs is a professor of security and privacy engineering at University College London. Likewise, co-founders Kostas Chalkias (notable cryptographer and creator of zkLogin) and Sam Blackshear (creator of the Move smart contract language) have both earned PhDs in their respective technology fields.

The Sui Foundation has also previously instituted several educational initiatives such as the establishment of a Web3-focused program at the Wheeler Institute for Business and Development at London Business School, the distribution of $400,000 in Sui Academic Research Awards (SARAs) to fifteen universities worldwide, and the establishment of a groundbreaking new web3 curriculum for high school students which debuted in 2023 at the Costeas Geitonas High School in Greece.

“The establishment of the AUS-Sui Blockchain Academy will provide the next generation of builders and world leaders with the knowledge they will need to create web3 technology that can address global challenges,” said Dr. Siourounis. “Seeing this academy come to life makes me particularly proud given the crucial role that this region is set to play in technological innovation.”

Sui established the current partnership with aid from its strategic partner in the region, Ghaf Labs, whose founder and managing partner, Feras Al Sadek, added, “We are extremely pleased to play a part in creating this historic initiative. The AUS-Sui Blockchain Academy will pave the way for future generations to enrich and benefit this industry and the region.”

About Sui
Sui is a first-of-its-kind Layer 1 blockchain and smart contract platform designed from the bottom up to make digital asset ownership fast, private, secure, and accessible to everyone. Its object-centric model, based on the Move programming language, enables parallel execution, sub-second finality, and rich on-chain assets. With horizontally scalable processing and storage, Sui supports a wide range of applications with unrivaled speed at low cost. Sui is a step-function advancement in blockchain and a platform on which creators and developers can build amazing, user-friendly experiences. Learn more:


About AUS
American University of Sharjah (AUS) was founded in 1997 by His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan Bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council of the United Arab Emirates and Ruler of Sharjah. Sheikh Sultan articulated his vision of a distinctive institution against the backdrop of Islamic history and in the context of the aspirations and needs of contemporary society in the UAE and the Gulf region.

Firmly grounded in principles of meritocracy and with a strong reputation for academic excellence, AUS has come to represent the very best in teaching and research, accredited internationally and recognized by employers the world over for creating graduates equipped with the knowledge, skills and drive to lead in the 21st century.

AUS values learners not driven only by academic success, but by those that embrace our dynamic campus life and embody our ideals of openness, tolerance and respect. This combination of academic excellence and community spirit ensures AUS is filled with world-class faculty and students, poised to become the innovators, thinkers, contributors and leaders of tomorrow.


About Ghaf Labs
Ghaf Labs is a premier blockchain consultancy and advisory firm based in the U.A.E, focused on cultivating and fostering dynamic start-ups and well-established enterprises in the blockchain domain. As the sister company of Ghaf Capital Partners, Ghaf Labs extends its expertise and resources to provide growth, acceleration, advisory, and consultancy services to the blockchain ecosystem and companies. Ghaf Labs aims to help companies expand their presence in the MENA region and if needed, also support them in achieving a strong global footprint. This is attained through tapping into various ecosystems both local and global. Ghaf Labs also utilises its vast Web2 and Web3 networks, acting as a bilateral bridge for the adoption of services.

Ghaf Capital | Ghaf Labs | LinkedIn

Media Contact: 

Hari Govindarajan
PR & Comms Specialist, Luna PR  

GlobeNewswire Distribution ID 1000913453

Sayyed Abdul-Malik to deliver speech at 7: 30 PM

Stay tuned for a speech by the leader of the revolution, Sayyed. Abdul-Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, on the anniversary of the martyrdom of President Saleh al-Samad.

This came in which he will address the latest developments at seven-thirty this evening.

Source: Yemen News Agency

MBRSG launches 3rd ‘Global Economic Diversification Index’ at WGS 2024

DUBAI: The Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government (MBRSG) has unveiled the third edition of the ‘Global Economic Diversification Index (EDI)’ at the 2024 World Governments Summit (WGS) during a pivotal session around ‘Shaping Future Governments’.

As a universally accepted economic diversification index, the Global EDI considers multiple dimensions, such as the diversification of economic activities, international trade patterns, and the composition of government revenues, to evaluate and rank countries based on the breadth of their economic diversification.

The 2024 Global EDI broadened its analysis to cover 112 countries, an increase from 105 in the previous year. The expanded analysis also extended from the year 2000 through to the COVID-19 affected years of 2020-2022, utilizing 25 publicly available quantitative indicators to measure countries’ economic diversification.

For the first time, the Index introduced three digital-trade specific indicators, leading to the creation of a revised trade subindex
named Trade+. This addition enables a more detailed examination of digital trade’s role in economic diversification, resulting in a new EDI+ score, which is calculated for the years 2010-2022, for a subset of 106 countries.

The inclusion of digital trade indicators marks a pivotal enhancement in the Index, reflecting the increasing importance of the digital economy in global trade and economic development.

2024 Global EDI key findings run as follows:

– The United States, China and Germany maintained their positions as the top three diversified economies.

– Western European nations accounted for almost two-thirds of the top 20 highly ranked nations.

– High-income nations dominated the top 30 diversified economies, with notable inclusions of upper-middle-income countries such as China, Mexico, Thailand, and the lower-middle-income country, India.

– The MENA region saw a significant reduction in its representation among the bottom 20 ranks, decreasing to 10% in 2022 from 25% in 2000.

– South Asian economi
es exhibited a substantial improvement in their economic diversification, particularly when digital trade was taken into account. This was evident in their Trade+ scores and the broader EDI+ rankings.

– Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, especially the UAE and Bahrain, have shown notable progress in their EDI scores, attributed to accelerated reforms post-pandemic, including technology sector investments, tax base expansions, trade liberalization, and regulatory improvements.

According to the report, the aftermath of COVID-19 may be more challenging for nations with lower rankings to improve their positions, considering the prolonged economic damage and reduced output caused by the pandemic, compounded by their already constrained fiscal capacities and pre-existing debt burdens.

However, it also highlighted the positive impacts of digital economy investments on trade diversification, especially in facilitating service exports. This suggests significant potential for commodity-producing countries to
enhance their economic diversification through digital technology adoption.

The Global EDI is designed to serve as a comprehensive policy tool, aiding governments in understanding and implementing successful diversification plans. By incorporating digital trade into its analysis, the EDI provides a more nuanced view of the global economic landscape, offering valuable insights for policymakers worldwide.

Through its Policy Research Department, the MBRSG strives to enrich government decision-making locally and internationally, offering primary data sets and evidence-based recommendations across various policy domains.

The full EDI report, including detailed findings, datasets, and interactive visualizations, is available on the EDI’s official website: The report, alongside hundreds of other research documents, can also be downloaded in both Arabic and English from the MBRSG’s policy research repository at

Source: Emirates News Agency